Top 2240 angular open source projects

Angular Websocket
↖️ The missing Angular WebSocket module for connecting client applications to servers by @AngularClass
Ng Alain .netcore
ng-alain 与 .net core 搭配
Aplicação que simula um banco digital, contendo a área do cliente e administrativa, permitindo depósitos e transferências entre contas do mesmo banco. | Application that simulates a digital bank, containing the customer and administrative areas, allowing deposits and transfers between accounts of the same bank.
Handcraft your very own context menus for a richer UX!
Angular Fullpage.js
An angular directive for fullpage.js
Angular2 Style Guide
[Deprecated] Community-driven set of best practices and style guidelines for Angular 2 application development
Angularjs Slider
Slider directive for AngularJS 1.X. No dependencies and mobile friendly.
Ngx Jsonapi
JSON API client library for Angular 5+ 👌 :: Production Ready 🚀
Ng Popups
🎉 Alert, confirm and prompt dialogs for Angular. Simple as that.
Jhipster5 Demo
Get Started with JHipster 5 Tutorial and Example
Devextreme Angular Template
Responsive Application Layout Templates​ based on DevExtreme Angular Components
Axway Amplify Streams Js
AMPLIFY Streams Javascript package containing SDK, documentation and sample applications
Ionic3 App
Visual Docker composer for faster development. Discover, leverage, and launch community recipes.
Jhipster Sample App
This is a sample application created with JHipster
Angular2 Contacts Demo
Angular 2 (ng2) 通讯录例子
This project should provide a starting point for people interested in using Angular 10 with Ivy in a Java EE environment.
Nativescript Localize
Internationalization plugin for NativeScript using native capabilities of each platform
Ng2 Konva
Angular & Canvas - JavaScript library for drawing complex canvas graphics using Angular.
Asp.Net 5.0 & Angular 11 SPA Fullstack application with plenty of examples. Live demo:
Angular Infinite List
A short and powerful infinite scroll list library for angular, with zero dependencies
Agm Direction
This is the directive for @agm/core (not official)
Chatroom Angularjs
An online chat room built with Angular, Node.js, Express and View more
Site Webdev
Source for
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Ngx Summernote
Summernote editor for Angular 😎
Ngx Wordpress
Angular WordPress Module ✨
Lightweight solution for sorting and paging Asp.Net Core API results
🔧 Schematics for @ngxs/store
Ngrx Wieder
Lightweight undo-redo for Angular with NgRx & immer.js
Tutorial Photo Gallery Angular
Photo Gallery Tutorial: Ionic Angular and Capacitor
🚀 😍 The internationalization (i18n) library for Angular
Bind Query Params
Sync URL Query Params with Angular Form Controls
Angular Off Click
Its like click, but when you don't click on your element.
A Yeoman generator for Modern Web development projects
Angular Redux Ngrx Examples
Sample projects with Angular (4.x) + Angular CLI + ngrx (Redux) + Firebase
Schematics Utilities
🛠️ Useful exported utilities for working with Schematics
Choose from Angular, React, Svelte, and Vue applications with an Azure Functions API, that deploys to Azure Static Web Apps
Ant Simple Pro
简洁,美观,快速上手,支持3大框架(vue3.0,react,angular,typescript);Concise, beautiful, quick to get started, support 3 big frameworks
Generator Angm
AngularJS Yeoman Generator to help you getting started with a new project based on AngularJS and Angular Material to build large scale applications.
Crypto Coin Alerts
An application that let you set alerts for the prices of several cryptocurrencies
Angular Validate
Painless form validation for AngularJS. Powered by the jQuery Validation Plugin.
Ng Deploy Azure
Deploy Angular apps to Azure using the Angular CLI
EGEO is the open-source UI library used to build Stratio's UI. It includes UI Components, Utilities, Services and much more to build user interfaces quickly and with ease. The library is distributed in AoT mode.
Angular I18next
angular v2.0+ integration with i18next v8.4+
601-660 of 2240 angular projects