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Top 1949 webpack open source projects

Interactive Image
A jQuery plugin to embed interactive images on your website.
Js Toolbox
CLI tool to simplify the development of JavaScript apps/libraries with little to no configuration. (WORK IN PROGRESS/PACKAGE NOT PUBLISHED).
React Mobx Ts Antd
A simple empty project build with react、react-router、mobx、antd in typescript.
Webpack Tutorial
《Webpack 从零入门到工程化实战》专栏源码
Eslint Loader
[DEPRECATED] A ESlint loader for webpack
Vue Bridge Webview
javascript bridge android/ios webview
Docker Rails React Starter
A basic docker-compose, Rails and React / Webpack starter kit
Cdfang Spider
📊 成都房协网数据分析,喜欢请点 star!
Express React Hmr Boilerplate
A boilerplate for scaffolding production-ready MERN stack projects.
Generate Pages
webpack 开发多页面脚手架
Node Env Webpack Plugin
Simplified `NODE_ENV` handling with webpack
Hanami Webpack
A RubyGem to allow you to use the Webpack as your asset pipeline in Hanami.
Typescript Lib Example
Example of TypeScript library setup for multiple compilation targets using tsc and webpack
Prepack Webpack Plugin
A webpack plugin for prepack.
💆🏻 Frizz free, context-aware, JavaScript modules
Razzle React Vue Elm Php Lol
🔥 Blazing fast Razzle app with React, Vue, PHP, and Elm + HMR
React 5ddm
5d动漫,使用React,服务端渲染,接口(不开源)来自赞片CMS。仅供参考,交流群:14646823 欢迎加入
Panic Overlay
Displays JS errors in browsers. Shows sources. Use with any framework. 💥✨
Webpack Handbook
Webxr Webpack Boilerplate
Starter Kit for building rich, immersive WebXR projects (featuring A-Frame) PWA with Webpack and SASS
WEBPACK + JSP 构建多页应用
Html Inline Css Webpack Plugin
☄️ A webpack plugin for convert external stylesheet to the embedded stylesheet
Ng Router Loader
Webpack loader for NgModule lazy loading using the angular router
Building the future of tech jobs search
Webvr Webpack Boilerplate
A webvr multi-scenes Single-page application for three.js, webpack
Slater Theme
Shopify Starter theme based on slate
React Redux Quotlify
A quote browser and manager that allows one to search famous quotes and save them to a data store
Webpack Webextension Plugin
Webpack plugin that compiles WebExtension manifest.json files and adds smart auto reload
Bootstrap Loader
Load Bootstrap styles and scripts in your Webpack bundle
Starling Api Web Starter Kit
Starter kit and example app for using the Starling API.
React Es6 Padawan To Jedi Book
Uma introdução simples e completa para React usando ES6 e Babel.
Vue Spa
vue-spa : vue + vue-router + axios + vuex + vux 快速成型移动端项目,直接使用。欢迎star
heroku deployable webpacked phaser3 template with for multi or single player games
React Antd Admin Template
Dotenv Webpack
A secure webpack plugin that supports dotenv and other environment variables and only exposes what you choose and use.
Vue2 Admin Lte
📊 adminLTE to vuejs v2.x converting project
Webpack Deploy
Collection of useful utilities for deploying (not only) Webpack apps
Webgl Structure
🚀 A modern, ES6 based, javascript structure for WebGL based projects with THREE.js!
Babel Plugin Ast
使用 babel 进行 AST 分析和处理
Import Cost
displays the import size of the package you are importing inside the code editor
Tris Webpack Boilerplate
A Webpack boilerplate for static websites that has all the necessary modern tools and optimizations built-in. Score a perfect 10/10 on performance.
Whitestorm App Boilerplate
[WIP] WhitestormJS 2 App boilerplate
Ng Static Site Generator
ng-static-site-generator is a webpack-based command line build tool that builds an Angular app and Jekyll-style blog entry html files into a static html and css website. It also supports building a client app so you can have static pages that are also capable of running dynamic functionality coded in Angular.
Vue Flowchart
Vue + ElementUI + Webpack 集成GoJS的流程图插件,基本实现了流程图的增、删、改,及节点复杂关联
An open-source CI/CD automation tool based on GitHub Actions that pulls all the JavaScript and CSS files from your base branch, minify them and creates a pull-request with a new branch.
Mdb Webpack Starter
Webpack Starter for Material Design for Bootstrap UI Kit based on the latest Bootstrap 5.
React Pwa Webpack Starter
Boilerplate to build a React PWA with Webpack + Workbox
Webpack Isomorphic Dev Middleware
The webpack-dev-middleware, but for isomorphic applications
Redux Json Router
Declarative, Redux-first routing for React/Redux browser applications.
Webpack React
📦 A sample project to demonstrate bundling ES6, React, SASS and Bootstrap with Webpack
File Upload Component
React 16.0/Angular 1.6/Angular 5.0 components for file upload with multiple file selection, preview images, download, file thumbnail
Wasm Dev Book
Rust を用いた WebAssembly の開発環境を構築する手法を紹介する本.
Webpack Aliyun Oss
一个webpack(version >= 4)插件,上传资源到阿里云oss。可以作为webpack插件使用,也可独立使用
Angular Material in MEAN Stack Website Source
Typescript Boilerplate
Start writing stuff in TypeScript without bothered by configurations
661-720 of 1949 webpack projects