Top 3430 api open source projects

Cups Ipp
CUPS Implementation of IPP - PHP Client API
Dark Sky Api
PHP Library for the Dark Sky API.
Convert Instagram user ID to username & vice versa
Hopp Doc Gen
📔 API documentation generator CLI for
Turn your R code into a web API.
✭ 1,160
Branca Js
Authenticated encrypted API Tokens for JavaScript.
Api Store
Contains all the public APIs listed in Phantombuster's API store. Pull requests welcome!
Azure Devops Python Samples
Python samples for interacting with and managing Azure DevOps
Continuous Delivery for Kubernetes
Wise Old Man
The Open Source Old School Runescape progress tracker.
Apy is a simple client-side library for making rest api ajax calls.
Library and CLI utility to send messages to mattermost's incoming webhooks
Auth0 Express Api Samples
Auth0 Integration Samples for Node Express REST API Services
Ratp Api Rest
This project turnkey is distributed as a middleware to expose RATP realtime data as REST resources
Laravel Api Boilerplate Jwt
A Laravel 5.8 API Boilerplate to create a ready-to-use REST API in seconds.
Acf To Rest Api
Exposes Advanced Custom Fields Endpoints in the WordPress REST API
KATT (Klarna API Testing Tool) is an HTTP-based API testing tool for Erlang.
Base is the foundation for creating modular, unit testable and highly pluggable, server-side node.js applications.
DreamFactory API Management Platform
Python library to convert/serialize class instances(Objects) both flat and nested into a dictionary data structure. It's very useful in converting Python Objects into JSON format
Automatically setup and serve webhooks for the Twitter Account Activity API
Component Api
Component API 组件API、开源,免费使用。
A Discord Bot & REST Library for Nim.
Free Api
✭ 11,365
The no-nonsense REST API and microservices framework for Python developers, with a focus on reliability, correctness, and performance at scale.
Spacex Api
🚀 Open Source REST API for SpaceX launch, rocket, core, capsule, starlink, launchpad, and landing pad data.
Rails 5 api tutorial
Building the Perfect Rails 5 API Only App & Documenting Rails-based REST API using Swagger UI
Vue Openapi
OpenAPI viewer component for VueJS
Graphql Server
This is the core package for using GraphQL in a custom server easily
Get insights into your Spotify listening history 🎶
Logging Log4j2
Apache Log4j 2 is an upgrade to Log4j that provides significant improvements over its predecessor, Log4j 1.x, and provides many of the improvements available in Logback while fixing some inherent problems in Logback's architecture.
An interface for administering GitLab from the PowerShell command line.
Go client for the Internet Game Database API
Countries States Cities Database
🌍 World countries, states, regions, provinces, cities, towns in JSON, SQL, XML, PLIST, YAML, and CSV. All Countries, States, Cities with ISO2, ISO3, Country Code, Phone Code, Capital, Native Language, Timezones, Latitude, Longitude, Region, Subregion, Flag Emoji, and Currency. #countries #states #cities
Ohloh api
Ohloh API examples
A neat interface for Slack
Extensions to the vanilla model system, mainly for connected textures
Generator Swiftserver
WARNING: This repository is no longer maintained
Domo Python Sdk
Python3 - Domo API SDK
🤖 ⚡️ 麻雀虽小 五脏俱全 基于hyperf的快速优雅的应用开发框架
Silverstripe Restfulapi
SilverStripe RESTful API with a default JSON serializer.
✭ 63
Redux Api Call
One declarative API to create reducers, action creators and selectors for any API calls
github api v3 in nodejs
Gravitee Gateway - API Management - OpenSource API Gateway
📦 A minimal layer for node that allows results of time-consuming tasks to be stored.
Undocumented S3 Apis
Undocumented Amazon S3 APIs and third-party extensions
Google Search
scrape google search results
Yet Another REST Framework
An R client for the Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) API
🌎 Geodata API - Get countries, and cities to plug in a select drop-down.
Mailman is a GUI to help you manage your email accounts stored in a MySQL/MariaDB database.
User login, billing, access control as part of a session proxy
Simple Bukkit scoreboard API with 1.7.10 to 1.16 support.