Top 572 grpc open source projects

Go Grpc Example
An example of gRPC
Cete is a distributed key value store server written in Go built on top of BadgerDB.
Fortio load testing library, command line tool, advanced echo server and web UI in go (golang). Allows to specify a set query-per-second load and record latency histograms and other useful stats.
Grpc Caller
An improved Node.js gRPC client
universal server push middleware by using gRPC stream and Server Sent Events(SSE)
Keras Serving
bring keras-models to production with tensorflow-serving and nodejs + docker 🍕
Eru, a simple, stateless, flexible, production-ready orchestrator designed to easily integrate into existing workflows. Can run any virtualization things in long or short time.
Grpc Cmake Example
gRPC C++ example with CMake
Gf Cli
GoFrame Command Line Interface, which is your helpmate for building GoFrame application with convenience.
Grpc Haskell
gRPC library binding for Haskell.
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Grpc Lb
Example for grpc-lb with etcd
Asgarde Framework
An interactive web UI for gRPC, along the lines of postman
gRPC + protobuf using CMake example
Gax Java
Google API Extensions for Java - shared runtime for clients generated by googleapis/gapic-generator
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基于 ABP 框架开发的 Grpc 模块,支持 Consul 服务发现与服务注册。Grpc module developed based on ABP framework supports early service discovery and service registration.
Fast, idiomatic C# implementation of Flatbuffers
Telegram MTProto and its proxy (over gRPC) in Go (golang). API Layer: 71
rpc framework built on grpc
Vision4j Collection
Collection of computer vision models, ready to be included in a JVM project
Grpc Nebula
Almost Famous
🌟 Almost-Famous(成名之路) ——卡牌游戏开源项目,架构使用SpringBoot+Netty+Maven+SpringCloud来搭建多进程分布式框架,包括Cloud、Unique、Login、Game、Match、Battle 等服务。
Protoeasy Go
Simpler usage of protoc. Deprecated.
☄️ PHP CLI mode development framework, supports Swoole, WorkerMan, FPM, CLI-Server / PHP 命令行模式开发框架,支持 Swoole、WorkerMan、FPM、CLI-Server
Go Grpc
A collection of gRPC and Go examples showcasing features of the framework
Go Proto Gql
Protobuff plugins for generating graphql schema and golang to graphql bindings. Also supports a graphql gateway (Alpha)
Dubbo Go Pixiu
Based on the proxy gateway service of dubbo-go, it solves the problem that the external protocol calls the internal Dubbo cluster. At present, it supports HTTP and gRPC[developing].
Grpc Gateway
The gRPC-Gateway is a plugin of the Google protocol buffers compiler protoc. It reads protobuf service definitions and generates a reverse-proxy server which translates a RESTful HTTP API into gRPC. This server is generated according to the google.api.http annotations in your service definitions.
Open-source Autonomy Software in Rust-lang with gRPC for the Roomba series robot vacuum cleaners. Under development.
Asynchronous pure Python gRPC client and server implementation supporting asyncio, uvloop, curio and trio
Polyglot replacement for Ruby WebSocket servers with Action Cable protocol
Rpc Framework Tutorials
Java分布式RPC服务框架教程,包括 Dubbo/Dubbox, Motan, gRPC.
Mmo Server
Distributed Java game server, including login, gateway, game demo
Gorums simplify fault-tolerant quorum-based protocols
Grpc kit
A kit for creating gRPC server/client in Ruby.
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Ultimate Go
This repo contains my notes on working with Go and computer systems.
Spring Boot starter module for gRPC framework.
PerfMark is a High Performance Tracing Library.
Protoc Gen Map
SQL Data mapper framework for grpc/protobuf
Dapr Demos
Collection of personal Dapr demos (bindings, state, pub/sub, service-to-service invocation)
A full-text search and indexing server written in Rust.
The memo elastic and resilient key-value store.
Toy gRPC Tunnel over CloudFlare (Proof of Concept)
Tesla is a gateway service that provides dynamic routing,waf,support spring cloud,gRPC,DUBBO and more.
transforming your .proto files into .dot files (and .svg, .png if you happen to have graphviz installed)
Microservices Demo
Sample cloud-native application with 10 microservices showcasing Kubernetes, Istio, gRPC and OpenCensus.
Benchmark Grpc Protobuf Vs Http Json
Benchmarks comparing gRPC+Protobuf vs JSON+HTTP in Go
Operator Registry
Operator Registry runs in a Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster to provide operator catalog data to Operator Lifecycle Manager.
Protoc Gen Struct Transformer
Transformation functions generator for Protocol Buffers.
Grpc Hello World
An example of gRPC+grpc-gateway
Orion is a small lightweight framework written around grpc/protobuf with the aim to shorten time to build microservices at Carousell.
61-120 of 572 grpc projects