Top 1837 node open source projects

Js Challenges
🏆A collection of Javascript coding challenges, from beginner to advanced.
🚀 A robust, performance-focused, and full-featured Redis client for Node.js.
Modern Node.js framework for creating fully-featured apps
Node Developer Boilerplate
🍭 Boilerplate for ES6+ Node.js and npm Developer
Spa Starter Kit
📦 Quick starter kit for booting up a NodeJS container with React, webpack, babel/ES2015, Redux, and more.
Figuring out native (Web?)Worker support for Node
Node Desktop Idle
Node/Electron module to detect idle desktop user (macOS, Windows, Linux, FreeBSD and OpenBSD)
Express Vue
Vue rendering engine for Express.js. Use .Vue files as templates using streams
Node Express Mongoose
A boilerplate application for building web apps using node and mongodb
Node Promisepipe
Safely pipe node.js streams while capturing all errors to a single promise
Fast, minimal glob matcher for node.js. Similar to micromatch, minimatch and multimatch, but without support for extended globs (extglobs), posix brackets or braces, and with complete Bash 4.3 wildcard support: ("*", "**", and "?").
Bbs node
node后端服务,node+express+mysql, 搭建token-权限-管理完整的web服务, 对应页面: \ \ 接口地址
Open source continuous integration and quality assurance.
Aws Cloudwatch Statsd Backend
Backend for use with statsd (statistics aggregator for Node.js) targeting AWS CloudWatch.
gonode introduces a way to combine the asynchronous nature of node with the simplicity of concurrency in Go.
HTTP, HTTP2, HTTPS, Websocket debugging proxy
Module Alias
Register aliases of directories and custom module paths in Node
Docker Ruby Node
🐳 Alpine Docker Image with latest versions of Ruby, Node.js and yarn installed. This Docker Image is actively maintained and updated regularly.
Tf2 Automatic
A free and open source, fully automated TF2 trading bot, advertising on using prices from
☑ Command line TODO app
Simple and unified API to manipulate Git repositories
IZZZIO - Fully customizable blockchain platform | Node
Markdown Toc
Generate a markdown TOC (table of contents) for a README or any markdown files, using remarkable. Used by assemble, verb, and lots of other projects on GitHub. API and CLI.
Ant Simple Pro
简洁,美观,快速上手,支持3大框架(vue3.0,react,angular,typescript);Concise, beautiful, quick to get started, support 3 big frameworks
Tutorials, articles, datasets and other resources for creating useful, interesting, artistic and friendly online bots.
Elegant and all-inclusive Node.Js web framework based on TypeScript. 🚀.
A node and javascript library that helps developers describe side-effects as data in a declarative, flexible API.
Tokenizes a string that represents a regular expression.
Convert a camelcase or space-separated string to a dash-separated string.
Wheel Of Lunch
HTML5 randomised spinning wheel to select a place to eat by using a RESTful API to fetch local places.
Storage-agnostic streaming library for binary data transfers
Tor Router
A SOCKS, HTTP and DNS proxy for distributing traffic across multiple instances of Tor
Invoice It
📃 Generate your orders or your invoices and export them in html, pdf or buffer easily.
Wise Old Man
The Open Source Old School Runescape progress tracker.
Node Distance Addon
Native NodeJS add-on creation tutorial using C++
Auth0 Express Api Samples
Auth0 Integration Samples for Node Express REST API Services
🚰 binary data "streams+" via data producers, data consumers, and pull flow.
Base is the foundation for creating modular, unit testable and highly pluggable, server-side node.js applications.
Node Audio
Graph-based audio api for Node.js based on LabSound and JUCE
Markdown Builder
1kb Markdown builder for Node.js
A habit tracker app which treats your goals like a Role Playing Game.
Nodejs Book Samples
Node.js Samples. (Node.js 案例大全)《Node.js企业级应用开发实战》源码
Opencv Wasm
Precompiled OpenCV 4.3.0 to JavaScript + WebAssembly for node and deno. 🦕
My open source project links, programming and software development related code and tutorials are in this repo. Content types: Python, JavaScript, Dart | Django, React, Flutter, React-Native etc.
Extensible Custom Error
JavaScript extensible custom error that can take a message and/or an Error object
Mixed Reality Extension Sdk Samples
Sample code for the Mixed Reality Extension SDK (
Node Web Bluetooth
Web Bluetooth API and interactive device picker for node.js
Is Glob
If you use globs, this will make your code faster. Returns `true` if the given string looks like a glob pattern or an extglob pattern. This makes it easy to create code that only uses external modules like node-glob when necessary, resulting in much faster code execution and initialization time, and a better user experience. 55+ million downloads.
Bitnami Docker Express
Bitnami Express Docker Compose development environment