Top 455 js open source projects

51. Webassembly Examples
From Simple To Complex. A complete collection of webassembly examples.
52. Wechatapp Netease cloudmusic
53. Crack Js Spider
54. Osiris
An Electron based desktop application for generating components, building pages, and storing them in a UI library.
55. Fake Terminal Website
A fully customizable terminal-like website template
56. Wechat Robot
✅ js微信聊天机器人(使用个人账号,非公众号) Wechat chat robot write by js.
57. Jswebview
✭ 171
58. Snowflakes
❄️ Snowflakes in JavaScript
60. Blink Mind
Fully customizable mindmap framework for react.js. 支持插件的,可被完全定制的思维导图库,基于react.js和immutable.js。
61. Seotopper
Complete SEO generator with all meta-tags including JSON-LD, build your Seo in seconds.
62. Vue Backtotop
A Back-to-top component for Vue.js, which scroll page to the top when clicked
63. Jsshell
JSshell - JavaScript reverse/remote shell
64. Webpack2
基于webpack2和vue.js2构建饿了么多页面应用 🌹
66. Gweb
Interact with browser from Go. Manually-crafted WebAPI interoperation library.
67. Awesome Reactive Programming
A repository for sharing all the resources available on Reactive Programming and Reactive Systems
68. Ofd.js
✭ 160
69. Lucky Canvas
🌼🌼🌼 使用 TypeScript + 原生 Canvas 封装的 JS 抽奖插件【大转盘 / 九宫格】🚀 并内置了一个微型的响应式来处理异步数据渲染,🌈 一套源码适配多端框架 js / jq / vue / react / taro / uni-app / 微信小程序等等...
70. Postgres Migrations
🐦 A Stack Overflow-inspired PostgreSQL migration library with strict ordering and immutable migrations
72. Darkside
Tool Information Gathering & social engineering Write By [Python,JS,PHP]
74. Unfx Proxy Checker
Unfx Proxy Checker - Powerful proxy checker with huge features and beautiful design. Easy sorting and filtering by all parameters.
75. Creative Computing
This is the Hacktoberfest first contribution website of CCS
76. Time To Leave
Log work hours and get notified when it's time to leave the office and start to live.
77. Webpages To Ebook
Create an EPUB from a list of URLs. Standing on the shoulders of Wget, Readability and Pandoc.
78. Google Translate
🈯 A Node.JS library to consume Google Translate API for free.
79. Ymple Ecommerce
Node js E-commerce Framework powered with Sails.js & Node.js as an Ecommerce Platform Shop Solution
80. Pul
PÜL - A carpooling app designed for students to help each other get more involved in their community.
81. Cover Image Generator
📕 Generate a cover image for your blog post 📝
82. H Blog
js, javascript, blog, typescript, node, koa...
83. Vue Simple Photoswipe
A picture preview plugin based on Vue
84. Cpage.js
85. Bwb
A basic webpage builder
✭ 146
86. Front End Do Zero
🎢 Um guia de estudos acessível para se tornar desenvolvedor front-end.
87. Simple Code
88. Gatsby Starter Delog
A blog for designers and developer, built with Gatsby and Netlfiy CMS. Live demo
89. Malgraph4
MALgraph: statistics service for users.
90. Fundcharts
91. Js Sql Parser
SQL(select) parser written with jison. parse SQL into abstract syntax tree(AST) and stringify back to SQL. sql grammar follows
92. Roadmap Web Developer 2017
Front-end (HTML5/CSS3/Javascript related) technologies to learn in 2017
93. Vue Pure Lightbox
Very simple lightbox plugin (without any dependencies) for Vuejs 🌅
94. Rust.js
Run your JavaScript apps backed by Rust
95. Creature webgl
2D Skeletal Animation WebGL Runtimes for Creature ( PixiJS, PhaserJS, ThreeJS, BabylonJS, Cocos Creator )
98. Node Lifx
Node.js implementation of the LIFX LAN protocol 💡
100. Mocha1995
☕️ The world's first JavaScript engine written in 1995 by Brendan Eich, now compiled back to JS and WASM!
51-100 of 455 js projects