Top 1482 theme open source projects

A dark & yellowish vim colorscheme
Intellij Visual Studio Dark Theme
Visual Studio Dark Theme for IDEA Intellij
Tabor WordPress theme
Discord Themes
Themes For Discord
✭ 125
🏗 Concrete Shopify Theme Framework
jovial - a jovial theme for zsh
A VSCode dark theme inspired by Framer’s popular code editor.
Theme Blog
A Free Material Blog Theme for Vuetify
Storybook Addon
Develop themable components with Emotion/Styled Components/Material-UI with help of Storybook & React Theming
A simple Visual Studio Code theme.
Editorial Jekyll Theme
A Jekyll version of the "Editorial" theme by HTML5 UP.
Generator Hexo Theme
Generate a hexo theme: ejs, pug, swig, nunjucks | Moved to
Hugo Theme Zen
A fast and clean Hugo theme with css-grid and Hugo pipes support.
A guide to editing Chrome themes
Coder Ghost Theme for Showcasing Projects
N1 Ido
Ido is a clean, simple, Polymail-inspired theme for Mailspring
Hugo Theme Techdoc
The Techdoc is a Hugo Theme for technical documentation.
Tabler Angular
Maintained by @arunabhdas Tabler for Angular - Components, demos and documentation
a very beautiful theme for webstorm
Hexo Theme Primer
The github style (primer) for Hexo theme.
Arc Theme Red
A red themed derivation of
Opencart Materialize
Template for OpenCart with Materialize
Plane Icon Theme
Is a modern icon theme for gnome linux versions.
React Breadcrumbs Dynamic
🏡 > breadcrumbs > extremely flexible > and > easy to use
Pretty, minimal and fast ZSH prompt
Monokai Vs 2015
Monokai theme for Visual Studio 2015/2017
Antd Live Theme
Customize Ant Design specific colors dynamically on runtime
Kde Plasma Chili
The hottest login theme around for KDE Plasma 5
Ghidra darknight
DarkNight theme for Ghidra
Jekyll Theme Yat
🎨 Yet another theme for elegant writers with modern flat style and beautiful night/dark mode.
Rollup Plugin Filesize
A rollup plugin to show file size of the bundle in the cli
Blog Template for Jekyll
Eleventy template using Bootstrap, Sass, Webpack, Vue.js powered search, includes lots of other features
NukeViet CMS is multi Content Management System. NukeViet CMS is the 1st open source content management system in Vietnam. NukeViet was awarded the Vietnam Talent 2011, the Ministry of Education and Training Vietnam officially encouraged to use.
Sielo Legacy
An open source browser made with Qt and WebEngine
Vscode Theme Gruvbox
Gruvbox theme for vscode based on
Emacs Doom Themes
A megapack of themes for GNU Emacs.
Refind Minimal
A stunningly clean theme for the rEFInd UEFI boot manager.
Jekylltheme Projectgaia
Jekyll Theme Project Gaia. V2 Beta Released !! Check it out ->
Vuepress Theme Mufeng
a blog for vuepress theme
✭ 111
Fallback Studio
Magento 2 PWA fallback wrapper to easily create a custom theme on top of PWA Studio
Blogging and news theme for WordPress.
Metro For Discord
Make your Discord client look like a UWP app.
Plate: a super stripped-down WordPress starter theme for developers.
WPF dark theme and controls for .NET Core and .NET Framework
🎨 Omni for Hyper
The Themosis framework theme.
One Dark Theme
One Dark theme for Sublime Text