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Top 738 deep-neural-networks open source projects

Reference github repository for the paper "Improving Single-Image Defocus Deblurring: How Dual-Pixel Images Help Through Multi-Task Learning". We propose a single-image deblurring network that incorporates the two sub-aperture views into a multitask framework. Specifically, we show that jointly learning to predict the two DP views from a single …
adversarial examples, adversarial malware examples, adversarial malware detection, adversarial deep ensemble, Android malware variants
[unofficial] Pytorch implementation of WaDIQaM in TIP2018, Bosse S. et al. (Deep neural networks for no-reference and full-reference image quality assessment)
A DNN inference latency prediction toolkit for accurately modeling and predicting the latency on diverse edge devices.
⛔️ DEPRECATED <Python Framework for Reproducible Deep Learning Experiments>
Deep Reinforcement Learning that makes you smile
Tensorflow Implementation of Paper "Improved Training of Wasserstein GANs"
graph2vec tf
This repository contains the "tensorflow" implementation of our paper "graph2vec: Learning distributed representations of graphs".
Bioinformatics16: DeepChrome: Deep-learning for predicting gene expression from histone modifications
🌅 Automated image color correction / enhancement with Deep Learning (CNN) ***(NO LONGER MAINTAINED)
DeepCrack: A Deep Hierarchical Feature Learning Architecture for Crack Segmentation, Neurocomputing.
A collection of ML related stuff including notebooks, codes and a curated list of various useful resources such as books and softwares. Almost everything mentioned here is free (as speech not free food) or open-source.
Deep neural networks implemented in TensorFlow & Python for predicting whether transcription factors will bind to given DNA sequences
Traffic Prediction
Traffic Prediction in PaddlePaddle (ASC17 Deep Learning Application)
manifold mixup
Tensorflow implementation of the Manifold Mixup machine learning research paper
ML-capsule is a Project for beginners and experienced data science Enthusiasts who don't have a mentor or guidance and wish to learn Machine learning. Using our repo they can learn ML, DL, and many related technologies with different real-world projects and become Interview ready.
Deep Learning Library. For education. Based on pure Numpy. Support CNN, RNN, LSTM, GRU etc.
Official PyTorch implementation of the paper: "DeepSIM: Image Shape Manipulation from a Single Augmented Training Sample" (ICCV 2021 Oral)
vgg face search
(MIRROR) Face finding engine that runs on a local service. Includes a pipeline for preprocessing a user-defined image dataset.
Signal-Processing-and-Pattern-Classification - Atrial fibrillation & PCG classification
Real-time neural style transfer via meta networks
Various cognitive api for machine learning, vision, language intent alalysis. Covers traditional as well as deep learning model design and training.
A platform which solves maths word problems in English language
Implementation of "Embedding Watermarks into Deep Neural Networks," in Proc. of ICMR'17.
Tensorflow with Image Super-Resolution Using Dense Skip Connections , color
FFTNet: a Real-Time Speaker-Dependent Neural Vocoder
601-660 of 738 deep-neural-networks projects