Top 346 responsive open source projects

Jquery Calendar
A responsive jquery calendar scheduler built with bootstrap and moment.js
oEmbed proxy. Supports over 1800 domains via custom parsers, oEmbed, Twitter Cards and Open Graph
A modern CSS framework for developing powerful web interfaces faster and easier.
Springboot v2
jQuery plugin to zoom and pan images, even those with a size that is a percentage of their container
💆🏻 Frizz free, context-aware, JavaScript modules
Lightweight, accessible and responsive lightbox.
curtains.js is a lightweight vanilla WebGL javascript library that turns HTML DOM elements into interactive textured planes.
RÖCSSTI : pour démarrer vos CSS avec la patate !
React Responsive Navbar
Nothing crazy, nothing flashy, just a simple, flexible & completely customisable responsive navigation bar component.
React Responsive Image
🖼️ A React responsive image component.
Materialdesign Login Register Forgot Html
3 Simple forms ( login , register , forgot password ), using beautifull material design components.
Passwordcockpit is a simple, free, open source, self hosted, web based password manager for teams. It is made in PHP, Javascript, MySQL and it run on a docker service. It allows users with any kind of device to safely store, share and retrieve passwords, certificates, files and much more.
a collection of packages to compile Tailwind CSS like shorthand syntax into CSS at runtime
Google Type
Collaborative typography project using select passages from Aesop's Fables set to Google Fonts
Alom is the lighest, simplest framework ever
Quick Free Bootstrap Theme
Free Bootstrap 4 Theme perfect for building responsive, mobile-first projects on the web suitable for businesses, startups, and agencies.
Plyr Mediaplayer (Video und Audio) im Front- und Backend
React Collapsing Table
react-collapsing-table: a React rewrite of the jQuery table plugin from "". Inspired by a lack of similar table behaviors, notably collapsibility and responsivity.
Vaadin Form Layout
The Web Component providing configurable responsive layout for form elements. Part of the Vaadin components.
Gantt Elastic
Gantt Chart [ javascript gantt chart, gantt component, vue gantt, vue gantt chart, responsive gantt, project manager , vue projects ]
Angular2 Carousel
An lightweight , touchable and responsive library to create a carousel for angular 2 / 4 / 5
Consul Conf
🐳 Consul.conf provides responsive web interface for managing configuration of your services in Consul key-value storage through beautiful and customizable dashboards, distributed as a lightweight Docker image.
Beverage Starter Flow
Simple Example Web Application for Vaadin Flow
Adaptation of ModularAdmin for Osticket v.1.11
Jet Bridge
Jet Bridge – Admin Panel Framework for your application
A small CSS library for adding responsive frames (mobile device, desktop computer, or browser toolbar) to images
Library of modular front end components.
Django Admin Bootstrap
Responsive Theme for Django Admin With Sidebar Menu
Bootstrap Email
Bootstrap 4 (and soon 5) stylesheet, compiler, and inliner for responsive and consistent emails with the Bootstrap syntax you know and love.
Priority Navigation
Javascript implementation for Priority+ Navigation — no dependencies
React Sizes
↔️ Hoc to easily map window sizes to props.
Django Admin Interface
django's default admin interface made customizable. popup windows replaced by modals. :mage: ⚡️
Pure Javascript lightbox with mobile support. It can handle images, videos with autoplay, inline content and iframes
Hugo Tranquilpeak Theme
A gorgeous responsive theme for Hugo blog framework
A group of plugins for responsive tables.
A tool for testing responsive websites crazy-fast
Flex Layout
Provides HTML UI layout for Angular applications; using Flexbox and a Responsive API
Pro Sidebar Template
Responsive sidebar template based on bootstrap
Waffle Grid
An easy to use flexbox grid system.
Hugo Theme Hello Friend
Pretty basic theme for Hugo that covers all of the essentials. All you have to do is start typing!
React Native Fit Image
Responsive image component to fit perfectly itself.
Continuously responsive typesetting — Demo:
Responsive Tabs
Responsive Tabs is a jQuery plugin that provides responsive tab functionality. The tabs transform to an accordion when it reaches a CSS breakpoint. You can use this plugin as a solution for displaying tabs elegantly on desktop, tablet and mobile.
A jQuery Single/Multi Select plugin which can be used on almost any device
Responsive Html Email Signature
Template generator for (responsive) emails & email signatures ✨
Gulp Responsive
gulp-responsive generates images at different sizes
Easily make Flutter apps responsive. Automatically adapt UI to different screen sizes. Responsiveness made simple. Demo:
121-180 of 346 responsive projects