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Top 535 oauth2 open source projects

Java library for conveniently verifying and storing OAuth 2.0 service access tokens
Adonisjs Hackathon Starter
A boilerplate for AdonisJS web framework
Go Oauth2 Server
A standalone, specification-compliant, OAuth2 server written in Golang.
Omniauth Vkontakte
Vkontakte OAuth2 Strategy for OmniAuth
Identityserver4 Example
Example IdentityServer 4 Implementation
Wotrd Cloud
🏆Gitee 最有价值开源项目 🚀💯 小而全而美的第三方登录开源组件。目前已支持Github、Gitee、微博、钉钉、百度、Coding、腾讯云开发者平台、OSChina、支付宝、QQ、微信、淘宝、Google、Facebook、抖音、领英、小米、微软、今日头条、Teambition、StackOverflow、Pinterest、人人、华为、企业微信、酷家乐、Gitlab、美团、饿了么、推特、飞书、京东、阿里云、喜马拉雅、Amazon、Slack和 Line 等第三方平台的授权登录。 Login, so easy!
Appauth Android
Android client SDK for communicating with OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect providers.
Spring Boot2 Oauth2 Jwt
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Jupyterhub Docker
A configuration for a JupyterHub+DockerSpawner+CASAuthenticator server with Traefik proxy, based on docker-compose
Django Auth Adfs
A Django authentication backend for Microsoft ADFS and AzureAD
Smart Sso
springboot SSO 单点登录,OAuth2实现,支持App登录,支持分布式
Self-hosted Soundtracks and Podcasts sharing, with ActivityPub federation.
基于SpringCloud Finchley.RELEASE的微服务开发脚手架,整合了spring-security-oauth2、springboot-admin、feign、hystrix、spring-cloud-gateway、turbine等全家桶
🍋 A token refresh library for Dart.
Spring Boot Quick
🌿 基于springboot的快速学习示例,整合自己遇到的开源框架,如:rabbitmq(延迟队列)、Kafka、jpa、redies、oauth2、swagger、jsp、docker、spring-batch、异常处理、日志输出、多模块开发、多环境打包、缓存cache、爬虫、jwt、GraphQL、dubbo、zookeeper和Async等等📌
ASP.NET Core MVC application using API, OpenID Connect Hybrid flow , second API, Code Flow with PKCE
OpenID Certified™ OpenID Connect and OAuth Provider written in Go - cloud native, security-first, open source API security for your infrastructure. SDKs for any language. Compatible with MITREid.
Node Oidc Provider
OpenID Certified™ OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server implementation for Node.js
Python Oauth2
[UNMAINTAINED] OAuth 2.0 provider written in python
✭ 124
Extensible security first OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect SDK for Go.
Openiddict Core
Versatile OpenID Connect stack for ASP.NET Core and Microsoft.Owin (compatible with ASP.NET 4.6.1)
Yup Oauth2
An oauth2 client implementation providing the Device, Installed and Service Account flows.
Provides a unified interface to local and remote authentication systems.
Slim Oauth2
Routes and Middleware for Using OAuth2 Server within a Slim Framework API
Node Oauth2 Server Example
Working oauth2 server with minimal configuration
The swiftest way to build iOS apps that connect to Salesforce
Samples.aspnetcore Identityserver4
IdentityServer4 sample with .NET Core and ASP.NET Core 2.0
Spring Boot 2 Oauth2 Authorization Jwt
Spring Boot 2 OAuth2 JWT Authorization server implementation with Database for Users and Clients (JPA, Hibernate, MySQL)
IdentityBase is a Universal Identity Platform for web, mobile and IoT built on top of IdentityServer.
K8s Gitops
Kubernetes cluster managed by GitOps - Git as a single source of truth, automated pipelines, declarative everything, next-generation DevOps
haskell oauth2 binding
Nestjs Example
NestJS example with GraphQL, Schema-Stitching, Dataloader, GraphQL Upload, RabbitMQ, Redis, Scalable Websocket and JWT authentication
The library for using Auth0 in Blazor applications.
Ueberauth google
Google OAuth2 Strategy for Überauth.
A complete starter kit that allows you create amazing apps that look native thanks to the Quasar Framework. Powered by an API developed in Laravel Framework using the easy GraphQL queries language. And ready to use the Google Firebase features.
Sample Spring Oauth2 Microservices
some examples that show basic and more advanced implementations of oauth2 authorization mechanism in spring-cloud microservices environment
Django Oauth2 Server
OAuth2 server written in Python with Django
Unified access to cloud storage services through a simple web API.
Asynchronous OAuth 2.0 framework and provider for Python 3
Newschool Backend
Plataforma de ensino para pessoas carentes
Vue Authenticate
Simple Vue.js authentication library
Sample project demonstrating jwt-based authentication with an Vue.js (v2.5.13) frontend and ASP.NET Core 2 WebApi. Includes both local user registration with .NET Core Identity membership and facebook login scenarios.
Nginx Openid Connect
Reference implementation of OpenID Connect integration for NGINX Plus
Api Restful Con Laravel Guia Definitiva
Repositorio para el código base del curso "API RESTful con Laravel - Guía Definitiva"
Ring Oauth2
OAuth 2.0 client middleware for Ring
Reactive Spring Security 5 Workshop
Hands-On workshop for securing a reactive spring boot 2 application in multiple steps
Ngx Api Utils
ngx-api-utils is a lean library of utilities and helpers to quickly integrate any HTTP API (REST, Ajax, and any other) with Angular.
Febs Cloud
基于Spring Cloud Hoxton.RELEASE、Spring Cloud OAuth2 & Spring Cloud Alibaba & Element 微服务权限系统,开箱即用。预览地址:
[bd] Api add-on for XenForo
✭ 89
Easy Notes
🍋 简笔记(easy notes)打造你的轻便私人笔记。接口涉及Spring Security、OAuth2、Jwt、MongoDB,客户端采用 Vue.js 、Ant Design
Linkedin Api Php Client
LinkedIn API PHP SDK with OAuth 2 support. Can be used for social sign in or sharing on LinkedIn. Has a good usage examples
Finagle Oauth2
OAuth2 Server-Side Provider for Finagle
61-120 of 535 oauth2 projects