Top 728 jwt open source projects

ASP.NET Core MVC application using API, OpenID Connect Hybrid flow , second API, Code Flow with PKCE
Repositório principal contendo o Core e Extensions: JPA, Security, WS
[], golang项目开发脚手架,集成最佳实践(gin+gorm+go-redis+mongo+cors+jwt+json日志库zap(支持日志收集到kafka或mongo)+消息队列kafka+微信支付宝支付gopay+api加密+api反向代理+go modules依赖管理+headless爬虫chromedp+makefile+二进制压缩+livereload热加载)
X Admin
Jwt.Net, a JWT (JSON Web Token) implementation for .NET
Springboot Restful Angular
springBoot,restful,jwt,angular4 搭建的前后端分离后台管理系统
Nest Permissions Seed
A simple application demonstrating the basic usage of permissions with NestJS.
Securing Rest Api Spring Security
Spring Boot 2.2.x + Spring 5.2.x Rest Api Security Example
Demo application built with the Blazor client-side hosting model (WebAssembly) and .NET Core REST APIs secured by a JWT service.
.NET Core API to Blockly - generate from WebAPI, Swagger, OData, GraphQL =>
Vapor Auth Template
A Vapor 4 template with authentication, Fluent, JWT, Queues, repository pattern, testing and more.
Vue Expenses
A simple expense tracking application
Online Learning Cloud Platform
👀在线学习平台,前端主要技术:Angular,后端主要技术:springboot (项目包含前台,后台上传失误,可能丢失代码......分为前台展示系统及后台管理系统。前台系统包含首页门户、多级菜单、问题页面、免费课程、练习页面等模块。 后台管理系统包含课程管理、用户管理、管理员管理、评论管理等模块。系统介绍及详细功能点、技术点见项目内文档描述)
Spring extend componets which build from experience of bussiness, let developers to develop with Spring Boot as fast as possible.(基于Spring生态打造的一系列来自业务上的快速开发模块集合。)
Jwt Auth
🔐 JSON Web Token Authentication for Laravel & Lumen
Mern Skeleton
A MERN stack skeleton web application [Full-Stack React Projects]
A free, open-source, self-hosted forum software written in Go 官方QQ群:656868
Go Postgres Jwt React Starter
A go, gin, and postgres API with jwt auth, complete with a react frontend
Spring Boot 2 Oauth2 Authorization Jwt
Spring Boot 2 OAuth2 JWT Authorization server implementation with Database for Users and Clients (JPA, Hibernate, MySQL)
Spring Boot Shiro
Shiro基于SpringBoot +JWT搭建简单的restful服务
Boot App
This repository is an example application for Spring Boot and Angular2 tutorial.
Iot Technical Guide
🐝 IoT Technical Guide --- 从零搭建高性能物联网平台及物联网解决方案和Thingsboard源码分析 ✨ ✨ ✨ (IoT Platform, SaaS, MQTT, CoAP, HTTP, Modbus, OPC, WebSocket, 物模型,Protobuf, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Spring Security, OAuth2, RuleEngine, Kafka, Docker)
Mern Boilerplate
Fullstack boilerplate with React, Redux, Express, Mongoose, Passport Local, JWT, Facebook and Google OAuth out of the box.
Nestjs Graphql
nest-js starter which implement graphql module
Vuejs Admin Server
Sample Spring Oauth2 Microservices
some examples that show basic and more advanced implementations of oauth2 authorization mechanism in spring-cloud microservices environment
Ruoyi Vue Fast
(RuoYi)官方仓库 基于SpringBoot,Spring Security,JWT,Vue & Element 的前后端分离权限管理系统
Rufus - fetches the paper for you!
Gin Web
由gin + gorm + jwt + casbin组合实现的RBAC权限管理脚手架Golang版, 搭建完成即可快速、高效投入业务开发
A JWT (JSON Web Token) Encoder & Decoder
Caddy Jwt
JWT middleware for the Caddy server
Parse Apple's .p8 private key file and sign JWT with ES256, without third-party dependencies.
React Login
A client side implementation of authentication using react.js for my blog on medium. This is the second part of my previous blog on how to implement scalable node.js server.
Express Jwt
An example API for creating/verifying json web tokens
🌟 FastSitePHP 🌟 A Modern Open Source Framework for building High Performance Websites and API’s with PHP
⚙ 一個基於 Golang、Consul、Prometheus、EventStore、Gin、Gorm、NSQ 的微服務起始結構。
Hs Jose
Haskell JOSE and JWT library
Django Auth0 Vue
A Django REST Framework + Vue.js CRUD Demo Secured Using Auth0
Converting a MySQL database'schema to a RESTful golang APIs app in the fastest way
Micro Jwt Auth
jwt authorization wrapper for
Typescript Restful Starter
Node.js + ExpressJS + Joi + Typeorm + Typescript + JWT + ES2015 + Clustering + Tslint + Mocha + Chai
Nginx Openid Connect
Reference implementation of OpenID Connect integration for NGINX Plus
Create and verify JSON Web Tokens (JWT) with deno.
Ngx Api Utils
ngx-api-utils is a lean library of utilities and helpers to quickly integrate any HTTP API (REST, Ajax, and any other) with Angular.
Spala (SPA LARAVEL): a modern lightweight CMS for Laravel and Vue developers (open source project).
Django Graphql Social Auth
Python Social Auth support for Graphene Django
Ethr Did
Create ethr DIDs
Jwt To Rbac
JWT-to-RBAC lets you automatically generate RBAC resources based on JWT tokens
Easy Notes
🍋 简笔记(easy notes)打造你的轻便私人笔记。接口涉及Spring Security、OAuth2、Jwt、MongoDB,客户端采用 Vue.js 、Ant Design