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Top 364 react-router open source projects

Judo Heroes
A React application to showcase rendering with Universal JavaScript
💌 双生:遇见另一半的美好:)(React Native)
Serverless Stack Com
An open source guide for building and deploying full-stack apps using Serverless and React on AWS.
React Tutorial
🐅Some of the react tutorial - 《React学习笔记》
React Antd
基于react + redux + immutable + less + ES6/7 + webpack2.0 + fetch + react-router + antd实现的SPA后台管理系统模板
React Router Util
Useful components and utilities for working with React Router
Isomorphic React
A simple but powerful React application built on a standards-compliant back-end
React Dynamic Route Loading Es6
Auto chunking and dynamic loading of routes with React Router and Webpack 2
Fullstack Typescript
FAST FullStack React with TypeScript starter kit.
Windmill Dashboard React
❄ A multi theme, completely accessible, ready for production dashboard.
🚀 The Progressive App Framework Based On React(基于 React 的渐进式应用框架)
Tonzhon Music
Flag Project React
Awesome stack, awesome project pls press the star button
React Router Breadcrumbs Hoc
tiny, flexible, HOC for rendering route breadcrumbs with react-router v4 & 5
React Music
基于React的在线音乐播放器(移动端高仿安卓网易云音乐)(重构是不可能的,这辈子都不会用 hooks 重构)
React Native Simple Router
A community maintained router component for React Native
Your One-Stop solution for a full-stack universal Redux App!
Webpack React Router Redux Es6
The code in this repo is intended for people who want to get started building universal flux applications, with modern and exciting technologies such as Reactjs, React Router and es6.
An enterprise react template application showcasing - Testing strategy, Global state management, middleware support, a network layer, component library integration, localization, PWA support, route configuration, lazy loading and CI/CD
An example React application to accompany the "Add Internationalization (i18n) to a React app using React Intl" course
I'll be working on 20 different ReactJS projects over the course of 60 days and try to create mobile-first, light and dark themed apps out of them.
🏪🏪New updated Covid -19 tracker with neat and clean UI. Here we can able to sort and search by different country. Here we used ReactJs and basic HTML5 and CSS.
ReactJS, Spring5, Spring Reactive, Spring Security, Spring Rest, Hibernate
React GUI-Framework based on Material UI; provides a couple of components for back-office apps (CRUD-based APIs)
Google Photos Clone Built with React🚀 and Firebase🔥
Yet another store using redux. (Inspired by vuex and dva)
Type safe and flexible router for React
Parcel + Typescript + React/Preact + Router + CSS Modules + SASS + Jest + Api-Now + Github Actions CI
This 7th essential medicines list and standard treatment guidelines for the most common health conditions in Zimbabwe has been endorsed by the National Medicine & Therapeutics Policy Advisory Committee [NMTPAC]. It is the product of many years of combined efforts by hundreds of health workers at all levels of the health care system in Zimbabwe. …
A universal boilerplate for building React/Flux apps using Gulp and ES6.
A React router library enabling the render-as-you-fetch concurrent UI pattern.
💊personal website: FE:React;BE:Django
A React single-page-application alternative client for the shacknews chatty.
⚛️🔨create-react-app application with redux and another cool libraries to make your life easier.
Internet speed & offline status monitor. Upload, download, ping, latency dashboard display
181-240 of 364 react-router projects