Top 5779 ios open source projects

Tasteful Checkbox for iOS. (Check box)
↕️ VegaScroll is a lightweight animation flowlayout for UICollectionView completely written in Swift 4, compatible with iOS 11 and Xcode 9.
A paging view controller with a highly customizable menu ✨
HCKalmanFilter is Swift implementation of Kalman filter algorithm intended to solve problem with GPS tracking
iOS/macOS Research Swiss Army Knife
An iOS refresh control with gear animation
Build Openssl Curl
Scripts to build OpenSSL, HTTP/2 (nghttp2) and cURL (libcurl) for MacOS, iOS and tvOS devices (x86_64, armv7, armv7s, arm64, arm64e). Now Supporting Apple Silicon, OpenSSL 1.1.1 with TLS 1.3 and Mac Catalyst builds.
Automatically generates from template and imports it into Xcode project.
Quiz App
A repository reflecting the progress made on the "How to Build iOS Apps with Swift, TDD & Clean Architecture" YouTube series, by Caio & Mike.
Simple Text Formetter (Credit Card Number, Phone Number, Serial Number etc.) Can be used in all text inputs according to the format pattern. If desired, large minor character restrictions can be made in the format pattern.
Pass Js
Apple Wallet Passes generating library for Node.JS
Sketch have a lot of basic functions to develop a drawing app for iPhone. Anyone can easily create drawing iOS Application.
Ultimate Host List for Mobile Adblockers (Focused on iOS)
Easy to use UITableViewCell implementing swiping to trigger actions.
A minimalistic, thread safe, non-boilerplate and super easy to use version of Active Record on Core Data. Simply all you need for doing Core Data. Swift flavour.
Overscroll Decor
Android: iOS-like over-scrolling effect applicable over almost all scrollable Android views.
The elegant yet functional dropdown menu, written in Swift, appears underneath the navigation bar to display a list of defined items when a user clicks on the navigation title.
Reel Search
🔍 RAMReel is a UI controller that allows you to choose options from a list. Swift UI library made by @Ramotion
You don't have the time to watch all the WWDC session videos yourself? No problem me and many contributors extracted the gist for you 🥳
Taro Demo
Shiny uses your gyroscope to simulate lighting and motion effects on colors. Works on almost every SwiftUI View.
A powerful Cocoa web framework and HTTP server for macOS, iOS and tvOS.
iOS location picker view controller
Automatic Height Tagcells
This is a sample project to implement features with dynamic height of UITableViewCell based on autolayout, tags aligned automatically and clickable tags.
React Native Deep Linking
Simple route-matching library to handle deep links
A SwiftUI card view, made great for setup interactions.
Firebase model framework Salada. Salada is the best Firebase framework.
Flutter commonapp
打造一款通用的AppUI结构,包括登录、注册等通用 UI 界面及各工具类和公共部分。
Realm Cocoa
Realm is a mobile database: a replacement for Core Data & SQLite
Better Scroll
📜 inspired by iscroll, and it supports more features and has a better scroll perfermance
Subclass of UITextField that adds an animated placeholder and an optional hint label below the text.
React Native Add Calendar Event
Create, view or edit events in react native using the standard iOS / Android dialogs
React Native Dynamic Search Bar
Medium Article:
Moko Widgets
Multiplatform UI DSL with screen management in common code for mobile (android & ios) Kotlin Multiplatform development
A SwiftUI package to beautifully display and handle permissions.
An image viewer controller with zoom transition, in Swift.
Code Confuse Plugin
iOS代码混淆插件;A plugin to confuse codes in iOS Platform.
UICollectionViewSplitLayout makes collection view more responsive.
React Countdown Circle Timer
Lightweight React/React Native countdown timer component with color and progress animation based on SVG
Threema Ios
Threema App for iOS.
Sol3 (sol2 v3.0) - a C++ <-> Lua API wrapper with advanced features and top notch performance - is here, and it's great! Documentation:
Custom animation transition for present modal view controller
STPopup provides STPopupController, which works just like UINavigationController in popup style, for both iPhone and iPad. It's written in Objective-C and compatible with Swift.
Awesome tool for create tutorial walkthrough or coach tour
Flow is a Swift library for working with asynchronous flows and life cycles
Flutter + V8/JsCore 动态化
Flutter eyepetizer
基于Fullter实现的一款精美的仿开眼视频(Eyepetizer )跨平台App,适合入门,快速掌握Dart语言以及上手flutter开发(提供Kotlin、React Native版本 😁 ),希望和大家共同成长,喜欢的话,欢迎start或fork!
Human Interface Guidelines Extras
Community additions to Apple's Human Interface Guidelines
iOS Picture View Control (Mac OS X Lion User's Avatar Like)
LMGaugeView is a simple and customizable gauge control for iOS.
Tutti is a Swift library that lets you create tutorials, hints and onboarding experiences.
Movie Swiper
React Native client for TMDb 🎬
Command line tool & Swift framework for parsing Xcode 11+ xcresult
Static Application Security Testing (SAST) engine focused on covering the OWASP Top 10, to make source code analysis to find vulnerabilities right in the source code, focused on a agile and easy to implement software inside your DevOps pipeline. Support the following technologies: Java (Maven and Android), Kotlin (Android), Swift (iOS), .NET Full Framework, C#, and Javascript (Node.js).