Top 422 vue2 open source projects
💯Jocs 的个人博客,所有的文章都在 issues 里面
Vue Konami Code
VueJS Konami code plugin
Mall Vue
django + vue 仿知乎
List Pull Loading
Vue Chat
Vue2 Study
vue 的webpack配置,按需加载,element-ui,vuex
A simple file sharing web service in Vue.js and Flask
Easy Php
A Faster Lightweight Full-Stack PHP Framework 🚀
Vue Koa Demo
🔰A simple full stack demo(CSR & SSR & Docker Support) written by Vue2 & Koa2(Koa1 verson also completed)
Vue Music Player
🎵Vue.js写一个音乐播放器+📖One(一个).A music player + One by Vue.js
V Region
A simple region cascade selector, provide 4 levels Chinese administrative division data
Vuejs Paginate
A Vue.js(v2.x+) component for creating pagination.
Vue Typer
Vue component that simulates a user typing, selecting, and erasing text.
A Vue.js 2.0 UI Toolkit for Web
Vuex I18n
Localization plugin for vue.js 2.0 using vuex as store
(🗃️ Archived) Vue 2 directive for custom scrollbar that uses native scroll behavior. Lightweight, performant, customizable and without dependencies. Used successfully in production on
前后端分离+服务端渲染的博客系统. 基于Vue2、Koa2、MongoDB、Redis
V Mask
🔡 Tiny input mask library for Vue.js (directive)
Cordova Template Framework7 Vue Webpack
Framework7 - Vue - Webpack Cordova Template with Webpack Dev Server and Hot Module Replacement
👉一个基于spring boot 实现的java股票爬虫(仅支持A股),如果你❤️请⭐️ . V2升级版正在开发中!
Vue Apollo
🚀 Apollo/GraphQL integration for VueJS
Vue Blog
A single-user blog built with vue2, koa2 and mongodb which supports Server-Side Rendering
Vue Img Inputer
🏞 A graceful image type inputer / uploader
Vue Demi
🎩 Creates Universal Library for Vue 2 & 3
A tool for testing and debugging your Vue + Vuex applications. 是一個可以幫助您 Vue.js 的項目測試及偵錯的工具, 也同時支持 Vuex及 Vue-Router.
Vue Star Rating
⭐️ A simple, highly customisable star rating component for Vue 2.x. / 3.x
Pixel Web
一个 Vue 微博客户端
A dashboard scaffolding based on Vue.js 3.0 created by Vite.
Meal Prep
Source code for a 4-part series I wrote about Vue, Vue Router, Vuex and Vuetify
Vue Jstree
A Tree Plugin For Vue2.0+
Vue Drag Drop
A lightweight Vue wrapper that abstracts away the wonkier parts of the Drag and Drop Browser API
Vue Gl
Vue.js components rendering 3D WebGL graphics reactively with three.js
Vue Datasource
A vue.js component to create dynamic tables
Display Github Trending repositories on Chrome New Tab Extensions
Vue2 blog
使用vue2.x + vue-cli +vue-router+ vuex + axios + mysql + express + pm2 + webpack+nginx构建的具有登录,注册,留言,用户发帖,用户评论等功能的SPA Blog。注意,注意,注意,后端API全部自己手写,很适合刚学习vue以及express的小伙伴学习,喜欢请Star鼓励一下我,谢谢!项目预览:
这是一个app(android/iOS)项目,但页面视图全部都用的是html5页,没有使用app的原生页面。 前端h5是基于mui + vue2 + vue-router2 + es6 + webpack2 + vuex + signalR 的前端webApp单页项目框架,项目可以直接在PC上运行html5页面。 app打包技术是用HBuilder IDE工具一键打包成APP。
D2 Admin Pm
基于 d2-admin的RBAC权限管理解决方案
Vue Spotify
Spotify client built with vue.js / vuex
【🔥Vue.js资讯📚】目前web前端开发非常火爆的框架;定时更新,欢迎 Star 一下。
Vuex Rest Api
A utility to simplify the use of REST APIs with Vuex
Vue Mapbox
Vuejs 2 components for interacting with mapbox-gl-js
🎵帅气的手机端音乐播放器(vue vue-router vuex flex ...)
Vue Numeric
Input field component to display a formatted currency value based on Vue.js
Vue Shiyanlou
Vue Types
Vue Prop Types definitions
Vue Tradingview
This is a tradingview chart using Vue 2, Vuex and TypeScript.
181-240 of 422 vue2 projects