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Top 62 code-splitting open source projects

Modular Css
A streamlined reinterpretation of CSS Modules via CLI, API, Browserify, Rollup, Webpack, or PostCSS
Svelte Loadable
Dynamically load a svelte component
React Pwa
An upgradable boilerplate for Progressive web applications (PWA) with server side rendering, build with SEO in mind and achieving max page speed and optimized user experience.
Starter Pack
Combines React (ft. hooks), Redux, Redux-saga and TypeScript with Auth0 as a starting point for modern web apps with solid authentication
Bundle Buddy Webpack Plugin
🐐🐐🐐🐐 bundle-buddy-webpack-plugin 🐐🐐🐐🐐
React Ssr Boilerplate
Boilerplate for React apps with routing, code splitting, & server side rendering
React Boilerplate
A slightly opinionated yet dead simple boilerplate for React 17.x, Webpack 5 and React Router v5
V2 Universal Js Hmr Ssr React Redux
⚡ (V2) Universal JS - Server Side Rendering, Code Splitting and Hot Module Reloading ⚡
React Laravel Boilerplate
A Laravel REST API backend with React/Redux, hot module reloading in development and route-level code splitting
Webpack Require From
Webpack plugin that allows to configure path or URL for fetching dynamic imports
Code Splitting React Webpack
An example of how to code split with Webpack 2 and React Router
React Starter Boilerplate Hmr
React starter boilerplate with React Fast Refresh, React 17 and Webpack 5
Preact Async Route
Async route component for preact-router
Awesome Bundle Size
📝 An awesome list of tools and techniques to make your web bundle size smaller and your web apps load faster.
Haxe Modular
Haxe-JS code splitting, NPM dependencies bundling, hot-reload
React Async Component
Resolve components asynchronously, with support for code splitting and advanced server side rendering use cases.
React Boilerplate
Production-ready boilerplate for building universal web apps with React and Redux
Redux Json Router
Declarative, Redux-first routing for React/Redux browser applications.
Example project - "Hot Reloading 4 RequireJS" front-end web applications & some extra code demonstrating hot-reloading for Node.js Express servers
That React App You Want
That react app you always wanted: [email protected], [email protected], postCSS, purifycss, dll's and code splitting examples, bregh. Highly opinionated but you better like it.
Redux Dynamic Modules
Modularize Redux by dynamically loading reducers and middlewares.
Preact Lazy Route
Lazy load preact route components
Webpack 4 Orchestration Layer allows for automated async code splitting of anything
📦⚡ A precompiled JavaScript module bundler
React Imported Component
✂️📦Bundler-independent solution for SSR-friendly code-splitting
Async Reactor
Render async Stateless Functional Components in React
React Component Library
A project skeleton to get your very own React Component Library up and running using Rollup, Typescript, SASS + Storybook
React Loadable
⏳ A higher order component for loading components with promises.
⚡ A high-level, declarative, composable form of Redux
Yet another simple React SSR solution inspired by vue-server-render
🌱 使用CRA(create-react-app v2) 构建的react dva 2 脚手架 支持动态路由、接口数据模拟、按功能分层、并且包含诸多实用的小组件
👨‍💻 Fullstack web app built with MongoDB, NodeJs, React and Redux. Features: Protected routes client/server side, MaterialUI layout
Kaon.js is a react isomorphic app solution. It contains webpack build, hot reloading, code splitting and server side rendering.
📦🚀 BuckleScript dynamic import interop on JavaScript environment
Get started with React with Webpack2, React-Router, Redux, Code Splitting and Server Rendering
♻️ Asynchronously load data for your React components with SSR
JavaScript tooling platform that focuses on universal React applications. Supports advanced features such as hot-reloading, static and dynamic server side rendering and code splitting.
Universal React Starter Kit is an universal web application framework using koa, react, redux and webpack.
1-60 of 62 code-splitting projects