Top 1837 node open source projects

Download JavaScript Dependencies, really fast
The Nodejs Master Class
Code samples for the Node.js Master Class
Offline invoicing
Desktop invoicing app built with electron. Create Quotes and Invoices. Download PDF or Email directly to your customers.
Automatic Release
Automates the release process for GitHub projects.
Express Bookshelf Realworld Example App
🐳 An Express and Bookshelf based backend implementation of the RealWorld API Spec.
🚴 A declarative library for building component-based user interfaces in UITableView and UICollectionView.
Puppeteer Deep
Puppeteer, Headless Chrome;爬取《es6标准入门》、自动推文到掘金、站点性能分析;高级爬虫、自动化UI测试、性能分析;
Projecto construído durante o Next Level Week 1 - Ecoleta by @Rocketseat
Terminal Slack
Terminal client for slack
Pretty Time
Easily format the time from node.js `process.hrtime`. Works with timescales ranging from weeks to nanoseconds.
Terminal Chat Robot
👽A chat-robot which runs in terminal.
AWS Lambda / API Gateway native, fast and simple web framework
Be Course 17 18
🎓 Backend · 2017-2018 · Curriculum and Syllabus 💾
Node Qiniu Sdk
七牛云SDK,使用 ES2017 async functions 来操作七牛云,接口名称与官方接口对应,轻松上手,文档齐全
Node package and CLI tool to convert code into an image with syntax highlighting
Simple yet powerful framework for building command-line apps.
Bitcoin Node Manager
📊 Lightweight dashboard and control system for bitcoin nodes
Openwhisk Runtime Nodejs
Apache OpenWhisk Runtime NodeJS supports Apache OpenWhisk functions written in JavaScript for NodeJS
Starter template for Nuxt apps bundled with an API
An office suite that combines text, spreadsheet and presentation editors allowing to create, view and edit local documents
Akismet Api
Nodejs bindings to the Akismet ( spam detection service
NoteMaster is an smart minimalistic persistent note-taking app to help boost productivity.
🔥The Web-scale GUI for MongoDB
Node Module Of The Week
✭ 39
Nodemcu Espress
Ultra-Lightweight and modular Node.js express like http server for NodeMCU. web - ESP8266
A Reddit command line client written in Node.js, using modern ES-features
Example Http Timings
Example HTTP Timings in Node.js
Prerender Alpine
Lightweight Prerender container built on Alpine Linux with Node and Headless Chrome
⚡ File sharing progressive web app built using WebTorrent and WebSockets
轻量级内容管理系统,基于 Node.js + MongoDB 开发,拥有灵活的内容模型以及完善的权限角色机制。
Nefit Easy Http Server
HTTP server to access Nefit/Bosch XMPP backend over HTTP
Why Are My Node Streams Hanging
Some supplemental node streams documentation
Es6 Express Mongoose Passport Rest Api
Lightweight boilerplate for Node RESTful API, ES6, Express, Mongoose and Passport 🎁
A basic terminal interface for git, written on Node.js [Project not maintained]
【未完成】NideAdmin - 基于 Vue.js + Egg.js 的微信小程序后台框架
Yeelight Platform
Yet Another Yeelight API in node.js
Electron Create Menu
a default menu for your electron applications, with convenience functions for multiplatform use and i18n.
Node Production
Take Your Node.js Project to The Production Environment (VPS/Dedicated Server).
Nyan Progress
Nyan cat progress bar in Node, why not?
Centos7 S2i Nodejs
DEPRECATED OpenShift S2I builder images for Node.js ✨
Node Streamspeed
A simple way to keep track of the speed of your node streams.
[DEPRECATED] Simple, flexible, delightful web crawler/spider package
Uma CLI cross-platform que reproduz um áudio do Mc Poze em loop. "toma no cu pacero to chei de ódio"
Node Forecastio
A node.js client for API
Injection Js
Dependency injection library for JavaScript and TypeScript in 5.1K. It is an extraction of the Angular's ReflectiveInjector which means that it's well designed, feature complete, fast, reliable and well tested.
A blog backend server based on koa + mongoose.
Instagram-Style Compact UUID generator library for Node.js
Node Emoji
😏 simple emoji support for node.js projects
An easy to use self bot with different utilities written in NodeJS