Top 1433 git open source projects

Git Repo
Git-Repo: CLI utility to manage git services from your workspace
Git Tips
📚 Git 팁 모음집 ( 한국어 버전)
✭ 817
Save your dotfiles once, deploy them everywhere
Jupyterlab Git
A Git extension for JupyterLab
📖 An opinionated intermediate/advanced Git book
A Yarn-based, opinionated monorepo management tool
Test-driven sysadmin.
Git Manual
git command reference manual
✭ 788
Git Interactive Rebase Tool
Native cross-platform full feature terminal-based sequence editor for git interactive rebase.
Awesome Git
A curated list of amazingly awesome Git tools, resources and shiny things
Githug is designed to give you a practical way of learning git. It has a series of levels, each requiring you to use git commands to arrive at a correct answer.
✭ 6,378
Vscode Git Graph
View a Git Graph of your repository in Visual Studio Code, and easily perform Git actions from the graph.
Pre Commit
A slightly improved pre-commit hook for git
QtPass is a multi-platform GUI for pass, the standard unix password manager.
Nice Front End Tutorial
🌍 Constantly updated front-end resources, tutorials, opinions(与时俱进版前端资源,教程和意见。)
React Article Bucket
Mit 15 003 Data Science Tools
Study guides for MIT's 15.003 Data Science Tools
Captain - Convert your Git workflow to Docker 🐳 containers
🐲 My Arch Linux config [i3-gaps + i3blocks + Zsh + Spacemacs + Rofi + Alacritty + Neofetch]
What did I do on February 14th 2007? Visualize your (digital) life in Org-mode
Mac OS X Git GUI
Git with a cup of tea, painless self-hosted git service
Git for Humans, Inspired by GitHub for Mac™.
Vscode Gitlens
Supercharge the Git capabilities built into Visual Studio Code — Visualize code authorship at a glance via Git blame annotations and code lens, seamlessly navigate and explore Git repositories, gain valuable insights via powerful comparison commands, and so much more
Pre Commit
A framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooks.
😼 The madness vendoring utility for Golang programs
Git Credential Manager Core
Secure, cross-platform Git credential storage with authentication to GitHub, Azure Repos, and other popular Git hosting services.
Awesome Git Hooks
⚓️ A curated list of awesome git hooks
💊 A git query language
A template for self-hosted bookmarks using HTML & jQuery.
Git Repo Updater
A console script that allows you to easily update multiple git repositories at once
✭ 647
Git Extensions is a standalone UI tool for managing git repositories. It also integrates with Windows Explorer and Microsoft Visual Studio (2015/2017/2019).
Zsh Iterm Touchbar
Display feedback of terminal in the 🍏 Touchbar
Git Extra Commands
A collection of git utilities and useful extra git scripts I've discovered or written, packaged for ease of use with shell frameworks.
Dev Setup
macOS development environment setup: Easy-to-understand instructions with automated setup scripts for developer tools like Vim, Sublime Text, Bash, iTerm, Python data analysis, Spark, Hadoop MapReduce, AWS, Heroku, JavaScript web development, Android development, common data stores, and dev-based OS X defaults.
Emoji Log
Emoji-Log — An Emoji Git commit log messages spec standard. [ 📦👌🐛📖🚀🤖 ‼️]
Git Issue
Git-based decentralized issue management
Frontend Cheat Sheets
Collection of cheat sheets(HTML, CSS, JS, Git, Gulp, etc.,) for your frontend development needs & reference
Markdown Presentations for Tech Conferences, Training, Developer Advocates, and Educators.
Conventional Changelog
Generate changelogs and release notes from a project's commit messages and metadata.
Docker Ce
⚠️ This repository is deprecated and will be archived (Docker CE itself is NOT deprecated) see the ⚠️
Gitkit Js
Pure javascript implementation of Git (Node.js and Browser)
docker run klaus / pip install klaus — the first Git web viewer that Just Works™.
👣 Asynchronously control git repositories in Neovim/Vim 8
Sbt Release
A release plugin for sbt
Coca is a toolbox which is design for legacy system refactoring and analysis, includes call graph, concept analysis, api tree, design patterns suggest. Coca 是一个用于系统重构、系统迁移和系统分析的瑞士军刀。它可以分析代码中的测试坏味道、模块化分析、行数统计、分析调用与依赖、Git 分析以及自动化重构等。
Learning Resources
"Technology Gold mine" to collect and share materials/resources
GitQlient: Multi-platform Git client written with Qt.
✭ 567
📦 CMake's missing package manager. A small CMake script for setup-free, cross-platform, reproducible dependency management.
Gradle Git
Git plugin for Gradle
Go Git
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