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Top 81 webpack3 open source projects

Eth Hot Wallet
Ethereum wallet with erc20 support / web wallet - built using react, web3, eth-lightwallet
React Redux
React+Redux 入门示例项目,完整的构建部署流程,可扫下方二维码在线查看
Webpack By Sample
Learn webpack by sample, each of the samples contains a file that indicates the purpose of the sample plus an step by step guide to reproduce it.
a blog based on of react,webpack3,dva,redux,material-ui,fetch,generator,markdown,nodejs,koa2,mongoose,docker,shell,and async/await 基于react+koa2技术栈的个人开源博客系统
Vue Multiple Page
vue + webpack 多页/单页 脚手架
Weex Start Kit
A weex + vue template to build web/Android/iOS project
Front-End Boilerplate built with React + Babel + Webpack + SASS
Patternlab Edition Node Webpack
The webpack wrapper around patternlab-node core, providing tasks to interact with the core library and move supporting frontend assets.
Es6 Webpack2 Starter
🚀 A template project for es6/7, webpack2/3, sass and postcss
Vue2 Vue Router2 Webpack2
《从零搭建 vue2 vue-router2 webpack4 工程》《从零搭建 vue2 vue-router2 webpack3 工程》《搭建 vue2 vue-router2 webpack3 多入口工程》
Vue2 Admin
基于vue-element-admin、Vue2 权限、监控、管理系统(包含地图等嵌套)
React Universal Ssr
Webpack Boilerplate
A basic webpack boilerplate for beginners to start with any project
Egg React Typescript Boilerplate
Egg React TypeScript Server Side Render (SSR) / Client Side Render (CSR)
React全家桶工程 ^_^ 不谢;
Vue Multiple Pages
A multiple Pages Starter use Vue-cli3
Koa Vue Ssr Template
This template built with vue 2.x, vue-router & vuex & webpack3 with server-side rendering by koa
独自手动搭建公司项目(开发环境和生产环境独立配置)。项目已经上线,线上地址为 (⚠️2018.04.18后链接失效)⚠️本仓库仅供学习使用,不再维护。感兴趣者可自行扩展!
React Starter
React Starter repository: cache bursting, css extraction, production, hot, react, redux, router, babel, eslint, jsx, webpack 3, editorconfig
That React App You Want
That react app you always wanted: [email protected], [email protected], postCSS, purifycss, dll's and code splitting examples, bregh. Highly opinionated but you better like it.
List Pull Loading
Vue2 Study
vue 的webpack配置,按需加载,element-ui,vuex
Vue Webpack Typescript
A Vue, Webpack, Typescript, Bootstrap setup with hot reload, dynamic imports, unit testing, code coverage, sass, uncss and bundling/minification.
Webpack Simple Starter
A simple webpack starter without framework (Like Vue, React, Angular, etc.)
A smart and beautiful markdown editor.
🌴 Kite 前台页面是vue ssr服务端渲染、后台页面是react spa、服务层nodejs express、mysql编写的一套多权限文章、动态管理系统
Preact Starter
Webpack3 boilerplate for building SPA / PWA / offline front-end apps with Preact
Mocker Api
mocker-api that creates mocks for REST APIs. It will be helpful when you try to test your application without the actual REST API server.
Awesome Webpack Cn
[印记中文]( - webpack 优秀中文文章
Webpack Cdn Plugin
A webpack plugin that use externals of CDN urls for production and local node_modules for development
Vortex React
🐠 A react starter kit. Redux or mobx, react-router-dom, webpack3, all is in.
PoC for using Webpack 3 in IE8
Vue2 + Vue-router2 + Vuex + Webpack + axios + jwt
It helps to build a bridge from ruby gems' assets to Webpack
Moved to
使用vue 做的一个h5 app。Using Vue to imitate a app.
1-60 of 81 webpack3 projects