Top 2024 redux open source projects

React Curd
Generator Create Redux App
Add redux, emotion-js and other useful libraries like react-router in top of create-react-app
🎥 See the upcoming movies! ReSwift + RxSwift 💖 Hacktoberfest 🎃
Reactive State
Redux-clone build with strict typing and RxJS down to its core. Wrist-friendly, no boilerplate or endless switch statements
React Native Boilerplate
A React Native boilerplate with Expo, Redux, React Navigation, Styled Components and some 💕 included.
React Redux Typescript Guide
The complete guide to static typing in "React & Redux" apps using TypeScript
Redux Tooltip
A tooltip React component for Redux.
React Test Demo
React test demo with Jest and Enzyme
Redux Form Input Masks
Input masking with redux-form made easy
Nextjs Ts
Opinionated Next JS project boilerplate with TypeScript and Redux
React Redux Bootstrap Webpack Starter
React 16.9 + Typescript + React-Router 4 + Redux + Bootstrap 4 + Hot Reload + redux-devtools-extension + Webpack 4 + styled-components STARTER
Yet another CNode React-Native App
Dart redux epics
Redux.dart middleware for handling actions using Dart Streams
✭ 133
Unidirectional Data Flow in Swift via FRP - Inspired by Elm
Redux First Routing
A minimal, framework-agnostic API for accomplishing Redux-first routing.
React Atom
A simple way manage state in React, inspired by Clojure(Script) and reagent.cljs
Architectural framework that assists building data-driven apps with React or React Native.
Typescript React Starter
🚀 TypeScript [ React + React-Router + Redux + Redux-Thunk ] Starter
Mern Authentication
MERN stack authentication boilerplate: password reset, email verification, server sessions, redux, hooks and docker for dev and prod.
Track, Manage & Kill Bugs Effectively 🔪 🐞
Login Flow
🔑 A login/register flow built with React&Redux
A laravel gym management system
Redux Object
Builds complex JS object from normalized redux store. Best works with json-api-normalizer
一套把React Native代码转换成微信小程序代码的转换引擎工具。我们不造轮子,不发明新框架,只是提供工具把RN扩展到微信小程序端。
React Native Starter
🚀A powerful react native starter template that bootstraps development of your mobile application
React Next Boilerplate
🚀 A basis for reducing the configuration of your projects with nextJS, best development practices and popular libraries in the developer community.
Predictable state management for SwiftUI applications.
Redux Arena
Bundling reducers, actions, saga and react-component when using Redux
Redux Boot
Modular Redux bootstrap with asynchronous side-effects.
Snippod Starter Demo App
A full stack 'Hacker News' style demo web application built with React + Redux (Front) and django REST Framework (Server).
🧩 A zero-config, out-of-the-box, multi-purpose toolbox and development environment
Redux Act Async
Reduce boilerplate for redux async actions and reducers
Built redux
an implementation of redux written in dart that enforces immutability
Our example of simple application using ReactNative and some recommendations
Redux persist
Persist Redux State
React Native Music App
React Native Music Application Example
Rnn Starter
🤹 Production-ready starter for your next React Native App! Powered by cli-rn, React Native Navigation, Expo, Reanimated 2, Notifications, Over-The-Air Updates, Mobx, Dark Mode, and Localization.
Native Starter Kit
React Native Starter App with NativeBase + CodePush + Redux
React Redux Laravel
🌟 Boilerplate blog project for react redux laravel
Typescript React Redux
A TypeScript-enabled react/redux application
Bad Ass Salesforce Stack
B.A.S.S. Starter: react / redux / typescript / antd / ts-force / sfdx / webpack / salesforce
🐆 An immutable list with unmatched performance and a comprehensive functional API.
Redux Unhandled Action
Redux middleware that logs an error to the console when an action is fired and the state is not mutated,
Apple Basket Redux
🍎 苹果篮子,一个微型的redux/mobx演示(附多版本)
🌀🛰 ethereum-ready & framework-agnostic redux store configuration
Favesound Redux
🎶 A SoundCloud Client in React + Redux running in production. Live Demo and Source Code to explore React + Redux as a beginner.
The Road To Learn React Chinese
《React 学习之道》The Road to learn React (简体中文版) | 最简单,且最实用的 React 实战教程。
React I18nify
Simple i18n translation and localization components and helpers for React.
Isomorphic Redux Cnode