Top 2024 redux open source projects

🐤 The Simplest Redux
Fastbuy App
App to manage the products of the FastBuy Store (built with React Native and Redux).
Online Shop
Online shop prototype implemented in React.
Flutter App using the stack overflow questions api which we made using django.
Redux In Worker
Entire Redux in Web Worker
Global Forest Watch: An online, global, near-real time forest monitoring tool
Ecommerce Site Template
A beautiful e-commerce template powered by React, Redux and other modern web tech.
React Wp Rest
A boilerplate for pairing the WP Rest API with a server-rendered React app
Cezerin is React and Node.js based eCommerce platform.
Firebase React Native Redux Starter
Starter For Firebase, React Native, Redux Applications With 100% Of Code In Common Between IOS And Android, with built In Authentication, Crud Example And Form Validation.
Template React Ssr
Server-side rendering template using express and react 16
Template Rwb
A full-featured Webpack setup with hot-reload
React Redux Book
Source code of React Redux Book
Redux Scuttlebutt
Distributed replicated redux store
React Solitaire
React implementation of the famous solitaire card game
My Appointment
ReactNative App for booking Appointment
Redux First History
🎉 Redux First History - Redux history binding support react-router - @reach/router - wouter
"Predictable state container" implementation, inspired by Redux.
Create React App With Redux
🌟 Simple redux implementation added to an app created with create-react-app
Redux Arc
A declarative way to make request with redux actions
Create React Redux App Structure
Create React + Redux app structure with build configurations ✨
Itunes Remote
Remotely control iTunes on Mac without Internet 🎶📱
Meteor React Redux boilerplate with Server-Side Rendering
React Native Testing Example
Example of unit testing a React Native & Redux app using Jest (and Snapshots!)
Middleware Lecture
Sample code for the React Next 2017 - Middleware lecture
Unfx Proxy Checker
Unfx Proxy Checker - Powerful proxy checker with huge features and beautiful design. Easy sorting and filtering by all parameters.
Unsplash Wallpapers
🖼️ Unsplash cross-platform desktop application built with Electron, React and Redux
Redux Kotlin
Redux implementation for Kotlin (supports multiplatform JVM, native, JS, WASM)
Highly customizable notification snackbars (toasts) that can be stacked on top of each other
React Boilerplate
A slightly opinionated yet dead simple boilerplate for React 17.x, Webpack 5 and React Router v5
Universal Development Environment
Redux Rs
📦 A Rust implementation of Redux.
Awesome Redux
Awesome list of Redux examples and middlewares
Wp Calypso
The JavaScript and API powered
Redux Immutable
redux-immutable is used to create an equivalent function of Redux combineReducers that works with Immutable.js state.
Redux Data Structures
Reducer factory functions for common data structures: counters, maps, lists (queues, stacks), sets, etc.
Netflix Clone
Netflix like full-stack application with SPA client and backend implemented in service oriented architecture
Spring React Boilerplate
An example of an isomorphic application using Java + Spring with React, React Router and Redux
Public infos and issues about React Conf Brasil organization
Unidirectional reactive architecture
React Native Typescript Boilerplate
React Native Typescript starter kit / template (Redux Thunk + React Native Navigation v7 + TSLint)
ReactJS / Redux Data Table
Redux Batch
Enhance your Redux store to support batched actions
Redux Tower
Saga powered routing engine for Redux app.
React Native Offline
Handy toolbelt to deal nicely with offline/online connectivity in a React Native app. Smooth redux integration ✈️
Taro Music
🔥基于taro + dva + typescript 开发的音乐播放器小程序🎵
React Model
The next generation state management library for React
Reactjs Shopping Cart
example of shopping cart implemented in react.js and redux.js
Repos of my youtube tutorial where we build a Meetup app with React-Native and Node