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Top 667 statistics open source projects

Linode Longview Agent
📈CNCF-created tool for analyzing and graphing developer contributions
Phishing Domains, urls websites and threats database. We use the PyFunceble testing tool to validate the status of all known Phishing domains and provide stats to reveal how many unique domains used for Phishing are still active.
Basic Mathematics For Machine Learning
The motive behind Creating this repo is to feel the fear of mathematics and do what ever you want to do in Machine Learning , Deep Learning and other fields of AI
Easily view PyPI download statistics via Google's BigQuery.
Data8 Textbook Zh
📖 [译] UCB DATA8 计算与推断思维
A C++ header-only library of statistical distribution functions.
Openintro Statistics
📚 An open-source textbook written at the college level. OpenIntro also offers a second college-level intro stat textbook and also a high school variant.
Uncertainty Baselines
High-quality implementations of standard and SOTA methods on a variety of tasks.
Ig Monitoring
🚨 DISCONTINUED🚨 IGMonitoring - Free, self hosted Instagram Analytics and Stats
jamovi - open software to bridge the gap between researcher and statistician
Open-source Python library for statistical analysis of randomised control trials (A/B tests)
Data Science Learning
Repository of code and resources related to different data science and machine learning topics. For learning, practice and teaching purposes.
High performance, easy-to-use, and scalable machine learning (ML) package, including linear model (LR), factorization machines (FM), and field-aware factorization machines (FFM) for Python and CLI interface.
Source files for "Learning Statistics with R"
The Elements Of Statistical Learning
My notes and codes (jupyter notebooks) for the "The Elements of Statistical Learning" by Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani and Jerome Friedman
Github Stats For Turkey
Github language, repo and developer stats for Turkey.
A Julia package for fitting (statistical) mixed-effects models
📊 Request statistics middleware that stores response times, status code counts, etc
Identify bias and measure fairness of your data
R package for statistical tools with big matrices stored on disk.
Statistics for high-dimensional data (homogeneity, sphericity, independence, spherical uniformity)
covid19 statistics
Aplicação para acompanhamento das estatísticas do COVID-19 no Brasil 🦠
A bunch of easy to set up stats for the Emacs mode-line.
Retour allows you to intelligently redirect legacy URLs, so that you don't lose SEO value when rebuilding & restructuring a website
Probability Theory
A quick introduction to all most important concepts of Probability Theory, only freshman level of mathematics needed as prerequisite.
Materials for the Teaching statistics and data science online workshops in July 2020
Statistics library for PHP
R Package - Analysis of Archaeological Mortality Data
9 tools for, for finding people based on the books they’ve read, finding books popular among the people you follow, following new book reviews, etc
This addon adds awesome statistics to your beloved Thunderbird!
The open-source computational framework for the Swift language
Introduction to Applied Mathematics and Informatics in Drug Discovery (AMIDD)
WhatsApp bot powered by Twilio API to get through the quarantine. Latest COVID19 statistics, world news, inspirational quotes and cat photos.
These are all the articles and pages I have in my data science website. I try to transcribe all I learn and post regularly. Please visit and feel free to email me for suggestions.
301-360 of 667 statistics projects