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Top 1253 neural-network open source projects

Tensorflow Tutorials
텐서플로우를 기초부터 응용까지 단계별로 연습할 수 있는 소스 코드를 제공합니다
Sota Cv
A repository of state-of-the-art deep learning methods in computer vision
Transfer Learning library for Deep Neural Networks.
Sentence Classification
Sentence Classifications with Neural Networks
Deep Algotrading
A resource for learning about deep learning techniques from regression to LSTM and Reinforcement Learning using financial data and the fitness functions of algorithmic trading
Awesome Deep Learning For Chinese
Neural Fortran
A parallel neural net microframework
A certifiable defense against adversarial examples by training neural networks to be provably robust
Tensorflow implementation of fast neural style transfer.
Rusty sr
Deep learning superresolution in pure rust
A python program to detect and classify hand pose using deep learning techniques
Relation Classification Using Bidirectional Lstm Tree
TensorFlow Implementation of the paper "End-to-End Relation Extraction using LSTMs on Sequences and Tree Structures" and "Classifying Relations via Long Short Term Memory Networks along Shortest Dependency Paths" for classifying relations
Cnn Exposed
🕵️‍♂️ Interpreting Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) Results.
mean Average Precision - This code evaluates the performance of your neural net for object recognition.
Capsnet Traffic Sign Classifier
A Tensorflow implementation of CapsNet(Capsules Net) apply on german traffic sign dataset
Neural Nets
Programming Assignments and Lectures for Geoffrey Hinton's "Neural Networks for Machine Learning" Coursera course
Improved Dynamic Memory Networks Dmn Plus
Theano Implementation of DMN+ (Improved Dynamic Memory Networks) from the paper by Xiong, Merity, & Socher at MetaMind, (Dynamic Memory Networks for Visual and Textual Question Answering)
Amacımız Türkçe NLP literatüründeki birçok farklı sorunu bir arada çözebilen, eşsiz yaklaşımlar öne süren ve literatürdeki çalışmaların eksiklerini gideren open source bir yazım destekleyicisi/denetleyicisi oluşturmak. Kullanıcıların yazdıkları metinlerdeki yazım yanlışlarını derin öğrenme yaklaşımıyla çözüp aynı zamanda metinlerde anlamsal analizi de gerçekleştirerek bu bağlamda ortaya çıkan yanlışları da fark edip düzeltebilmek.
Cython Blis
💥 Fast matrix-multiplication as a self-contained Python library – no system dependencies!
Ntu hylee machinelearning homework
作業分享:台大李宏毅 (Hung-Yi Lee) 教授的Machine Learning (2016, Fall)
The Compute Library is a set of computer vision and machine learning functions optimised for both Arm CPUs and GPUs using SIMD technologies.
Awesome Ai
A curated list of artificial intelligence resources (Courses, Tools, App, Open Source Project)
On-device Neural Engine
Dynamically Allocated Neural Network Accelerator for the RISC-V Rocket Microprocessor in Chisel
Deep Crf
An implementation of Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) with Deep Learning Method
Jstarcraft Ai
目标是提供一个完整的Java机器学习(Machine Learning/ML)框架,作为人工智能在学术界与工业界的桥梁. 让相关领域的研发人员能够在各种软硬件环境/数据结构/算法/模型之间无缝切换. 涵盖了从数据处理到模型的训练与评估各个环节,支持硬件加速和并行计算,是最快最全的Java机器学习库.
Machine Learning Models
Decision Trees, Random Forest, Dynamic Time Warping, Naive Bayes, KNN, Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Mixture Of Gaussian, Neural Network, PCA, SVD, Gaussian Naive Bayes, Fitting Data to Gaussian, K-Means
Fake Image Detection Using Machine Learning
Go Perceptron Go
A single / multi layer / recurrent neural network written in Golang.
Livermore Big Artificial Neural Network Toolkit
Simple cnn
Simple Convolutional Neural Network Library
Neural Network
A multi-layer neural network in PHP. Features momentum learning, custom activation functions, and detection & prevention of over-fitting your data.
Visualization techniques for the latent space of a convolutional autoencoder in Keras
Heterogeneous automatic differentiation ("backpropagation") in Haskell
Code for Mimicking Word Embeddings using Subword RNNs (EMNLP 2017)
Identifying diabetic retinopathy using convolutional neural networks
3d nn
Raymarching neural network in browsers with WebGL shaders
Neuralnet Handwriting Ios
A handwriting recognition example for iOS using NeuralNet
121-180 of 1253 neural-network projects