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Top 962 reinforcement-learning open source projects

Chess Alpha Zero
Chess reinforcement learning by AlphaGo Zero methods.
Show Adapt And Tell
Code for "Show, Adapt and Tell: Adversarial Training of Cross-domain Image Captioner" in ICCV 2017
Rl Book Challenge
self-studying the Sutton & Barto the hard way
Library of deep learning models and datasets designed to make deep learning more accessible and accelerate ML research.
Sumo Rl
A simple interface to instantiate Reinforcement Learning environments with SUMO for Traffic Signal Control. Compatible with Gym Env from OpenAI and MultiAgentEnv from RLlib.
Reinforcement learning library(framework) designed for PyTorch, implements DQN, DDPG, A2C, PPO, SAC, MADDPG, A3C, APEX, IMPALA ...
An open source framework for research in Embodied-AI from AI2.
A minimal C implementation of Nintendo Gameboy - An fast research environment for Reinforcement Learning
A PyTorch Library for Reinforcement Learning Research
Awesome Deep Learning Papers For Search Recommendation Advertising
Awesome Deep Learning papers for industrial Search, Recommendation and Advertising. They focus on Embedding, Matching, Ranking (CTR prediction, CVR prediction), Post Ranking, Transfer, Reinforcement Learning, Self-supervised Learning and so on.
Safe learning
Safe reinforcement learning with stability guarantees
Ai plays snake
AI trained using Genetic Algorithm and Deep Learning to play the game of snake
Learning to Learn how to Learn: Self-Adaptive Visual Navigation using Meta-Learning (
Policy Gradient
Minimal Monte Carlo Policy Gradient (REINFORCE) Algorithm Implementation in Keras
Reinforcement learning in python
Implementing Reinforcement Learning, namely Q-learning and Sarsa algorithms, for global path planning of mobile robot in unknown environment with obstacles. Comparison analysis of Q-learning and Sarsa
🃏 OpenAI Gym No Limit Texas Hold 'em Environment for Reinforcement Learning
Hindsight Experience Replay
This is the pytorch implementation of Hindsight Experience Replay (HER) - Experiment on all fetch robotic environments.
Train robotic agents to learn pick and place with deep learning for vision-based manipulation in PyBullet. Transporter Nets, CoRL 2020.
🚗 Rocket League Distributed Deep Reinforcement Learning Bot
Reinforcement learning
Implementation of selected reinforcement learning algorithms in Tensorflow. A3C, DDPG, REINFORCE, DQN, etc.
Coding Demos from the School of AI's Move37 Course
Vizdoom Keras Rl
Reinforcement Learning in Keras on VizDoom
A comprehensive autonomous decentralized systems framework for AI control architects.
AIXIjs - General Reinforcement Learning in the Browser
Implementation of Inverse Reinforcement Learning Algorithm on a toy car in a 2D world problem, (Apprenticeship Learning via Inverse Reinforcement Learning Abbeel & Ng, 2004)
Dm env
A Python interface for reinforcement learning environments
A lightweight contextual bandit & reinforcement learning library designed to be used in production Python services.
Rl Collision Avoidance
Implementation of the paper "Towards Optimally Decentralized Multi-Robot Collision Avoidance via Deep Reinforcement Learning"
Modular Rl
[ICML 2020] PyTorch Code for "One Policy to Control Them All: Shared Modular Policies for Agent-Agnostic Control"
Srl Zoo
State Representation Learning (SRL) zoo with PyTorch - Part of S-RL Toolbox
Hierarchical Bayesian modeling of RLDM tasks, using R & Python
Snake Ai Reinforcement
AI for Snake game trained from pixels using Deep Reinforcement Learning (DQN).
The multi-agent version of TORCS for developing control algorithms for fully autonomous driving in the cluttered, multi-agent settings of everyday life.
Advanced Deep Learning And Reinforcement Learning Deepmind
🎮 Advanced Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning at UCL & DeepMind | YouTube videos 👉
Pytorch Rl
Tutorials for reinforcement learning in PyTorch and Gym by implementing a few of the popular algorithms. [IN PROGRESS]
Clone of OpenAI's Spinning Up in PyTorch
Machine learning lectures
Collection of lectures and lab lectures on machine learning and deep learning. Lab practices in Python and TensorFlow.
Reinforcementlearning Atarigame
Pytorch LSTM RNN for reinforcement learning to play Atari games from OpenAI Universe. We also use Google Deep Mind's Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic (A3C) Algorithm. This is much superior and efficient than DQN and obsoletes it. Can play on many games
Julia code for the book Reinforcement Learning An Introduction
Reinforcement Learning An Introduction
Python Implementation of Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction
Hierarchical Actor Critic Hac Pytorch
PyTorch implementation of Hierarchical Actor Critic (HAC) for OpenAI gym environments
Stable Baselines
Mirror of Stable-Baselines: a fork of OpenAI Baselines, implementations of reinforcement learning algorithms
Coursera reinforcement learning
Coursera Reinforcement Learning Specialization by University of Alberta & Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute
Doom Net Pytorch
Reinforcement learning models in ViZDoom environment
Startcraft pysc2 minigames
Startcraft II Machine Learning research with DeepMind pysc2 python library .mini-games and agents.
Study E-Book(ComputerVision DeepLearning MachineLearning Math NLP Python ReinforcementLearning)
Ctc Executioner
Master Thesis: Limit order placement with Reinforcement Learning
121-180 of 962 reinforcement-learning projects