Top 563 cache open source projects

全栈工程师学习笔记;Spring登录、shiro登录、CAS单点登录和Spring boot oauth2单点登录;Spring data cache 缓存,支持Redis和EHcahce; web安全,常见web安全漏洞以及解决思路;常规组件,比如redis、mq等;quartz定时任务,支持持久化数据库,动态维护启动暂停关闭;docker基本用法,常用image镜像使用,Docker-MySQL、docker-Postgres、Docker-nginx、Docker-nexus、Docker-Redis、Docker-RabbitMQ、Docker-zookeeper、Docker-es、Docker-zipkin、Docker-ELK等;mybatis实践、spring实践、spring boot实践等常用集成;基于redis的分布式锁;基于shared-jdbc的分库分表,支持原生jdbc和Spring Boot Mybatis
Cacheable Response
An HTTP compliant route path middleware for serving cache response with invalidation support.
Transparent and persistent cache/serialization powered by type hints
Caching made simple for Android and Java.
A Lightweight in-memory key:value cache library for Go.
Android Cache Fix Gradle Plugin
Gradle plugin to fix Android caching problems
Jstarcraft Core
目标是提供一个通用的Java核心编程框架,作为搭建其它框架或者项目的基础. 让相关领域的研发人员能够专注高层设计而不用关注底层实现. 涵盖了缓存,存储,编解码,资源,脚本,监控,通讯,事件,事务9个方面.
Golang Cache component - Multiple drivers
A high performance HTTP proxy cache server and RESTful NoSQL cache server based on HAProxy
Go Cache
This project encapsulates multiple db servers, redis、ledis、memcache、file、memory、nosql、postgresql
React Prerendered Component
🤔Partial hydration and caching in a pre-suspense era
Distributed cache and in-memory key/value data store. It can be used both as an embedded Go library and as a language-independent service.
Fragment Cache
WordPress plugin for partial and async caching.
Sequelize Transparent Cache
Simple to use and universal cache layer for Sequelize
Identity cache
IdentityCache is a blob level caching solution to plug into Active Record. Don't #find, #fetch!
Laravel Responsecache
Speed up a Laravel app by caching the entire response
Custom implement Android WebView cache, offline website, let cahe config more simple and flexible
Wp Spider Cache
Your friendly neighborhood caching solution for WordPress
A lightweight dependency-free library for fetching data over REST with React.
Meteor Service Worker
An universal service worker for meteor apps
Erlang in-memory cache
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Geocache is an in-memory cache that is suitable for geolocation based applications.
Pokeapi Js Wrapper
PokeAPI browser wrapper, fully async with built-in cache
A high performance Swift library for downloading, caching and editing web images asynchronously.
DMusic Player for Android - An online music player based on Component + MVP Base + MVP Customization + greenDAO + OkHttp3 + Retrofit + RxJava2; supports local and network music playback; can play Baidu music, Netease cloud music; support online music list , radio, MV, music online, download, local and online lyrics; Lyrics, music cache; self-built song list, song management, collection, sorting, sorting, skinning, sleep timing, mode switching, more settings, etc. 基于 Component + MVP Base + MVP Customization + greenDAO + OkHttp3 + Retrofit + RxJava2 的在线音乐播放器; 支持本地及网络音乐播放; 可播放百度音乐,网易云音乐; 支持在线音乐榜单, 电台, MV, 音乐在线播放,下载, 本地及在线歌词; 歌词, 音乐缓存; 自建歌单, 歌曲管理, 收藏, 排序, 分类, 换肤, 睡眠定时, 模式切换, 更多设置等
HTTP response caching for Koa. Supports Redis, in-memory store, and more!
A high-performance, caching Git LFS server with an AWS S3 and local storage back-end.
Data Store
Easily get, set and persist config data. Fast. Supports dot-notation in keys. No dependencies.
Guzzle Advanced Throttle
A Guzzle middleware that can throttle requests according to (multiple) defined rules. It is also possible to define a caching strategy, e.g. get the response from cache when the rate limit is exceeded or always get a cached value to spare your rate limits. Using wildcards in host names is also supported.
Lru Cache Node
A lighting fast cache manager for node with least-recently-used policy.
Cache Contracts
A set of cache abstractions extracted out of the Symfony components
Craft Blitz
Intelligent static page caching for creating lightning-fast sites with Craft CMS.
Spring extend componets which build from experience of bussiness, let developers to develop with Spring Boot as fast as possible.(基于Spring生态打造的一系列来自业务上的快速开发模块集合。)
Cacache Rs
💩💵 but for your 🦀
LRU, LFU, FIFO cache C++ implementations
快速解析模型工具,支持RxSwift。同时支持缓存功能 【相关手册 】
Laravel Blink
Cache that expires in the blink of an eye
A cross-platform HTTP client library with a focus on usability and speed
[NOT MAINTAINED] A full-featured PHP framework powering the server side of Webiny Platform. Can also be used as standalone library.
Quitnow Cache
A collection to store data for a given time
Python Memoization
A powerful caching library for Python, with TTL support and multiple algorithm options.
DEPRECATED! This bundle is superseded by FOSHttpCacheBundle. A migration guide is in the README of LiipCacheControlBundle
Caddy Cache
Caching middleware for caddy
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Simple key-value storage with support for multiple backends
Async Redis Client for PHP based on Amp.
Laravel Cacheable
Rinvex Cacheable is a granular, intuitive, and fluent caching system for eloquent models. Simple, but yet powerful, plug-n-play with no hassle.
An in-memory cache library for golang. It supports multiple eviction policies: LRU, LFU, ARC
Ymate Platform V2
Node Cache
a node internal (in-memory) caching module
Fast React Render
[DEPRECATED] Use last versions of React and Node.js for better performance
🐴 The unreliable key-value store
61-120 of 563 cache projects