Top 881 vscode open source projects

Alias Hq
The end-to-end solution for configuring, refactoring, maintaining and using path aliases
Vscode Standard
VS Code extension for JavaScript Standard Style (`standard`) with automatic fixing
Glassit Vsc
VS Code Extension to set window to transparent on Windows platform.
Vscode Glean
The extension provides refactoring tools for your React codebase
Vscode Vega Viewer
VSCode extension for Interactive Preview of Vega & Vega-Lite maps 🗺️ & graphs 📈
Ngrok For Vscode
A VSCode extension to control ngrok
Alfred Open With Vscode Workflow
Alfred 3 workflow for opening files or folders in Visual Studio Code.
Cform Vscode
CloudFormation extension for Visual Studio Code
Vue Admin Element
(Vue2 演示项目)物业后台管理系统 - ElementUI ( 基本结构已完成, 剩下的就是具体业务开发; 如有疑问请留言 )
Azure Iot Developer Kit
A curated list of awesome Azure IoT Developer Kit projects and resources.
These are my .dotfiles. There are many like them, but these ones are mine.
Vscode Highlight
Advanced text highlighter based on regexes. Useful for todos, annotations etc.
Vscode Iceberg Theme
Dark blue color theme for Visual Studio Code
Vscode Rsync
rsync extension for visual studio code
Visual Studio Code extension for syntax highlighting, hover help and code completions with Firestore security rules and index definition files
Generator Rn Toolbox
The React Native Generator to bootstrap your apps
Vscode Duotone Dark
DuoTone Dark Sea Syntax theme for Visual Studio Code
Vscode Git Semantic Commit
💬 A Visual Studio Code extension which enables to commit simply by the semantic message conventions
Docker Vscode
A Docker Image with Visual Studio Code + Dotnet CLI + NPM + Emacs + More!
Vscode Php Docblocker
Simple docblocker for php
Vscode Theme Iterm2
🎨 Color scheme for iTerm2 matching Visual Studio Code's default Dark+ and Light+ themes.
Vscode Glua Enhanced
👨‍💻 Garry's Mod Lua VSCode Extension for enhanced auto completion, wiki integration, snippets, color palette, and much more...
Vscode Csscomb
🔌 VS Code plugin for CSScomb — CSS coding style formatter.
Vscode Lombok
Lombok Annotations Official Extension for Visual Studio Code
Vscode Sftp
Super fast sftp/ftp extension for VS Code
Vscode Svgviewer
SVG Viewer for Visual Studio Code
Ansible Role Visual Studio Code
Ansible role for installing the Visual Studio Code IDE
Vscode Org Mode
Emacs Org Mode for Visual Studio Code
Go Restful
🚀 A real world production-grade RESTful Web Services proof-of-concept project.
A vscode theme that makes colors pop!
Vue Vscode Snippets
These snippets were built to supercharge my workflow in the most seamless manner possible.
Vue Theme Vscode
+200.000 installs ⬇️ Theme for Visual Studio Code inspired by Vue.js, with support for more popular languages, trying to maintain a perfect harmony of colors.
Vscode Smoothtype
VS Code extension to add cursor transitions while typing, similar to MS Office and the Windows 10 Mail app.
Tailwindcss Intellisense
Intelligent Tailwind CSS tooling for Visual Studio Code
Vscode Monokai Night
A complete, dark and minimalistic Monokai-inspired theme.
Vscode Openshift Tools
Microsoft Visual Studio Code extension for OpenShift
Vscode Ruby Test Adapter
A Ruby test adapter extension for the VS Code Test Explorer
Online tool for Generate a User Story Map from indented text.
Vscode Better Merge
Better merge conflict support for vscode
Vscode Hack
Hack language & HHVM debugger support for Visual Studio Code
Import Cost
displays the import size of the package you are importing inside the code editor
Svelte 3 Rollup Typescript Vscode
Starter for svelte 3/rollup/typescript/vscode
Vscode Stylefmt
🔌 VS Code plugin for stylefmt— Format your CSS using stylefmt.
Vs Code For Node Js Development Pack
🏃 A VS Code Extension Pack to get up and running with Node.js Development
Vscode File Templates Ext
Visual Studio code extenstion that allows to quickly create new files based on defined templates.
Markdown index
add index to your markdown title
An React Native Starter Kit with Expo + NativeBase + Best configuration for VSCode IDE.
Go Starter
An opinionated production-ready SQL-/Swagger-first RESTful JSON API written in Go, highly integrated with VSCode DevContainers by allaboutapps.
Hashlink Debugger
Visual Studio Code Debugger for Haxe/HashLink applications
Vscode Extension
Red extension for Visual Studio Code