Top 895 component open source projects

Styled Typography
Typograpy components for react and styled-components
Error Handler
The ErrorHandler component provides tools to manage errors and ease debugging PHP code.
⚠️ Alert is a simple notification that appears on the top of the screen.
Vue Grid
A flexible grid component for Vue.js
React Lego
一种特别注重扩展和复用的 React 组件编写规则。
Vue Highcharts
The Component of Vue 2.x for highcharts
React Scroll Parallax
🔮 React components to create parallax scroll effects for banners, images or any other DOM elements
Ember Toggle
Checkbox based Toggle Switches for Ember
Omi Electron
🚀Build cross platform desktop apps with Omi.js and Electron.js 基于Omi.js和Electron.js构建跨平台的桌面应用
Var Exporter
The VarExporter component allows exporting any serializable PHP data structure to plain PHP code. While doing so, it preserves all the semantics associated with the serialization mechanism of PHP (__wakeup, __sleep, Serializable).
Maz Ui
Stand-alone components library to build your interfaces with Vue.JS & Nuxt.JS
Polyfill Php56
This component provides functions unavailable in releases prior to PHP 5.6.
Quist Ui
Render particle effect in UnityUI(uGUI). Maskable, sortable, and no extra Camera/RenderTexture/Canvas.
React Swipeable Bottom Sheet
A swipeable material's bottom sheet implementation, using react-swipeable-views
Autoresponsive React
Auto Responsive Layout Library For React
Polyfill Php55
This component provides functions unavailable in releases prior to PHP 5.5.
Webpack Component Loader
📦 A webpack loader to componentify CSS/JS/HTML without framework
Object Editor React
Schema-aware editor for structured JSON objects (drop-in React component)
Simple, lightweight and super fast global notification popup for Vue.js
A web ui library for Go. [DEPRECATED]
React 3d Viewer
A 3D model viewer component based on react.js 一个基于react.js的组件化3d模型查看工具
Vue Tweezing
💃 Easy, customizable and automatic tweening nicely served in scoped slots
Polyfill Util
This component provides binary-safe string functions, using the mbstring extension when available.
Vue Truncate Collapsed
A simple component that truncates your text and adds a 'Read More/Show Less' clickable.
React Markdown
Markdown editor (input) based on React
React Background Slideshow
Sexy tiled background slideshow for React 🔥
Quark.js is a microscopic atomic CSS polyfill in JS just 140 bytes
React Native Sketch View
A React Native component for touch based drawing supporting iOS and Android.
O Grid
Responsive grid system
Vue Promised
💝 Composable Promises & Promises as components
Polyfill Php54
This component provides functions unavailable in releases prior to PHP 5.4.
React Native Skeleton Content Nonexpo
A customizable skeleton-like loading placeholder for react native projects not using expo.
Lightweight native iOS MVVM framework
Vue Stepper
👨🏻‍🚀 A renderless component for composing a Stepper
Ngx Select Dropdown
Custom Dropdown for Angular 4+ with multiple and single selection options
React Charts
⚛️ Simple, immersive & interactive charts for React
🤖 Vue components to build webforms looking like a conversation
Ngx Youtube Player
(ngx) A youtube component wrapped with Angular (typescript)
Unit test with no initial configuration.
Vue Cli Plugin Component
🛠️ vue-cli 3 plugin to create component
Security Core
Security provides an infrastructure for sophisticated authorization systems, which makes it possible to easily separate the actual authorization logic from so called user providers that hold the users credentials. It is inspired by the Java Spring framework.
React Places Autocomplete
React component for Google Maps Places Autocomplete
🎁 iReact: Fantastic React Components and Libraries! Makes it easy for you to pick one that’ll work for you.
React Native Credit Card Input
Easy, cross-platform credit-card input for your React Native Project! Start accepting payment 💰 in your app today!
181-240 of 895 component projects