Top 5791 docker open source projects

The Portainer agent
Docker Lemp
🐳 Docker 快速搭建 LEMP 开发环境
Damselfly is a server-based Digital Asset Management system for photographs. The goal of Damselfly is to index an extremely large collection of images, and allow easy search and retrieval of those images, using metadata such as the IPTC keyword tags, as well as the folder and file names.
Azure Developer College's application development training days content.
Shiny Wordcloud
Example dockerized Shiny App
Docker Cloud Platform
A Real World Business Application using F# and Suave
Runtimes Common
Common tools used by the GCP runtimes.
Docker 1c Server
Сервер 1С:Предприятия в контейнере Docker
Review Waiting List Bot
Make your team's review great again! ✨ It's a Slack bot to list up review waiting list.
CDK is an open-sourced container penetration toolkit, offering stable exploitation in different slimmed containers without any OS dependency. It comes with penetration tools and many powerful PoCs/EXPs helps you to escape container and takeover K8s cluster easily.
DockSTARTer helps you get started with home server apps running in Docker.
⚠️ UNMAINTAINED - Simple and full-featured mail server using Docker
Flow Pipeline
A set of tools and examples to run a flow-pipeline (sFlow, NetFlow)
Docker Superset
Repository for Docker Image of Apache-Superset. [Docker Image:]
Docker Openwisp
(unreleased) OpenWISP docker images
Scaffold Cloud
A scaffold multi-module project created by Spring Cloud
A platform to easily manage and deploy your applications.
Discourse Docker
[unmaintained] Install and manage Discourse via docker [2014]
Docker Laravel
Laravel 5 with Dockerized Gulp, PHP-FPM, MySQL and nginx using docker-compose
Docker Ssllabs Scan
Qualys sslabs-scan utility in a tiny docker image
Docker Ionic
🎢 Docker image for Ionic (with Android & Cordova)
Open source Dota 2 data platform
GraphJin - Build APIs in 5 minutes with GraphQL. An instant GraphQL to SQL compiler.
Ecs Pipeline
☁️ 🐳 ⚡️ 🚀 Create environment and deployment pipelines to ECS Fargate with CodePipeline, CodeBuild and Github using Terraform
Terraform Aws Ecs Codepipeline
Terraform Module for CI/CD with AWS Code Pipeline and Code Build for ECS
Otomi Core
Otomi Container Platform, a suite of integrated best of breed open source tools combined with automation & self service, all wrapped together and made available as an enterprise ready and single deployable solution
The only truly universal productive development platform with Docker on macOS, Linux and Windows!
Collect and revisit web pages.
Meteor Up
Production Quality Meteor Deployment to Anywhere
Environment, operations and runtime-meta testing tool.
An automation platform with a plugin architecture that allows you to easily create and share services.
IRC gateway for slack, running on localhost for one user
Script exporter
Prometheus exporter to execute scripts and collect metrics from the output or the exit status.
Jupyterlab Configuration
Containerized and Script-controlled JupyterLab Project Environment
Iron Alpine
Hardened alpine linux baseimage for Docker.
Docker Apache Atlas
This Apache Atlas is built from the latest release source tarball and patched to be run in a Docker container.
Let's Certbot is a tool builds automated scripts base on Certbot for obtaining, renewing, deploying SSL certificates.
Remote Code Execution Environment
Remote Code Execution system built with NodeJS and ReactJS. Have you ever wondered how code execution on competitive programming websites works? Code that runs code. Tried implementing that.
Kubectl Build
Build dockerfiles directly in your Kubernetes cluster.
Development repository for the docker cookbook
StarHackIt: React/Native/Node fullstack starter kit with authentication and authorisation, data backed by SQL, the infrastructure deployed with GruCloud
K8s Docker Desktop For Mac
Docker Desktop for Mac 开启并使用 Kubernetes
Crowdr is a tool for managing multiple Docker containers
Jenkins Pipeline
📈 Learn how to implement container technologies with your Jenkins CI/CD workflows to make them easier to manage in this tutorial.
Viabtc exchange server docker
easy run viabtc_exchange_server use docker compose
Acm Statistics
An online tool (crawler) to analyze users performance in online judges (coding competition websites). Supported OJ: POJ, HDU, ZOJ, HYSBZ, CodeForces, UVA, ICPC Live Archive, FZU, SPOJ, Timus (URAL), LeetCode_CN, CSU, LibreOJ, 洛谷, 牛客OJ, Lutece (UESTC), AtCoder, AIZU, CodeChef, El Judge, BNUOJ, Codewars, UOJ, NBUT, 51Nod, DMOJ, VJudge
Keycloak Hasura Connector
Connect hasura with the keycloak. Authentication for hasura
Open Bank Mark
A bank simulation application using mainly Clojure, which can be used to end-to-end test and show some graphs.
Make Docker Command
Seamlessly execute commands (composer, bower, compass) in isolation using docker and make.
Docker Hadoop Cluster
Multiple node cluster on Docker for self development.
Docker Elk Cadvisor Dashboards
ElasticSearch 1.7 (+data container) | Logstash 1.5.3 (+conf for elk logs) | Kibana 4 (+Dashboard for elk logs) | cAdvisor (Collect & View containers performance) | Nginx Proxy 1.9.3 (for SSL + password access).
Rails docker template
Docker template for Rails app or Rails + Webpacker app development.
1201-1260 of 5791 docker projects