Top 863 npm open source projects

Npm Git Install
Clones and (re)installs packages from remote git repos. See npm/npm#3055
Postcss Import
PostCSS plugin to inline @import rules content
Code Recheck
React Use Api
Async HTTP request data for axios. Designed for diverse UI states, SSR and data pre-caching.
Local Npm
Local and offline-first npm mirror
Automatic Release
Automates the release process for GitHub projects.
Nodejs Socketio Chat App
MEAN Stack & Socket.IO Real-time Chat App | A MEAN stack based Real Time chat application
React Sip
React wrapper for jssip
Nasa Cli
🚀 Download NASA Picture of the Day from your terminal!
Vscode Search Node Modules
Simple plugin for VS Code that allows you to quickly navigate the file inside your project's node_modules directory.
Be Course 17 18
🎓 Backend · 2017-2018 · Curriculum and Syllabus 💾
Missing inspector for npm packages.
Node package and CLI tool to convert code into an image with syntax highlighting
Scrape Youtube
A lightning fast package to scrape YouTube search results. This was made and optimized for Discord Bots.
a npm version manager
Zero-config CLI for TypeScript package development
How To Npm
A module to teach you how to module.
✭ 1,003
Verdaccio Ldap
LDAP auth plugin for verdaccio
⭐ Thanc: a smarty way to thank NPM packages authors by starring their repos
☎️ The leading AVM Fritz!Box API for NodeJS and JavaScript.
A basic terminal interface for git, written on Node.js [Project not maintained]
Actions Package Update
keeps npm dependencies up-to-date by making pull requests from GitHub Actions or CI.
💌 mailgo, a new concept of mailto and tel links
React Gettext Parser
Extracts translatable strings from JS(X) source code to POT files
Dependency Land
Find the npm modules that depend on a specific module and semver range.
Iteration tools.
Npm Build Boilerplate
A collection of packages that build a website using npm scripts.
CLI tool for create an npm package from any repos. 🐳
CV Maker 🚀
Sao Nm
Scaffold out a node module.
install npm packages along with corresponding typings
Docker Npmrc Security
.npmrc files are often used insecurely in Docker images. Use multi-stage builds or Docker build secrets to protect your .nrpmc files.
Lifecycle manager for node projects
Overwatch Js
Overwatch NodeJS API : Retrieve informations about heroes/players from Overwatch Official Website
Movie Finder
오픈소스 검색엔진인 Elasticsearch 를 활용하여 '영화'를 검색을 하는 Vue.js 프로젝트
Awesome Mad Science
Delightful npm packages that make you say "wow, didn't know that was possible!"
Npm Safe Install
A node cli that performs npm install in a safe manner such the locally linked modules are not removed during install
Openssl Self Signed Certificate
Self-signed certificate for development use, generated using openssl.
Release Man
听说你发新版总忘记打 Tag 和改 package.json?
CSS3 Animations with special effects
Conventional Changelog Angular Emoji
👍 Emoijis for the Angular Commit Guidelines with Emojis
CLI tool to run npm scripts with either npm or yarn, depending on how it was started
Npm Consult
NPM Project Consultant CLI
Npm Script Naming Ideas
Ideas for naming npm scripts
Painless file-based changelog management via CLI.
Typescript Type Generator
Generate interfaces on the go! Network request? Then generate interfaces for response!
The most easy to use responsive image viewer especially for mobile devices
Yarn Package Boilerplate
An Yarn package with babel, jest, flow, prettier and more
Library autoupdate tool 🎰
This bot will post a predefined comment as fast as possible to a new post on the target profile. I used this to successfully win tickets for a big music festival.
Ax5ui Uploader
jQuery file uploader, HTML5(IE9+, FF, Chrome, Safari) -
Unreset CSS restores browsers' default element styles which are reset by Eric Meyer's Reset CSS, YUI 3 Reset CSS, HTML5 Reset Stylesheet of HTML5 Doctor, or Tim Murtaugh's HTML5 Reset.
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Sass A11ycolor
🌈 Generate the nearest accessible color with Sass.