Top 2024 redux open source projects

🏦 Full Stack Web Application similar to financial software that is used in banking institutions | React.js and Node.js
React Native Navigation Redux Example
This is a tutorial / example of how to convert from a single screen based app to a tab based app using React-Native-Navigation By Wix and Redux. This is useful for apps that want to have an login / authentication screens that transition after a login.
Blog Admin
📮 A simple and customizable React notifications system
React Tracked
State usage tracking with Proxies. Optimize re-renders for useState/useReducer, React Redux, Zustand and others.
MacOS menu bar todo app built with Electron, React and Redux. It goals is to help you do deep work.
Ffxiv Cmskin
🌱 CanisMinor ActSkin - FFXIV
React Universal Boiler
A bold way to begin your next great universal React application. Uses Webpack 3, React 16, Redux, and more for a great developer experience.
A simple approach to learning the beginnings of Redux in Swift.
Neutron is a CLI developed to help developers create new react projects with Redux + Redux Saga and offers well-structured code standardization.
Org Web
org-mode on the web, built with React, optimized for mobile, synced with Dropbox and Google Drive
一款使用react仿易企秀的h5编辑器, 演示环境需使用微信登陆或手机登陆
Boilerplate Webpack React Es6 Cssmodule
a boilerplate for Webpack-React-ES6-CssModule project
Redux Api Call
One declarative API to create reducers, action creators and selectors for any API calls
🎵A light MusicPlayer build with React Native & Redux for both Android and iOS
Webext Redux
A set of utilities for building Redux applications in Web Extensions.
React Adventure
⛰ React high-ending architecture & patterns ready for use. Made for big and small projects. PWA Ready.
Use Reducer X
🔩 An alternative to useReducer that accepts middlewares.
Vue Shopping Clean Architecture
Shopping cart app demonstrate clean architecture
Redux Persist Expo Securestore
redux-persist storage for Expo's SecureStore
Redux Aggregate
The tiny ~550b DX helper for Redux with Inferred types
Movie Browser App
React-redux + Firebase application to browse on movie database
Universal Hmr Ssr React Redux
⚡A Universal Javascript App Utilizing Express, Webpack, React, Redux and React Router with Server Side Rendering and Hot Module Reloading ⚡
Redux Epics Decorator
Dumb decorators for redux & redux-observable & react-redux & redux-actions
Flutter Redux Todo List
A basic flutter_redux todo list example
Jsx Render
Lightweight util to render JSX without react
Ecommerce Shopping Cart
Learn React & Redux From 0 to 100 in this course
A Cryptocurrency/Blockchain wallet app based on React Native
React Redux Typescript Boilerplate
A bare minimum frontend boilerplate with React 16, Typescript 3 and Webpack 4
Simple Universal React Redux
The simplest possible Async Universal React & Redux Boilerplate app, that works on both Mac and Windows
Redux-like state containers for Yew apps
Js Boilerplate
Modern JavaScript Application Boilerplate
Angular Reactive Authentication
Angular authentication using reactive extension @ngrx
Elm & Reason inspired state management for React
React Cool Starter
😎 🐣 A starter boilerplate for a universal web app with the best development experience and a focus on performance and best practices.
Node React Ecommerce
Build ECommerce Website Like Amazon By React & Node & MongoDB
React全家桶工程 ^_^ 不谢;
Redux In Spanish
Traducción al español de la documentación de Redux.
Ts React Redux Startup
TypeScript redux configuration project, check also
Bombanauts, inspired by the original Bomberman game, is a 3D multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game where players can throw bombs at each other, make boxes explode, and even other players!
React Form Controlled
Intuitive react forms for building powerful applications.
React Boilerplate
Production-ready boilerplate for building universal web apps with React and Redux
React Spotify
Spotify React / Redux 🎤🎺🎸🎷