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Top 859 docker-compose open source projects

Ci Samples
Sample configurations for various CI systems.
Docker Serveo Server is an alternative for ngrok. taichunmin/serveo-server can let you host your own serveo. And taichunmin/serveo can let you secure URL to your localhost server through any NAT or firewall in Docker.
Docker Flarum
Flarum Docker image based on Alpine Linux
Twint Search
Explore tweets gathered with Twint with faceted search
Up and running with small Docker environments
DevOps with Docker course by the University of Helsinki, Course material
Big Album Art
[RETIRED] A Flask app to display almost-fullscreen album art for your currently playing Spotify songs. Enjoy the visuals!
Magento2 Varnish Redis Ssl Docker Compose
Deploy Magento2 with Varnish Cache and Redis with SSL termination using Docker-compose tool
🔥使用Vue全家桶 + Egg + Mongodb 写的个人网站博客。使用docker compose 一键部署。(最近比较忙,部署还有点问题,后期补上)
Misago docker
Setup Misago forum on your server with HTTPS and backups in 15 minutes with minimal effort.
Pre-Built Vulnerable Environments Based on Docker-Compose
Docker Mediawiki
🐳 Dockerized Femiwiki's mediawiki server
Onec Cicd
😎 CI-стенд для 1С:Предприятие 8.3.
Docker Compose Nats Cluster
A three-node NATS cluster running on top of Docker Compose for testing purposes.
[unmaintained] A Containerized Seedbox with Embedded Media Player
Free and open-source face recognition system from Exadel
Docker Compose Grafana Influxdb
Demonstration scripts for running Grafana with InfluxDB as datasource.
Docker Compose Nodejs Examples
Finally some real world examples on getting started with Docker Compose and Nodejs
Example Api
A base API project to bootstrap and prototype quickly.
Docker Dev
Development tools for Docker
Substitua instruções de serviços por operações de contêineres
Docker Taiga
Docker container for Taiga
🏃→🎼 docker run asdlksjfksdf > docker-composerize up
Dockerized lara
Build your Laravel App with Redis - Mongodb - MariaDB - Nginx - php7 - zsh
Vj4 Docker
Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml for vijos/vj4.
Unifi Docker
Unifi Controller Docker image and compose
Ngx mruby Package Builder
Package Builder of ngx_mruby with Docker
Plataforma para encontrar os links das aulas virtuais gravadas.
Notmail bot
Telegram bot that acts as an email client
Wsl Docker Git Setup
Shell script to configure Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) & Ubuntu on Windows to use docker and docker-compose as well as a git-enabled prompt
Fastapi Realworld Example App
Backend logic implementation for with awesome FastAPI
Gitlab Docker Letsencrypt
Gitlab CE + Docker Compose + Let's Encrypt (auto generate/renew)
Laravel Docker Elasticsearch
This is a simple repo for practicing elasticsearch with laravel and docker.
🐳 Elastic Stack (ELK) on Docker, with preconfigured Security, Tools, Self-Monitoring, and Prometheus Metrics. Up with a Single Command.
Strapi Docker
Install and run your first Strapi project using Docker
Aria2 Pro Docker
Aria2 Pro | A perfect Aria2 Docker image | 更好用的 Aria2 Docker 容器镜像
Docker Compose Files
Some typical docker compose templates.
Docker Host
A docker sidecar container to forward all traffic to local docker host or any other host
Go from Docker Compose to Kubernetes
CLI gives the "native" interaction with applications configured with Docker Compose.
Docker Compose for Node projects with Node, MySQL, Redis, MongoDB, NGINX, Apache2, Memcached, Certbot and RabbitMQ images
Vue Koa Demo
🔰A simple full stack demo(CSR & SSR & Docker Support) written by Vue2 & Koa2(Koa1 verson also completed)
This repo contains a sample application based on a Garage Management System for Pitstop - a fictitious garage. The primary goal of this sample is to demonstrate several software-architecture concepts like: Microservices, CQRS, Event Sourcing, Domain Driven Design (DDD), Eventual Consistency.
🍿 The all-in-one alternative for Sonarr, Radarr, Jackett... with a VPN and running in docker
Opinionated rails application templates.
Docker Handbook Projects
Project codes used in "The Docker Handbook"
🛡 The independent, comprehensive directory of filter and host lists for advertisements, trackers, malware, and annoyances.
Netbox Docker
🐳 Docker Image of NetBox
Clean Ts Api
API em NodeJs usando Typescript, TDD, Clean Architecture, Design Patterns e SOLID principles
Vue Blog
A single-user blog built with vue2, koa2 and mongodb which supports Server-Side Rendering
241-300 of 859 docker-compose projects