Top 863 npm open source projects

5kb spreadsheet editor for the web, let your users import their data from excel.
📦 Quickly try out NPM packages inside a container
Flagpack Core
Flagpack contains 260+ easily implementable flag icons to use in your design or code project.
Fast, disk space efficient package manager -- 快速的,节省磁盘空间的包管理工具
Npm Module Checklist
Steps to check when starting, working and publishing a module to NPM
Npm Expansions
Send us a pull request by editing expansions.txt
React Ckeditor
CKEditor component for React with plugin and custom event listeners support
Npm Link Shared
links a folder of local modules with inter-dependencies to the target directory
🎉 JUST FOR FUN :: npm package of ATB plastic bag
🤖 🌴 Real-time automated dependency updates for npm and GitHub
Create New Cli
Create your own CLI using a series of simple commands.
React Use Localstorage
(seeking maintainers) ⚓ React hook for using local storage
Keep Your macOs Stuff Updated (KYMSU)
Framework for setting up RESTful JSON APIs with NodeJS.
CLI utility for everyday tasks. With getme you get weather, forecast, currency rate, upload files, IP address, word definitions, text translations, internet speed, do google searches, get inspirational quotes and get Chuck Norris jokes
Php Sf Flex Webpack Encore Vuejs
A simple app skeleton to try to make every components work together : symfony 4 (latest stable at the date, but work with sf 3.3+ if you just change the versions in composer.json), symfony/flex, webpack-encore, vuejs 2.5.x, boostrap 4 sass
Get Programming With Nodejs
Code samples for Get Programming with Node.js (See verhagen's VM setup for exercises in this book:
Simple Boilerplate
A simple webpack boilerplate for your comfortable work with HTML, JS and CSS.
React Native In App Message
React Native in-app notification component
Npm Stats Www
A website showing npm modules metrics
Discord.js Musicbot Addon
This DOES NOT WORK any more. This repo only serves as an archive for is anyone wants to pickup my work. You may still join the discord however.
A curated list of everything I look up more than twice
Docusign Node Client
The Official DocuSign Node.js Client Library used to interact with the eSign REST API. Send, sign, and approve documents using this client.
Bundle Phobia Cli
📦 Cli for the node BundlePhobia Service 😱
Get a programmable email address. Automate what happens when you receive emails. It's like Zapier for devs who hate emails.
The 1.x line is frozen - features and bugfixes now happen on
Npm Stats
📈 npm package statistics dashboard build with vue
Maintenance Book
”SurviveJS — Maintenance” book
🚢 semantic-release plugin to publish a npm package
Qr Code With Logo
Awesome Awesome Nodejs
🐢🚀 An Awesome list of Awesome lists related to Node.js.
Npm Try
🚆 Quickly try npm packages without writing boilerplate code.
Phantom Pool
PhantomJS resource pool based on generic-pool
React Native Context Menu View
Use native context menus in React Native
String To Color
Time invariant color from any object.
Node Sonic Channel
🦉 Sonic Channel integration for Node. Used in pair with Sonic, the fast, lightweight and schema-less search backend.
Npm Quick Run
Quickly run NPM script by prefix without typing the full name
Config Chain
Handle configuration once and for all
Install NPM dependencies programmatically 🤙
Tplink Cloud Api
A node.js npm module to remotely control TP-Link smartplugs (HS100, HS110) and smartbulbs (LB100, LB110, LB120, LB130) using their cloud web service (no need to be on the same wifi/lan)
Npm Introspect
🔎 Introspect is a tool to traverse the NPM ecosystem and identify quality modules. Use the CLI to upload and examine your project's dependencies.
Vue Csv Import
Vue.js component to select a CSV file, map the columns to fields, and post it somewhere.
Npm Pipeline Rails
Use npm as part of your Rails asset pipeline
React Anime
✨ (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧ A super easy animation library for React!
Angular File Uploader
Angular file uploader is an Angular 2/4/5/6/7/8/9/10 + file uploader module with Real-Time Progress Bar, Responsive design, Angular Universal Compatibility, localization and multiple themes which includes Drag and Drop and much more.
🛒 More efficient search for node packages.
Event Target Shim
An implementation of WHATWG EventTarget interface, plus few extensions.
ungrid - the simplest responsive css grid
Client Dependencies Gradle
Install client dependencies from NPM, Bower or Git
NPM Package Scripts -- All the benefits of npm scripts without the cost of a bloated package.json and limits of json