Top 462 ci open source projects

Jmeter Elasticsearch Backend Listener
JMeter plugin that lets you send sample results to an ElasticSearch engine to enable live monitoring of load tests.
Changelog Ci
Changelog CI is a GitHub Action that generates changelog, Then the changelog is committed and/or commented to the release Pull request.
Cloudflare Purge Action
🗑️ GitHub Action to purge a website's cache via the Cloudflare API
Action Maven Publish
📦 GitHub Action for automatically publishing Maven packages
Kube Score
Kubernetes object analysis with recommendations for improved reliability and security
Terraform Security Scan
Run a security scan on your terraform with the very nice
Simple docker-based continuous integration system
K8s Config Projector
Create Kubernetes ConfigMaps from configuration files
Flow Core X
Powerful and user-friendly CI / CD server with high availability, parallel build, agent scaling
Bitrise android
Unofficial Bitrise client for Android
Npm Cache Resource
Concourse resource for caching dependencies
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It is metacontroller and more
Abs cd
CI/CD for the Arch build system with webinterface.
Kubernetes deployment utility
🐙🛠️ Open-source self-hosted solution for managing multiple deployments in a Kubernetes cluster with a user-friendly web interface.
Automatic Release
Automates the release process for GitHub projects.
Display Clojurescript builds using D3
Xcode Server And Continuous Integration Guide In Chinese
《Xcode Server and Continuous Integration Guide》官方文档中文版
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A Terraform module for hosting your own runner for CI/CD on Digital Ocean to run jobs in your GitHub Actions workflows. 🚀
Action Ros Ci
Github Action to build and test ROS 2 packages using colcon
自用的安卓开源项目工程模板。阿里云远程仓库加速,发布到maven仓库、上传到jcenter,代码混淆、资源混淆,持续集成(CI),多渠道自动打包。在天朝使用jcenter、mavenCentral及google三个远程仓库,Gradle Sync太慢?一招教你配置阿里云镜像源。init.d/init.gradle
Drone Vault
Drone plugin for integrating with the Vault secrets manager
Displays CI statuses on a dashboard and triggers fun modules representing the status!
Condition Circle
Checks CircleCI environment before publishing successful build using semantic-release
A new build tool optimized for local + remote development
IceCI is a continuous integration system designed for Kubernetes from the ground up.
Chinese Poetry
The most comprehensive database of Chinese poetry 🧶最全中华古诗词数据库, 唐宋两朝近一万四千古诗人, 接近5.5万首唐诗加26万宋诗. 两宋时期1564位词人,21050首词。
Make continuous deployment delightful. Deploy and preview your apps for each pull request with Plek. 🇳🇱
🙂angela (安其拉):react ssr router redux; react同构框架
Chn Eolinker Ams Lite 4.0 For Php
中国最大的在线API管理平台EOLINKER 旗下API管理系统开源精简版,适合个人以及微型团队使用。
goci is a command-line tool for checking the code quality of Go locally.
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Async Kuberenetes Namespace Log Recorder / Streamer
Release Notary
App to just generate release notes.
🐳 📡 Docker way of running SonarQube + any DB
Owasp Zap Glue Ci Images
Ready to use images of Zap and Glue, especially for CI integration.
Golang Ci Template Github Actions
example for golang project using github actions
The easiest way to start a new application project without any manual configuration
Splits the testing in Go into a subset and run it. It is useful for the CI environment.
Orbital is a self-hosted CI system for solo/small consulting dev teams. Written in Rust.
Docker Jenkins
Jenkins with Blue Ocean and support for builiding jobs in Docker
An open source, Infrastructure-as-Code cloud platform with built-in CI and local development environment.
Azure Pipelines Template
template for your azure pipelines
Salty Whales
Extra ordinary Docker images for Salt. Whales love Salt.
Test all the CloudFormation things! (with TaskCat)
Super Linter
Combination of multiple linters to install as a GitHub Action
Containerize your development and continuous integration environments. 🥂
Captain - Convert your Git workflow to Docker 🐳 containers
Gg Shield
Detect secret in source code, scan your repo for leaks. Find secrets with GitGuardian and prevent leaked credentials. GitGuardian is an automated secrets detection & remediation service.
Abstruse is a free and open-source CI/CD platform that tests your models and code.
Modern Cpp Template
A template for modern C++ projects using CMake, Clang-Format, CI, unit testing and more, with support for downstream inclusion.