Top 1837 node open source projects

Salien Script Js
👽 A easy to install, run and update Node.js script for the Steam salien mini-game.
Fullstack Boilerplate
Fullstack boilerplate using Typescript, React, GraphQL
📦🚢 Docker Node.js development environment
基于react, node.js, go开发的微商城(含微信小程序)
Getting Started
Getting started in Node.js!
A JavaScript client for the unofficial Avanza API
Mevn Stack
A Quickstart for building an Express API with a VueJS Admin Portal
Node Torrent
Torrent reader, writer, and hash checker for node.
Front End Tooling Recipes
Collection of pre-configured front-end tooling setups for common uses.
Bedrock Core
Bedrock is a battle-tested template of micro services, components and patterns that tie together Kubernetes, Elasticsearch, MongoDB, Node.js and React (KEMNR).
Egg Oauth2 Server
🌟 OAuth2 server plugin for egg.js based on node-oauth2-server
Nestjs Microservice Architecture
A reference architecture for building microservices with Nest
Node Webrtc
node-webrtc is a Node.js Native Addon that provides bindings to WebRTC M87
💰💰💰 the easiest way to track your expenses. Free. Open-source. Node.js
ProjectMan is a command line tool to easily save/open your favorite projects right from command line. `pm add` to add projects and `pm open` to open them from anywhere you want🦸
Csgofloat Inspect
Source Code that Powers the CSGOFloat Inspect Link API
Atomist Software Delivery Machine framework
The MEAN stack uses Mongo, Express, Angular(6) and Node for simple and scalable fullstack js applications
ONLYOFFICE Document Server is an online office suite comprising viewers and editors for texts, spreadsheets and presentations, fully compatible with Office Open XML formats: .docx, .xlsx, .pptx and enabling collaborative editing in real time.
Node Feedsub
Subscribes to RSS/Atom/JSON feeds and notifies on new items.
Awesome Twitter Bots
🌟Resource repo for Twitter Bots 🐦
基于node的cms系统, 后端采用node+koa+redis,并通过本人封装的redis库实现数据操作,前端采用vue+ts+vuex开发,后台管理系统采用react全家桶开发
☄️ A minimalistic zero-config GraphQL server.
☔️ 前端学习笔记,JavaScript,Vue,React,CSS,设计模式,数据结构,NodeJS等等。记录只是为了更好的摸鱼,从入门到放弃。
Ecommerce Site Template
A beautiful e-commerce template powered by React, Redux and other modern web tech.
Code for my personal blog built with Gatsby
Serve Static
Serve static websites (SPA's) using Nest framework (node.js) 🥦
📦 Like npm, but faster - an alternative package manager for Node
Bitcoin Transaction Explorer
Simple and pure block explorer you can run on top of a full node
K8s Node Termination Handler
A solution to gracefully handle GCE VM terminations in kubernetes clusters
A future proof, experimental WebRTC VP9 SVC SFU wit end to end encryption support
Node Oracledb
Oracle Database driver for Node.js maintained by Oracle Corp.
Express Cassandra
Cassandra ORM/ODM/OGM for Node.js with optional support for Elassandra & JanusGraph
Minimalist Framework on top of Express.js
Postgres Migrations
🐦 A Stack Overflow-inspired PostgreSQL migration library with strict ordering and immutable migrations
V8 Natives
Access v8 Engine Natives easily in Chrome & Node
Sockjs Node
WebSocket emulation - Node.js server
Assign default properties, recursively. 🌊
npm install could be dangerous
AppCenter Dashboard, the backend for elementary AppCenter
Itunes Remote
Remotely control iTunes on Mac without Internet 🎶📱
Node Chakracore
Node.js on ChakraCore ✨🐢🚀✨
Mollie Api Node
Official Mollie API client for Node
Code And Learn
A series of workshop sprints for Node.js.
Graph / node editor in the browser using VueJS
Docker Iojs
Official Docker images from the io.js project
Node.js Benchmarking Working Group
Node Steam Totp
Lightweight module to generate Steam-style TOTP auth codes.
your npm dashboard! (react-native app)
This repository is a playground for API's. These are just a collection of items that you can utilize for learning purposes.
🐚 Portable Unix shell commands for Node.js
Node Webhooks
↪️ Node.js module to create and trigger your own webHooks.
Putong Online Judge -- An online judge with nothing special