Top 2240 angular open source projects

Ng Nest
NG-NEST 是一个开源的 Web 应用程序框架,基于 Angular 和 Nest ,主要用于研发企业级中后台产品
Js Rocks
JS Rocks - Web Audio electric guitar effects and cabinets
Xng Breadcrumb
A lightweight, configurable and reactive breadcrumbs for Angular 2+
Ngx Slick
angular6 a wrapper for slick plugin
Ngx Trend
📈 Simple, elegant spark lines for Angular
Dirty Check Forms
🐬Detect Unsaved Changes in Angular Forms
Jira Clone Angular
A simplified Jira clone built with Angular, ng-zorro and Akita
Jackblog Angular2
Jackblog Angular 2.0 版, 个人博客系统, 使用angular2, typescript, rxjs, ng2-bootstrap, webpack2等.
A playful approach to refactoring code smells
Node Frontend
Node.js Docker image with all Puppeteer dependencies installed for frontend Chrome Headless testing and default Nginx config, for multi-stage Docker building
Angular Es6
Angular ES6 utility library. Write directives, controllers and services as ES6 classes.
Ionic Messenger Starter
@ionic/angular, angularfire2, firebase 5 messenger starter.
🦊 🚀 A Powerful Tool to Simplify Your Angular Tests
Ngx Quill
Angular (>=2) components for the Quill Rich Text Editor
Angular 2 Laravel Starter Kit
Ngx Masonry
Angular Module for displaying a feed of items in a masonry layout
Angular 7 Webpack 4 Boilerplate
Ready to use Angular 7 project with webpack 4 configuration for development and production
Angular 2+ bindings for Redux
Tool for reverse engineering of Angular applications
Ng2 Websockets
Example project of using WebSockets in an Angular 2 application
Angular Generic Table
A generic table for Angular 2+. Generic table uses standard markup for tables ie. table, tr and td elements etc. and has support for expanding rows, global search, filters, sorting, pagination, export to CSV, column clicks, custom column rendering, custom export values.
Jhipster Microservices Example
JHipster Microservices Example using Spring Cloud, Spring Boot, Angular, Docker, and Kubernetes
Kawachat2 Client
Angular 4 Chat App using Socket.IO 2.0
Example App
Example app showcasing the ngrx platform
Angular4 Primeng Admin
angular4-primeng-admin @angular/cli开发的后台模板
Mean Rsvp Auth0
MEAN stack application with Auth0 (see sample deployed at
Taiga Ui
Angular UI Kit and components library for awesome people
Angular Idle Preload
🔜 Angular Idle Preload for preloading async routes via @TipeIO
Angular Testing Workshop
Workshop material for Angular: Unit testing techniques.
Hello Worlds
Hello world apps for angular, react, svelte, and vue
Ion Digit Keyboard V2
A digital keyboard plugin to use in Ionic 2 applications.
The Front End Framework is a Thomson Reuters Tax and Accounting project to create a re-usable library for creating rich HTML based applications. The end goal is to assemble the publicly available libraries into a reference application with documentation along with best practice architecture.
Easy to use ES6 imports for $http, $log, and other Angular 1 services
Angular Multi Step Wizard
Tutorials on building an Angular 4 Multi-Step Wizard with its own Router
Mat Video
📺 mat-video is an Angular 8/9+ video player using Material!
Awesome Ionic
😎 A curated list of amazingly awesome Ionic libraries, resources and solutions.
Firebase Course
Firebase & AngularFire In Depth
Angular Shepherd
An Angular wrapper for the site tour library Shepherd
Protractor Perf
E2E test framework to check for performance regressions in Angular apps
Generator Fountain Angular1
Yeoman 'fountain' generator to start a webapp with Angular 1
Material Steppers
Angular Steppers directive for Angular Material
Jhipster Sample App Ng2
DEPRECATED now that Angular 2+ is the default - This is a sample application created with JHipster, using Angular 2
a team collaboration tutorial app like teambition/worktile
Ngx Componentdestroyed
Unsubscribe from Observables in Angular Components
Angular Gtag
🔖 Google Analytics gtag.js for Angular
Coc Angular
Angular Language Service coc extension for (neo)vim
Complete Typescript Course
Contains the code for the Complete Typescript Course - Build a Node REST API
Ngx Pwa Offline
RxJS operator and other utils catching offline errors in Angular apps (= async pipe everywhere!)
Chop and cut Angular logs like a professional lumberjack.
Ngx Dynamic Form Builder
FormBuilder + class-transformer + class-validator = dynamic form group builder for Angular10+
🚀A "no-cloud" note taking app with "networkless" sharing.
481-540 of 2240 angular projects