Top 309 native open source projects

Yet another Facebook clone written in C
One Nio
Unconventional I/O library for Java
Vue2 News
基于vue2 + vue-router + vuex 构建的一个新闻类单页面应用 —— 今日头条(移动端)
Python IDE for iOS with NumPy, Matplotlib, Pandas, SciPy and SciKit-Learn
React Native Animated Charts
Set of components and helpers for building complex and beautifully animated charts
Azteceditor Ios
A reusable native iOS visual HTML text editor component.
💻 Sketch Cache Cleaner - Deletes hidden Sketch history files that can take a lot of space on your hard drive and that you would probably never use.
Awesome Android Performance
🏆Explore Android performance optimization in depth(continuous updating ...)
Qt Nice Frameless Window
Qt Frameless Window for both Windows and OS X, support Aero Snap, drop shadow on Windows, and support Native Style such as round corner, drop shadow on OS X. Based on QMainWindow.
Ruby Fann
Ruby library for interfacing with FANN (Fast Artificial Neural Network)
Delegate-based C# P/Invoke alternative - compatible with all platforms and runtimes.
Scala Native
Your favorite language gets closer to bare metal.
React Native Actions Sheet
A Cross Platform(Android & iOS) ActionSheet with a flexible api, native performance and zero dependency code for react native. Create anything you want inside ActionSheet.
React Espanol
Recursos para aprender ReactJS en español
Vmprof Python
vmprof - a statistical program profiler
RNLive ----> react-native 仿映客直播 支持iOS/Android
Clone native desktop UI's like cocoa and develop native feeling applications using web technologies
Scene-Based Navigation for React and React Native
App Inspector
App-inspector is a mobile UI viewer in browser.
IPC is a C++ library that provides inter-process communication using shared memory on Windows. A .NET wrapper is available which allows interaction with C++ as well.
Flutter Rust Ffi
Starter project for Flutter plugins willing to access native and synchronous rust code using FFI
React Native Dom
An experimental, comprehensive port of React Native to the web.
Build cross-platform native applications with the power of the Babylon.js JavaScript framework
📖 个人博客,分享一些前端工作学习中的收获,欢迎 ✨,博客地址>>
A vanilla JavaScript image cropper that's lightweight, awesome, and has absolutely zero dependencies.
A powerful kit for adding native functionalities to your weex app.
📦 Gradle/Maven plugin to package Java applications as native Windows, Mac OS X, or GNU/Linux executables and create installers for them.
Native API header files for the Process Hacker project.
React Native Mmkv Storage
An Efficient(0.0002s read/write), small & encrypted mobile key-value storage framework for React Native
Android Camera2 Secret Picture Taker
Take pictures 📷 secretly (without preview or launching device's camera app) using Android CAMERA2 API
A library for editing PE files with full .NET metadata support
Node Window Manager
Manage windows in Windows, macOS and Linux using Node.js
A set of common utils for consuming Web APIs with Angular
Ghostscript4JS binds the Ghostscript C API to the Node.JS world.
Use the SFSafariViewController (iOS) and Chrome Pages (Android) in Titanium.
Windows Raw Input wrapper for Unity game engine
Library developed for OpenFL to facilitate connections between applications, using TCP sockets, and following the scheme of event-driven programming.
Building a native library in C# and calling it from C++
Build native, high-performance, cross-platform applications through a React (and/or QML) syntax
Modular binary injection framework, successor of libhooker
3D Virtual Environment for Mobile Devices. Electron Desktop Application.
A simple example of a Function deployed in Knative, available as JVM or Native Image
MsgPack support for kotlinx.serialization --[kotlinx.serialization]
Educational application written in Kotlin aimed at automating user-defined workflows for the mobile game, "Granblue Fantasy", using MediaProjection, AccessibilityService, and OpenCV.
Build extremely powerful and efficient native cross-platform desktop applications using Angular and NodeGUI
💰 Use the PayPal iOS-SDK 2.x with Titanium Mobile.
121-180 of 309 native projects