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Top 591 babel open source projects

Babel Plugin Runtyper
⚡️ Runtime type-checker for JavaScript
Simple Boilerplate
A simple webpack boilerplate for your comfortable work with HTML, JS and CSS.
GenVue is a hostable, web application that lets confidential users upload and share private files. Tech stack: Net Core 2.0 + Vue.js + Vuex + OpenIddict + Vuetifyjs + EF + SQLServer/Postgress
React Redux Auth0 Kit
Minimal starter boilerplate project with CRA, React, Redux, React Router and Auth0 authentication
Read file contents at build time via babel-plugin-macros. webpack-less raw-loader
Babel Plugin Prismjs
A babel plugin to use PrismJS with standard bundlers.
Webpack Seed
🚀 A Multi-Page Application base on webpack and babel. webpack搭建基于ES6,支持模板的多页面项目
Js Proposal Algebraic Effects
📐Let there be algebraic effects in JS
React Starter
A basic template that consists of the essential elements that are required to start building a React (v16.3) application using Webpack (v4)
Lecture Frontend Dev Env
"[인프런] 프론트엔드 개발환경의 이해와 실습" 강의 실습 자료입니다.
🐠 Babel is a compiler for writing next generation JavaScript.
Babel Handbook
📘 A guided handbook on how to use Babel and how to create plugins for Babel.
✭ 10,590
React Start Kit
A boilerplate of SPA, built with React.js, Webpack, ES6+, Redux, Router, Babel, Express, Ant Design...
🐛 Statically validate Postgres SQL queries in JS / TS code and derive schemas.
Angular Es6
Angular ES6 utility library. Write directives, controllers and services as ES6 classes.
React Bootstrap Webpack Starter
ReactJS 16.4 + new React Context API +react Router 4 + webpack 4 + babel 7+ hot Reload + Bootstrap 4 + styled-components
Babel Preset Github's Babel configuration
Koa Mobx React Starter
A straightforward starter for Node javascript web projects. Using Koa, MobX and ReactJS (with universal / isomorphic server rendering)
Frontie Webpack
Front-end Boilerplate | Gulp 4 + Webpack 4 + Babel + ITCSS Architecture + BEM Methodology + Twig.js
All the power of Pug, Sass, Coffeescript and WebPack in your WordPress theme. Stop writing themes like it's 1998.
Trans Loader
webpack-less frontend with service-worker
Vue3 Sfc Loader
Vue3 Single File Component loader for Vue2 and Vue3. Load .vue files directly from your html/js. No node.js environment, no (webpack) build step.
React From Scratch
Building a Modern React App from Scratch in 2021
🥞 minimal Rollup + PostCSS modern syntax starter template
Webpack Core Usage
Solve the problem. 😊 If you like ❤ give us a star⭐. HACKTOBERFEST
Babel Plugin React Persist
Automatically useCallback() & useMemo(); memoize inline functions
Gulp Babel
Gulp plugin for Babel
Jsx Control Statements
Neater If and For for React JSX
Awesome Coding Javascript
📌 持续构建个人的源码库(JavaScript 原生、常用库、数据结构、算法)
a 'babel-macros' version of 'babel-plugin-idx'
Babel Upgrade
⬆️ A tool for upgrading Babel versions (to v7): `npx babel-upgrade`
✭ 1,285
Cookiecutter Webpack
Boilerplate for webpack 2, babel, react + redux + hmr, and karma. Can be inserted into existing django projects.
React Redux Saucepan
A minimal and universal react redux starter project. With hot reloading, linting and server-side rendering
Modify Babel Preset
💫 Create a modified babel preset based on an an existing preset.
A familiar and performant compile time CSS-in-JS library for React.
Svelte Example
🚀 📚 Some examples to test the Svelte Framework
Threejs Es6 Webpack Starter
Three.js ES6 starter project with a sane webpack configuration
Esbuild Loader
⚡️ Speed up your Webpack build with esbuild
A 0 runtime CSS in JS library
react + relay + redux + saga + graphql + webpack
The solution to JavaScript Fatigue. Zero config dev
Node Developer Boilerplate
🍭 Boilerplate for ES6+ Node.js and npm Developer
Spa Starter Kit
📦 Quick starter kit for booting up a NodeJS container with React, webpack, babel/ES2015, Redux, and more.
🔥 A full-featured , A Weex and Vue.js project,which is an awesome solution for building Dingtalk microapp with extremely high performanece.
Babel Plugin Optimize Clsx
Babel plugin to optimize the use of clsx, classnames, and other libraries with a compatible API
Babel Plugin Captains Log
Babel plugin that injects helpful details into console statements
React Starter
🚀 A minimal react boilerplate featuring easy-peasy state management and styled-components
Babel Test
An opinionated library to make testing babel plugins easier.