Top 752 dashboard open source projects

Drag & drop dashboard builder!
Postgresql Dashboard
A real-time monitoring screen based on Dashing and Sinatra
Cboard V
CBoard Vue 版 (BI dashboard platform)
Kwd Dashboard
Fully responsive dashboard built with tailwindcss & alpinejs
Angular Material Dashboard
Angular admin dashboard with material design
Full-of-features, easy-to-customize, free and open source, Material Design dashboard for icon packs.
Laravel Analytics
Analytics for the Laravel framework.
Laravel Totem
Manage Your Laravel Schedule From A Web Dashboard
InBrief is a personal briefing app and dashboard powered by Electron and React
Covid Charts
A collection of JavaScript-based data visualization tools and data for depicting spread of the COVID-19
React Dashboard
🔥React Dashboard - isomorphic admin dashboard template (React.js, Bootstrap, Node.js, GraphQL, React Router, Babel, Webpack, Browsersync) 🔥
Docker Superset
Repository for Docker Image of Apache-Superset. [Docker Image:]
Tall Dashboard
Tailwind CSS + AlpineJS + Laravel + Livewire dashboard (WIP)
React Dashboard Design
⚡️ Implement of Vercel's Dashboard design in React
Open source monitoring and visualization UI for the TICK stack
Square React Dashboard
👨‍🎤 React Dashboard Template built with TypeScript
Dashboard Flutter Web
This Dashboard was made to show one of the use cases in which Flutter web is applied.
Leverage your IoT enabled Solar PV Inverter to stream your solar energy usage data to a real time dashboard.
Gitlab Ci Dashboard
📊 Dashboard for monitoring GitLab CI builds and pipelines for TV
A tiny Kubernetes dashboard
Grafana Aws Cloudwatch Dashboards
☁️ 30+ Grafana dashboards for AWS CloudWatch metrics: EC2, Lambda, S3, ELB, EMR, EBS, SNS, SES, SQS, RDS, EFS, ElastiCache, Billing, API Gateway, VPN, Step Functions, Route 53, CodeBuild, ...
A startpage to open collections of websites with one click. It’s like restoring tabs, but anywhere.
A dashboard front-end for graphite.
Verk web
A dashboard for the job processing system that just verks! 🧛‍
Django Suit Dashboard
Create a dashboard within Django admin interface.
A ready-to-use CodeIgniter skeleton with tons of new features and a whole new concept of hooks (actions and filters) as well as a ready-to-use and application-free themes and plugins system. Facebook Page: | Facebook Group: Help me carry on making more free stuff → ←
Ansible Dashr
Ansible Dashboard relying on existing Ansible code and logs
Dashboard React Template
[DEPRECATED] Dashboard admin template made with React.js, Redux, Babel etc.
A Cloud (vm) Dashboard that allows you to interact with multiple providers from a single panel
a new web framework, an entire platform really, designed from the ground up to handle complex things easily. Put the power of an entire Operating System at your fingertips.
Customizable personal dashboard and startpage
Pi-hole Dashboard for stats and more
Un dashboard pour bot Discord
Dashboard Extension Online Map Item
⛔ DEPRECATED. This project was moved to a new repository. Visit to find an updated version.
Sensu Grid
A sensu dashboard built for the "big" screen...
Dashboard Extension Webpage Item
⛔ DEPRECATED. This project was moved to a new repository. Visit to find an updated version.
Spring Boot Actuator Demo
Spring Boot Actuator: Health Check, Metrics Gathering, Auditing, and Monitoring
A simpler and more powerful Kubernetes Dashboard
All about your Github account, public and private activity, watch stars, followers and much more.
Vultr self-hosted dashboard.
Antd Admin
An excellent front-end solution for enterprise applications built upon Ant Design and UmiJS
Pivot Kibana
Flexmonster Pivot plugin for Kibana
Dashboard for Android Icon Packs. Supported by the community.
181-240 of 752 dashboard projects