Top 1969 vuejs open source projects

Vue Vscode Snippets
These snippets were built to supercharge my workflow in the most seamless manner possible.
Vue Axios Plugin
axios plugin for Vuejs project
Vuex Flash
VueJs Flash Message Component within Vuex
Flask Vuejs Template
Flask + Vue JS Template
Laravel and VueJs Blog, using Laravel nova, GraphQL, NuxtJs, Apollo and ...more
Describe your favorite anime with emoji ✨
Schulte Grid
5 × 5 Schulte Grid implemented by vue.js & vant-ui
✭ 54
Vuejs Carousel
Complete photo carousel build with VueJS and web standards in mind
Vue Social Sharing
A renderless Vue.js component for sharing links to social networks, compatible with SSR
Tra Info
Vuex Ts Decorators
Write Vuex stores and modules with type-safety and code completion
A chatting app using
Mdi Vue
Material design icons for vue.js
Koa Vue Ssr Template
This template built with vue 2.x, vue-router & vuex & webpack3 with server-side rendering by koa
Coronavirus Countries
COVID-19 interactive dashboard for the whole world
My Bnb Memories
Remember your past travels from Airbnb, your data : your memories...
Vue Image Uploader
Vue 图片选择上传组件,支持多选和拖放
Vue Mathlive
Example of using the Vue wrapper for MathLive math editor
Learn Nuxt Ts
Testing TypeScript for Nuxt
Free PWA & SPA for OpenCart
Vue Paycard
Credit card component made with Vue.js
Vuejs Redux
Flexible binding between Vue and Redux
Dynamic Forms
🗂 Source code for the Dynamic Forms with Vue.js Course
🔥对抗假消息系列项目之一:截屏 = 实锤?相信你就输了!(”突破性“更新💥:支持修改任何网站!)
A GopherJS & go/wasm binding for Vue.js
Pure Vue Chart
Simple and lightweight vue chart component without using chart library dependencies
File Manager using vuejs, element ui as frontend and php as backend
Ticket Conductor
A free and open-source Laravel 5.5 and VueJS (SPA) Ticket system
Cdqa Annotator
⛔ [NOT MAINTAINED] A web-based annotator for closed-domain question answering datasets with SQuAD format.
Vue Mj Daterangepicker
🗓Vue.js date range picker with multiples ranges and presets (vue 2.x)
Vue Admin Pro
Solution for company middle and backstage, written using the vue and nuxtjs
Modern Datatables
They are many ways to build reactive web interfaces but do we really need to add the complexity of JavaScript frameworks like Vue.js or React?
Platform agnostic core - Web, Desktop, Mobile
Vue Image Loader
Vue progressive image loader plugin like Medium
Laravel Vue
This application is test and implemented by Laravel 5.4 and Vue.js 2.
Repository for my tutorial course: Building an interface with Vue.js on LinkedIn Learning and
Wp Vue Starter
WordPress starter theme using REST as backend and Vue + Vue Router for front end framework
👩‍🎨👨‍🎨 A minimalist dark design system for Vue.js. Based components designed for the insomniacs who enjoy dark interfaces as much as we do.
Realworld Nuxt
Nuxt.js implementation of RealWorld Frontend
Vuetify Material Dashboard
Vuetify Material Dashboard - Open Source Material Design Admin
Trading Vue Js
💹 Hackable charting lib for traders. You can draw literally ANYTHING on top of candlestick charts.
Vue2 Admin Lte
📊 adminLTE to vuejs v2.x converting project
Quasar Cloud Demo
Demo Project using Quasar & VueJs. Shows Vuex,Vuelidate,Axios etc...
🛠️Interactive sandox playground for vue components
Table Builder
🐿️Dynamic tables with pagination and sorting for data visualisation.
Vue Meeting Selector
This component is inspired from the meeting selector from doctolib with the power of Vuejs components.
Nly Adminlte Vue
vuejs2 AdminLte3 template more than 50 components and 10 directives.such as collapse ,sidebar,container,infobox,breadcrumb,card,grid,dropdown,toast,navbar,timeline,icon,progress
Vue Firebase Starter
boilerplate of vue/vuex/vue(x)-router, with sass/prerendering, muse-ui, and firebase/firebaseui
Starter template for Nuxt apps bundled with an API
Vue Drag Resize
Vue Component for resize and drag elements