Top 9846 react open source projects

React Hn
React-powered Hacker News client
🍑 2020全栈学习Demo大合集 包含最新 hooks TS 等 还有umi+dva,数据可视化等实战项目 (持续更新中)
React Country Region Selector
Country / region React select boxes for your forms.
React Router Sitemap
Generate sitemap.xml by React Router configuration
💡✔ Wanna is an implementation of a 21st-century to-do list app.
React Vtree
React component for efficiently rendering large tree structures
React Materials
Migrate to:
React Fundamentals
Material for my React Fundamentals Workshop
Redux Auth Wrapper
A React Higher Order Component (HOC) for handling Authentication and Authorization with Routing and Redux
React Widgets
Polished, feature rich, accessible form inputs built with React
Re Base
🔥 A Relay inspired library for building React.js + Firebase applications. 🔥
React Lazy Hydration
Lazy Hydration for Server Rendered React Components
A collection of eclectic react hooks
Build a Node web app with user authentication, security, and more in under 10 minutes. Now supports React Hot Loading for super-fast development. 👌
React Testing
Slides, notes and sample project from a talk on testing React applications given at the London React meetup group
Gatsby Starter Morning Dew
🚀 A Gatsby theme/starter to build lightning-fast blog/websites
TotalRecoilJS is a tool created to help developers visualize/debug and track their Recoil state via a Chrome extension.
🐯 visx | visualization components
👩‍🎤 CSS-in-JS library designed for high performance style composition
React/ApolloGraphQL/Node/Mongo demo written in Typescript
A beautiful, responsive, highly customizable and accessible (WAI-ARIA) replacement for JavaScript's popup boxes. Zero dependencies.
Redux Form
A Higher Order Component using react-redux to keep form state in a Redux store
Generate a modern Web project with Go and Angular, React or Vue in seconds 🚀
React Gh Pages
Deploying a React App (created using create-react-app) to GitHub Pages
React Survey
A Survey System Created With React
React Advanced Form
Functional reactive forms. Multi-layer validation, custom styling, field grouping, reactive props, and much more.
React Anchor Link Smooth Scroll
React component for anchor links using the smooth scroll polyfill.
Next React Graphql Apollo Hooks
React, Apollo, Next.js, GraphQL, Node.js, TypeScript high performance boilerplate with React hooks GraphQL implementation and automatic static type generation
✨ Iguazu is a simple Redux-powered Async Query engine
Iframe Resizer React
The official React interface for Iframe-Resizer
React Workshop
The course material for our React Hooks workshop
React Geolocated
React Higher-Order Component for using Geolocation API
React In Viewport
Detect if React component is in viewport
React Echarts Modules
SnailJS - Slow and thoughtful development with Node and React
React Admin
A framework for building React applications
Beautiful React Diagrams
💎 A collection of lightweight React components and hooks to build diagrams with ease 💎
React Form
⚛️ Hooks for managing form state and validation in React
React Summernote
Summernote (Super simple WYSIWYG editor) adaptation for react
React Universal Saga
Universal React Starter Kit ft. Redux Saga
Todo Redux Saga
Todo app with Create-React-App • React-Redux • Redux-Saga • Firebase • OAuth
Demo app for the API Platform framework
Micro Frontend Example
Building Micro Frontends with React, Vue, and Single-spa
Use Wallet
👛 useWallet() · All-in-one solution to connect a dapp to an Ethereum provider.