Top 215 drag-and-drop open source projects

Vue Drag And Drop Kanban
A simple kanban board where the items can be dragged and dropped from the list. This is a hybrid implementation of vue-smooth-dnd.
Angular File Uploader
Angular file uploader is an Angular 2/4/5/6/7/8/9/10 + file uploader module with Real-Time Progress Bar, Responsive design, Angular Universal Compatibility, localization and multiple themes which includes Drag and Drop and much more.
React Workspaces
The ultimate react workspace and panel management system.
An Elegant Neural Network User Interface to build drag-and-drop neural networks, train in the browser, visualize during training, and export to Python.
Responsive Drag-&-Drop Event Calendar Library for Web, Mobile Sites, Android, iOS & Windows Phone
A new WYSIWYG editing experience for the modern web
Web Editor
Angular Filepond
🔌 A handy FilePond adapter component for Angular
React Dropzone
Simple HTML5 drag-drop zone with React.js.
Dragtodismiss Pangesture
仿微信,微博的大图查看和视频播放 拖拽消失的手势动画。手势单独已抽离出来,可用于任何视图。Simulate Wechat's disappeared gesture animation by dragging when the big picture viewing or video playback . Gestures are separated and can be used in any view
Yii2 Sortable Widgets
🍨 Rubaxa/Sortable for Yii2
React Movable
🔀 Drag and drop for your React lists and tables. Accessible. Tiny.
Vuetify Draggable Treeview
Vuetify draggable v-treeview component
React Flow Chart
A flexible, stateless, declarative flow chart library for react.
𝌕 Visual component-based content editor for React
Django Starcross Gallery
Django Gallery app with justified image layout, infinite scrolling and drag & drop support
Kanban React
The Kanban Application with multiple backend languages.
Ng2 Dnd
Angular 2 Drag-and-Drop without dependencies
A self-hosted drag-and-drop, nosql yet fully-featured file-scanning server.
A super tiny Javascript library to make DOM elements draggable and movable. ~500 bytes and no dependencies.
Konva.js is an HTML5 Canvas JavaScript framework that extends the 2d context by enabling canvas interactivity for desktop and mobile applications.
React Fine Uploader
Easily integrate Fine Uploader or Fine Uploader S3 into a React app. Drop-in high-level components for a turn-key UI. Use small focused components to build a more custom UI.
Android Advancedrecyclerview
RecyclerView extension library which provides advanced features. (ex. Google's Inbox app like swiping, Play Music app like drag and drop sorting)
React Beautiful Dnd
Beautiful and accessible drag and drop for lists with React
Reorderable drag-and-drop lists for modern browsers and touch devices. No jQuery or framework required.
➰SlideAndDragListView (SDLV) is an extension of the Android ListView that enables slide and drag-and-drop reordering of list items.
Ngx Dnd
🕶 Drag, Drop and Sorting Library for Angular2 and beyond!
Vue Grid Layout
A draggable and resizable grid layout, for Vue.js.
Angular Shoppingcart
ShoppingCart (Ecommerce) 🛒 Application using Angular10, Firebase, PWA, Drag&Drop, Materialized Bootstrap and i18n 🚀🔥👨‍💻
This component allows for the transfer of data items between collection views through drag and drop
Kotlin Android library that extends RecyclerView to support gestures like drag & drop and swipe, among others. It works with vertical, horizontal and grid lists.
Vue Drag Drop
A lightweight Vue wrapper that abstracts away the wonkier parts of the Drag and Drop Browser API
React Sortable Tree
Drag-and-drop sortable component for nested data and hierarchies
Drag and drop source/target for X
🦄 Vue components for modifying lists with the HTML5 drag & drop API.
Dragon Drop
Accessible drag and drop list reorder module
H5 Dooring
H5 Page Maker, H5 Editor, LowCode. Make H5 as easy as building blocks. | 让H5制作像搭积木一样简单, 轻松搭建H5页面, H5网站, PC端网站,LowCode平台.
🚀 A React Framework for building extensible drag and drop page editors
CxJS - Advanced JavaScript UI framework for admin and dashboard applications with ready to use grid, form and chart components.
A multi-tab layout manager
Brick Design
Drag and drop between your apps in split view mode on iOS 9
61-120 of 215 drag-and-drop projects