Top 507 admin open source projects

Admin On Rest
A frontend framework for building admin SPAs on top of REST services, using React and Material Design.
🏁🛠️ SaaS backend & API framework based on @nestjs
一个go、echo、vue 开发的快速、简洁、美观、前后端分离的个人博客系统(blog)、也可方便二次开发为CMS(内容管理系统)和各种企业门户网站
Go Admin Ui
基于Gin + Vue + Element UI的前后端分离权限管理系统的前端模块
Leaa is a monorepo restful CMS / Admin built with Nest.js (@nestjsx/crud, node.js) and Ant Design.
Django Cruds Adminlte
django-cruds is simple drop-in django app that creates CRUD for faster prototyping
Html Templates
一些 html、bootstrap框架的后台模板集合
Shards Dashboard Vue
A free Vue admin dashboard template pack featuring a modern design system and lots of custom templates and components.
Lamp Cloud
lamp-cloud 基于Jdk11 + SpringCloud + SpringBoot的微服务快速开发平台,其中的可配置的SaaS功能尤其闪耀, 具备RBAC功能、网关统一鉴权、Xss防跨站攻击、自动代码生成、多种存储系统、分布式事务、分布式定时任务等多个模块,支持多业务系统并行开发, 支持多服务并行开发,可以作为后端服务的开发脚手架。代码简洁,注释齐全,架构清晰,非常适合学习和企业作为基础框架使用。
Use quick4j build simple,fast,ahead and flexible JVM-based systems and applications.
Open source bms
Open Source BMS 后台管理系统
Django Smuggler
Django Smuggler is a pluggable application for Django Web Framework that helps you to import/export fixtures via the automatically-generated administration interface.
Airframe React
Free Open Source High Quality Dashboard based on Bootstrap 4 & React 16:
Vue Typescript Admin Template
🖖 A vue-cli 3.0 + typescript minimal admin template
Go Fastdfs Web
Go-Fastdfs web管理平台
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Admin Bro
AdminJS is an admin panel for apps written in node.js
A beautiful and fully-featured administration interface builder for hypermedia APIs
Admin On Rest Demo
Source of the admin-on-rest react.js demo, using a dummy REST service powered by FakeRest
React Antd
基于react + redux + immutable + less + ES6/7 + webpack2.0 + fetch + react-router + antd实现的SPA后台管理系统模板
laravel + ant design vue 权限后台
Kafka Webview
Full-featured web-based Apache Kafka consumer UI
框架主要使用ThinkPHP6.0 + layui,拥有完善的权限的管理模块以及敏捷的开发方式,让你开发起来更加的舒服。
Build entirety admin system ui blazing fast with json. (Looking for a front-end partner~ Please Contact me : )
基于Spring Boot 2.x的一站式前后端分离快速开发平台XBoot 微信小程序+Uniapp 前端:Vue+iView Admin 后端:Spring Boot 2.x/Spring Security/JWT/JPA+Mybatis-Plus/Redis/Elasticsearch/Activiti 分布式限流/同步锁/验证码/SnowFlake雪花算法ID 动态权限 数据权限 工作流 代码生成 定时任务 社交账号 短信登录 单点登录 OAuth2开放平台 客服机器人 数据大屏 暗黑模式
EasyAdmin is a fast, beautiful and modern admin generator for Symfony applications.
Nuxt Material Admin
Vue-CLI Boilerplate based on Nuxt and vue-material-admin template.
nepadmin 单页面后台模版,基于 layui 2.4.0
Umi Admin
基于蚂蚁金服 umi 可插拔的企业级 react 应用框架开发的 Admin。最核心特点:对后端开发人员友好
Ng Admin Demo
Source of the ng-admin angular.js demo, using a dummy REST service powered by FakeRest
Go Admin
go web api,包含gin+gorm+jwt+rbac等。
Django Jet
Modern responsive template for the Django admin interface with improved functionality. We are proud to announce completely new Jet. Please check out Live Demo
Quartzmin is powerful, easy to use web management tool for Quartz.NET
Laravel Vue Admin
开箱即用的Laravel后台扩展,前后端分离,后端控制前端组件,无需编写vue即可创建一个vue+vuex+vue-route+elment-ui+laravel的项目 ,丰富的表单 表格组件,强大的自定义组件功能。
React Admin
A frontend Framework for building B2B applications running in the browser on top of REST/GraphQL APIs, using ES6, React and Material Design
Iview Admin
Vue 2.0 admin management system template based on iView
Ng Notadd
In-middle background front-end solution based on angular material 基于Angular Material的中后台前端解决方案
Eladmin Web
eladmin前端源码,项目基于 Spring Boot 2.1.0 、 Spring Boot Jpa、 Spring Security、Redis、Vue的前后端分离后台管理系统, 权限控制采用 RBAC,菜单动态路由
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Ant Design Pro Blazor
👨🏻‍💻👩🏻‍💻 An out-of-box UI solution for enterprise applications as a Blazor boilerplate.
Laravel Nova Lang
🌌 Language files for Laravel Nova translated into 40+ languages. Feel free to submit your language or update an existing one!
Material Kit React
React Dashboard made with Material UI’s components. Our pro template contains features like TypeScript version, authentication system with Firebase and Auth0 plus many other
A robust Admin Interface for Ruby on Rails apps
Hyperf Admin
Hyperf-admin 基于Hyperf、Element-UI 通用管理后台
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Ok Admin
一个很赞的,扁平化风格的,响应式布局的通用后台模版解决方案,旨为后端程序员减压!目前ok-admin v2.0代码托管在Gitee,如果您觉得好用,star支持一下,么么哒!Gitee传送门:
241-300 of 507 admin projects