Top 2024 redux open source projects

Taro Dva
整合 taro-dvajs的仿知乎示例
React Demo
React 示例项目 · 简易留言板。本项目拥有完善的文档说明与注释,让您快速上手 React 开发 SPA。Webpack / ES6 + Babel / Redux / React Router —— An Excellent React Starter,可能是东半球最佳的 React Starter,基于 Vue Cli 二次开发
React Admin
基于[email protected]的react动态权限后台管理系统模板
React Template Easily
Redux React Navigation Demos
React-Native + Redux + Redux-Persist + React Navigation ( Authentication Flow with Redux demos)
Redux Saga Testing
A no-brainer way of testing your Sagas
Async Redux Saga
Just another approach to manage async operations using redux-saga
Nextjs Express Mongoose Crudify Boilerplate
Next.js (React) + Redux + Express REST API + MongoDB + Mongoose-Crudify boilerplate
Predictable state container for React apps written using Hooks
React Redux Architecture
Learn how to architect a React Redux application in a classy way
🔥 🐣 Firebase + Redux for ReactJS
V2 Universal Js Hmr Ssr React Redux
⚡ (V2) Universal JS - Server Side Rendering, Code Splitting and Hot Module Reloading ⚡
Hyper Search
Search-text plugin for Hyper.js
Suas Ios
Unidirectional data flow architecture implementation for iOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS
React Redux Observable Typescript Sample
A sample application for React + redux-observable + TypeScript
React Laravel Boilerplate
A Laravel REST API backend with React/Redux, hot module reloading in development and route-level code splitting
Breko Hub
Babel React Koa Hot Universal Boilerplate
🌱基于 redux 的轻量级小程序状态管理框架,适配原生小程序,wepy,taro
React Starter Kit
完美使用 React, Redux, and React-Router!超好用的脚手架
Opinionated Redux store implementation using Kotlin coroutines
Redux Devtools Dispatch
Dispatch your actions manually to test if your app reacts well.
Javascript Obfuscator Ui
A web UI to the JavaScript Obfuscator node.js package.
Redux implementation in Swift using RxSwift
A library that manages state using RxJava 2.
[Unmaintained] Redux bindings and utilities for Angular
Aspnetcore Angular Ngrx
🚀 An ASP.NET Core WebAPI Demo with an Angular Client using Ngrx store and effects and Signalr
Angular Ngrx Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris Joke Generator w/ NgRx Store
Typescript React Native Starter
A highly scalable foundation with a focus on best pratices and simplicity to start your React Native project in seconds.
Movie Board
Re-design and implement Douban Movie with React and Redux.
Zhejiang University CC98 Forum for desktop
React Native Firebase Chat
This repository contains the source code for a simple chat application built with React Native (frontend) and Firebase (backend).
React Hooks Redux Registration Login Example
React Hooks + Redux - User Registration and Login Tutorial & Example
Redux Dataloader
Loads async data for Redux apps focusing on preventing duplicated requests and dealing with async dependencies.
Reactjs Authentication Tutorial
Chuck Norris World App - A sample app that shows how to add authentication to a ReactJS app
Create React Server
Server & middleware for React + Router + Redux with Server Side Rendering
Real Estate App Ui
Real Estate Property Listing App Built With React Native
React Native Feature Boilerplate
Feature based Architecture for developing Scalable React Native Apps 🚀 using react, redux, sagas and hooks
Reswift Recorder
Deprecated ⚠️ Proof-of-concept Time Travel and Hot Reloading for ReSwift 3.0
✭ 138
Write Once, Render Anywhere. typescript libraries: cache-persist, apollo-offline, relay-offline, offline-first, apollo-cache, relay-store, netinfo, detect-network
State Management made eXtraordinarily simple and effective for Angular, React, and Vue
React Reach
A small library for React to communicate with GraphQL
Redux React Starter
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