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Top 6721 deep-learning open source projects

Tensorflow Deep Learning
All course materials for the Zero to Mastery Deep Learning with TensorFlow course.
Point Transformer Pytorch
Implementation of the Point Transformer layer, in Pytorch
Cyclegan Music Style Transfer
Symbolic Music Genre Transfer with CycleGAN
Pytorch 3d Point Cloud Generation
Pytorch code to construct a 3D point cloud model from single RGB image.
📸 PyTorch implementation of MobileNetV3 for real-time semantic segmentation, with pretrained weights & state-of-the-art performance
Implementation of Bayesian Recurrent Neural Networks by Fortunato et. al
Deep Reinforcement Learning Gym
Deep reinforcement learning model implementation in Tensorflow + OpenAI gym
Softmax variants
PyTorch code for softmax variants: center loss, cosface loss, large-margin gaussian mixture, COCOLoss, ring loss
An NLP library for the Urdu language. It comes with a lot of battery included features to help you process Urdu data in the easiest way possible.
Keras Arcface
Keras implementation of ArcFace, CosFace, and SphereFace
Neuralet is an open-source platform for edge deep learning models on edge TPU, Jetson Nano, and more.
Image Dataset Tool (idt) is a cli tool designed to make the otherwise repetitive and slow task of creating image datasets into a fast and intuitive process.
Yolo Tf
TensorFlow implementation of the YOLO (You Only Look Once)
Image To Image Search
A reverse image search engine powered by elastic search and tensorflow
DeepSleepNet: a Model for Automatic Sleep Stage Scoring based on Raw Single-Channel EEG
Traffic Sign Detection
Traffic Sign Detection. Code for the paper entitled "Evaluation of deep neural networks for traffic sign detection systems".
OpenL3: Open-source deep audio and image embeddings
Human Pose Estimation.pytorch
The project is an official implement of our ECCV2018 paper "Simple Baselines for Human Pose Estimation and Tracking("
Biggan Pytorch
The author's officially unofficial PyTorch BigGAN implementation.
Sppnet Pytorch
A simple Spatial Pyramid Pooling layer which could be added in CNN
RadIO is a library for data science research of computed tomography imaging
Graph Representation Learning
Autoencoders for Link Prediction and Semi-Supervised Node Classification (DSAA 2018)
Ml Lessons
Intro to deep learning for medical imaging lesson, by
Bmxnet V2
BMXNet 2: An Open-Source Binary Neural Network Implementation Based on MXNet
Go Tflite
Go binding for TensorFlow Lite
A PyTorch Graph Neural Network Library
Auto Reid And Others
Auto-ReID and Other Person Re-Identification Projects
Sequential Imagenet Dataloader
A plug-in replacement for DataLoader to load ImageNet disk-sequentially in PyTorch.
S Vae Tf
Tensorflow implementation of Hyperspherical Variational Auto-Encoders
Stock Selection A Framework
This project demonstrates how to apply machine learning algorithms to distinguish "good" stocks from the "bad" stocks.
Atari Model Zoo
A binary release of trained deep reinforcement learning models trained in the Atari machine learning benchmark, and a software release that enables easy visualization and analysis of models, and comparison across training algorithms.
Amazing Machine Learning Opensource 2019
Amazing Machine Learning Open Source Tools and Projects for the Past Year (v.2019)
Keras Unet
Helper package with multiple U-Net implementations in Keras as well as useful utility tools helpful when working with image semantic segmentation tasks. This library and underlying tools come from multiple projects I performed working on semantic segmentation tasks
A lightweight, scalable, and general framework for visual question answering research
Seismic Deeplearning
Deep Learning for Seismic Imaging and Interpretation
A library for doing homomorphic encryption operations on tensors
人像卡通化探索项目 (photo-to-cartoon translation project)
Multimodal Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation
ClearML - Auto-Magical CI/CD to streamline your ML workflow. Experiment Manager, MLOps and Data-Management
A TensorFlow implementation of Multi-digit Number Recognition from Street View Imagery using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (
Python Torchfile
Deserialize Lua torch-serialized objects from Python
Keras Acgan
Auxiliary Classifier Generative Adversarial Networks in Keras
Accelerate Neural Net Training by Progressively Freezing Layers
Dgl Lifesci
Python package for graph neural networks in chemistry and biology
Vector AI — A platform for building vector based applications. Encode, query and analyse data using vectors.
361-420 of 6721 deep-learning projects