Top 2240 angular open source projects

Angular Pwa Seed
Multiplatform Angular project (Web/PWA, Mobile and Desktop) with Ionic (and optionally Bootstrap) - Sample:
Curso Angular
🎓 [PT-BR] Curso de Angular (v2+) gratuito - [EN] Source code of my free Angular training.
Made With Love
🚀 An experimental project which demonstrates an Angular Package which contains Angular Elements and Schematics
✌️a Flexible and fast JavaScript view framework
Create Near App
Create a starter app hooked up to the NEAR blockchain
This is a library for declarative use of Web Audio API with Angular
An Observable based abstraction to use Geolocation API with Angular
Mobile app development framework and SDK using HTML5 and JavaScript. Create beautiful and performant cross-platform mobile apps. Based on Web Components, and provides bindings for Angular 1, 2, React and Vue.js.
Ng Dynamic Forms
Rapid form development library for Angular
Angular Starter
📐 A boilerplate for HTML5, Angular, Material, TypeScript, and ReactiveX. Angular 11 | Webpack 4 | Firebase | Hosting | Functions | Workbox | PostCSS | TSLint | Jest | Puppeteer | Headless Chrome | Testing | Unit | E2E | REST | GraphQL | Apollo | Lazy Loading | AoT Compilation | Modular
Leaflet Ng2 integration of Leaflet
Angular2 Tinymce
Angular 2 component for TinyMCE MCE WYSIWYG editor
Ng Docs
非常适合初学Angular的同学阅读的一份文档. 包含Angular API、Rxjs、Zorro(还没做)、在线测验(还没做)等.
Biger Music
Nodejs Book Samples
Node.js Samples. (Node.js 案例大全)《Node.js企业级应用开发实战》源码
Awesome Grid
A curated list of grid(table) libraries and resources that developers may find useful.
Smart Area
📝 Textareas on Steroids - AngularJS directive
Ng Tree Antd
A antd style of based on angular-tree-component.
✭ 65
Declaratively synchronize form controls with the URL
Angular2 Bs4 Navbar
An Angular2 App with Bootstrap4 Navbar and routing using Angular2's Router v3, follows Angular Styleguide
Ngrx Testing
Testing NgRx with jest and jasmine-marbles
Ngx Moment
moment.js pipes for Angular
Angular Ngrx Starter
An opiniated Angular setup based on @angular/cli to kickstart an ngrx project
This is the project website for the TEAMMATES feedback management tool for education
Angular Metatags
Module for providing dynamic Meta Tags to Angular routes
Rea Di
Dependency injection for React done right. Hierarchical injection on both component and service layer powered by injection-js (Angular DI framework) 🖖
Ng Toolkit
⭐️ Angular tool-box! Start your PWA in two steps! Add Serverless support for existing projects and much more
Ng Input
ng-input - Text Input Effects Angular Directives
Netlify Builder
Deploy your Angular app to netlify from CLI
Angular Puppeteer Demo
A demonstration repository explains how to using Puppeteer in unit testing
Angular Filepond
🔌 A handy FilePond adapter component for Angular
Starter Kit
📦 Angular 11+ starter kit for enterprise-grade projects
【前端面试题+前端学习+面试指南】 一份涵盖大部分前端工程师所需要掌握的核心知识。这个项目就是为了帮助那些找工作的前端开发工程师去回顾前端的基础知识,如果你不想找工作,也可以通过查看这些面试问题去巩固你的前端技能。
Angular Interview Questions
Angular 9: A Practical Guide on Cracking the Job Interview
A simple JavaScript template engine like Angular.js for websites or node.js
Text Mask
Input mask for React, Angular, Ember, Vue, & plain JavaScript
Ngx Rightclick
Context Menu Service for Angular
Ng Bootstrap Form Validation
An Angular Module for easy data driven (reactive) form validation
Angular Reactive Authentication
Angular authentication using reactive extension @ngrx
Ionic2 Tutorial Pouchdb
Tutorial: How To Use PouchDB + SQLite For Local Storage In Ionic 2
Flink Runtime Web
Default UI in Flink 1.9.0
Ngrx Ducks
Improved Coding Experience for NgRx
Typesense Instantsearch Adapter
A JS adapter library to build rich search interfaces with Typesense and InstantSearch.js
Ng Dashboard
Angular admin dashboard framework
Ng Push
An Angular wrapper around the Notifications API
Ngx Pagination
Pagination for Angular
Pimp My Pr
A brilliant tool that will pimp your pull requests by collecting and presenting PR statistics.
Until Destroy
🦊 RxJS operator that unsubscribe from observables on destroy is a brilliant✨ easy to use feedback tool
Dialogflow Angular5
💬 Bot in Angular 5 & DialogFlow
661-720 of 2240 angular projects