Top 7133 nodejs open source projects

The (Java|Coffee)Script and (CSS|Less) (Builder|Bundler|Packer|Minifier|Merger|Checker)
Stylify Me
Website style analyzer for designers. This is the service part that does the analyzation etc.
Nodejs Api Doc
📓Node.js API doc in Chinese
Inversify Express Example
The official express + inversify+ inversify-express-utils examples
{} → 📄 it's easy to convert JSON to CSV
Node Cli Boilerplate
Boilerplate to kickstart creating a Node.js command-line tool
Umajs,easy-to-use framework base on Typescript
User Interface Toolkits for Node.js
✭ 208
Cordova Lib
Apache Cordova Tooling Library
🏙 Retinal is a Serverless AWS Lambda service for resizing images on-demand or event-triggered
Key-value storage for multiple databases. Supports MongoDB, MySQL, Postgres, Redis, and SQLite.
Github Bot
@nodejs-github-bot's heart and soul
Express React Redux Starter
Starter for Express, React, Redux, SCSS applications
Sendgrid Nodejs
The Official Twilio SendGrid Led, Community Driven Node.js API Library
An automatic beatmap generator using Tensorflow / Deep Learning.
Chinese Random Name
🈺 Generate Chinese name using Node.js.
Remove Markdown
Strip Markdown stuff from text
Node Fb Messenger
✉️ Facebook Messenger Platform Node.js API Wrapper
Blog Frontend Project
Web frontend code for my blogs, develop with Vue.
An HTTP content negotiator for Node.js
Grunt Recess
[DEPRECATED] Lint and minify CSS and LESS
React Ssr
React 服务端渲染(SSR),react + redux + koa2 + sequelize + mysql全栈项目(Full Stack)
Node Redis
A high-performance Node.js Redis client.
A framework for real-time applications and REST APIs with JavaScript and TypeScript
The Simple, Secure Framework Developers Trust
Getting started with Puppeteer and Chrome Headless for Web Scraping
A graph node engine and editor written in Javascript similar to PD or UDK Blueprints, comes with its own editor in HTML5 Canvas2D. The engine can run client side or server side using Node. It allows to export graphs as JSONs to be included in applications independently.
An open list of awesome Level modules and resources.
Vuejs Rails Starterkit
Vue.js + Rails Starting Kit GitHub Template to develop Hybrid Mobile Application:
Do Not Disturb Cli
Control the macOS `Do Not Disturb` feature from the command-line
Careyshop Admin
HTTP(S) Rotating Residential proxies - Code examples & General information
Semana Omnistack 11
Código produzido durante a Semana OmniStack 11.0
We.js, extensible Node.js MVC framework - CLI
Docker Web Framework Examples
Example apps that demonstate how to use Docker with your favorite web frameworks.
Graphql Camara Deputados
API GraphQL com os dados da câmara de deputados do Brasil
Light NodeJS rate limiting and response delaying using Redis - including Express middleware.
🔩 Hexnut is a middleware based, express/koa like framework for web sockets
Bootcamp Gostack Desafio 01
Desafio do primeiro módulo do Bootcamp GoStack 🚀👨🏻‍🚀
React Discord Clone
Discord Clone using React, Node, Express, Socket-IO and Mysql
Ark Node
💸 CryptoCurrency for all
Alipay Node.js SDK 基于最新版蚂蚁金服 支付宝开发文档
Alpine Node
Minimal Node.js Docker Images built on Alpine Linux
A 3D renderer written in JavaScript and rendered to the terminal.
Cep Promise
Busca por CEP integrado diretamente aos serviços dos Correios, ViaCEP e outros (Node.js e Browser)
Helping junior developers navigate the complex world of software engineering without experiencing information overload.
Filter Console
Filter out unwanted `console.log()` output
Node Occ
build BREP Solids with OpenCascade and NodeJS - 3D Modeling
Dialetus Service
API to Informal dictionary for the idiomatic expressions that each Brazilian region It has
Nodejs Auth
Implementation of node.js authentication with social login ✌️, user impersonation 💅, and no passport.js required 💁
Liberating disk space from 📁 node_modules