Top 7133 nodejs open source projects

React Simple Maps
Beautiful React SVG maps with d3-geo and topojson using a declarative api.
Actionhero is a realtime multi-transport nodejs API Server with integrated cluster capabilities and delayed tasks
Copy API endpoints to your fs and run a local server using them
Forum software created using Express, Vue, and Sequelize
Scraper for oEmbed, Twitter Cards and Open Graph metadata - fast and Promise-based ⚡️
Node Digital Watermarking
A digital watermark is a kind of marker covertly embedded in a noise-tolerant signal such as an audio, video or image data. It is typically used to identify ownership of the copyright of such signal. "Watermarking" is the process of hiding digital information in a carrier signal; the hidden information should, but does not need to, contain a relation to the carrier signal. Digital watermarks may be used to verify the authenticity or integrity of the carrier signal or to show the identity of its owners. It is prominently used for tracing copyright infringements and for banknote authentication.
Dcipher Cli
🔓Crack hashes using online rainbow & lookup table attack services, right from your terminal.
Node Rem
Node REM - NodeJS Rest Express MongoDB and more: typescript, passport, JWT,, HTTPS, HTTP2, async/await, nodemailer, templates, pagination, docker, etc. Live Demo:
My Dash
🔢 A developer friendly dashboard for monitoring your self-hosted services with a clean and modern UI.
Code Notes
Tool to summarise all code annotation like TODO or FIXME
Botbuilder Microsoftteams
Microsoft Bot Builder extension library for developing bots for Microsoft Teams
Mongoose module for Nest framework (node.js) 🍸
draxt.js – NodeList/jQuery-like package for File System (node.js)
👕 👖 📦 A sample web and mobile application built with Node, Express, React, React Native, Redux and GraphQL. Very basic replica of / (allows users to get monthly subscription of trendy clothes and accessories).
Nextjs Jwt Authentication
A proof of concept app for demonstrating authentication of Next.js app with JWT.
Cool Admin Api
cool-admin-api 是基于egg.js、typeorm、jwt等封装的api开发脚手架、快速开发api接口
Node Rfc
Asynchronous, non-blocking SAP NW RFC SDK bindings for Node.js
Changelog Maker
A git log to tool
sogeBot - Free Twitch Bot built on Node.js
Thinkjs Vue.js Blog
使用 ThinkJS+Vue.js+mysql 开发的博客程序,演示地址:
Loom Js
JS library for building browser apps & NodeJS services that interact with Loom DAppChains
Aws Lambda Fastify
Insipired by aws-serverless-express to work with Fastify with inject functionality.
A PostgreSQL client with strict types, detailed logging and assertions.
Fastify Example
This project is a small but feature complete application build with Fastify and Svelte, and it aims to show all the core concepts of Fastify, best practices, and recommendations.
Node Plex Api
Node.js package used to query the Plex Media Server HTTP API
Grunt Eslint
Validate files with ESLint
Open source real estate management
Swagger Node Codegen
An OpenAPI 3.x/Swagger 2 code generator for Node.js
Wind Layer
🎏 🚀 wind-layer | a openlayers && amap && bmap && leaflet && mapbox-gl extension to windjs
Nest architecture element generation based on Angular schematics 🎬
Pronote Api
(Tout langage) API compatible Pronote 2020/2021
Deep Waters
🔥Deep Waters is an easy-to-compose functional validation system for javascript developers 🔥
Next Ecommerce
⚡️ Quantum Ecommerce. Made with Next.js | GraphQL | Apollo Server | Apollo Client | SSR
Rest Crud
RESTFul CRUD Example with Node.js and Mysql
Kin Api Server
API Server for Kin Calendar
A tiny wrapper built around fetch with an intuitive syntax. 🍬
Nodejs Roadmap
【🔥持续更新中】Node.js 实战学习路线
Base functionality for working with a Raspberry Pi from Node.js
Eslint Config Xo
ESLint shareable config for XO
🤖 JavaScript 6DOF robot kinematics library
Zl Fetch
A library that makes the Fetch API a breeze
Run Electron
Run Electron without all the junk terminal output
Mikrotik API for Node
Aerospike Client Nodejs
Node.js client for the Aerospike database
Node Ari Client
Node.js client for ARI. This library is best effort with limited support.
Node.js final http responder
Spellbook Of Modern Webdev
A Big Picture, Thesaurus, and Taxonomy of Modern JavaScript Web Development
Easy Monitor
企业级 Node.js 应用性能监控与线上故障定位解决方案
Node Archiver
a streaming interface for archive generation
Nodejs Docs Samples
Node.js samples for Google Cloud Platform products.