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Top 1628 mongodb open source projects

Webhubbot Downloader
Download videos from xiyouMc's WebHubBot.
Golang Sse Todo
golang server sent events (sse) example
Thriftstore review site using Node, Mongo and the Google places API
An alternative way to interact with MongoDB databases from F# that allows you to use mongo-idiomatic constructs
A Pokedex that will contain all 807 pokemon from the Pokemon series. Created in Vue.js
Node Express Boilerplate
A boilerplate for building production-ready RESTful APIs using Node.js, Express, and Mongoose
Mongodb Backup Cli
mongodb-backup cli for Nodejs
M Mall Admin
🐶 微信小程序-小商城后台(基于 Node.js、MongoDB、Redis 开发的系统...)
Devnot Workshop
[email protected] Summit 2020
Geek Navigation
❤️ 极客猿梦导航-独立开发者的导航站!
🤣本项目有不同开发版本,最新版底层基于 abp vNext 搭建和免费开源跨平台框架 .NET5 进行开发,使用 MongoDB 存储数据,Redis 缓存数据。项目采用前后端分离的模式进行开发,API 遵循 RESTful 接口规范,页面使用 Blazor 进行开发,可作为 .NET Core 入门项目进行学习。If you liked `Blog` project or if it helped you, please give a star ⭐️ for this repository. 👍👍👍
🍃 Non-blocking, Reactive MongoDB Driver for Scala
Player tracking for Asheron's Call
实时风控引擎(Risk Engine),自定义规则引擎(Rule Script),完美支持中文,适用于反欺诈(Anti-fraud)应用场景,开箱即用!!!移动互联网时代的风险管理利器,你 Get 到了吗?
State of the art MongoDB IDE
🐂基于springcloud +dubbo构建的模拟秒杀项目,模块化设计,集成了分库分表、elasticsearch🔍、gateway、mybatis-plus、spring-session等常用开源组件
REST API framework designed for human beings
👐 Cocorico is an open source marketplace solution for services and rentals. More information right here: 🚀 Cocorico is also available in an off-the-shelf SaaS package, check out to launch your platform today. 😍 We are hiring (telecommute welcome 🏡):
A full-featured forum software built on Tornado and MongoDB.
Project mern memories
This is a code repository for the corresponding video tutorial. Using React, Node.js, Express & MongoDB you'll learn how to build a Full Stack MERN Application - from start to finish. The App is called "Memories" and it is a simple social media app that allows users to post interesting events that happened in their lives.
Nice Front End Tutorial
🌍 Constantly updated front-end resources, tutorials, opinions(与时俱进版前端资源,教程和意见。)
Mall Swarm
mall-swarm是一套微服务商城系统,采用了 Spring Cloud Hoxton & Alibaba、Spring Boot 2.3、Oauth2、MyBatis、Docker、Elasticsearch、Kubernetes等核心技术,同时提供了基于Vue的管理后台方便快速搭建系统。mall-swarm在电商业务的基础集成了注册中心、配置中心、监控中心、网关等系统功能。文档齐全,附带全套Spring Cloud教程。
Stream Reactor
Streaming reference architecture for ETL with Kafka and Kafka-Connect. You can find more on on how we provide a unified solution to manage your connectors, most advanced SQL engine for Kafka and Kafka Streams, cluster monitoring and alerting, and more.
Mongo Php Driver
MongoDB PHP driver
a go daemon that syncs MongoDB to Elasticsearch in realtime
Jd spider
Mern Course Bootcamp
Complete Free Coding Bootcamp with the MERN Stack
💘🍦🙈Vchat — 从头到脚,撸一个社交聊天系统(vue + node + mongodb)
Simple RESTful API implementation on Node.js + MongoDB.
React Vue Koa
Vue,React,微信小程序,快应用,TS , Koa, JS一把梭
Bifrost ---- 面向生产环境的 MySQL 同步到Redis,MongoDB,ClickHouse,MySQL等服务的异构中间件
Generator Ng Fullstack
Client, server or fullstack - it's up to you. ng-fullstack gives you the best of the latest.
Nextjs Mongodb App
A Next.js and MongoDB web application, designed with simplicity for learning and real-world applicability in mind.
基于EF Core的Code First模式的DotNetCore快速开发框架,其中包括DBContext、IOC组件autofac和AspectCore.Injector、代码生成器(也支持DB First)、基于AspectCore的memcache和Redis缓存组件,以及基于ICanPay的支付库和一些日常用的方法和扩展,比如批量插入、更新、删除以及触发器支持,当然还有demo。欢迎提交各种建议、意见和pr~
NewsBlur is a personal news reader that brings people together to talk about the world. A new sound of an old instrument.
Everything about database,business.(Most for PostgreSQL).
Rest Api Nodejs Mongodb
A boilerplate for REST API Development with Node.js, Express, and MongoDB
Microservices Event Sourcing
Microservices Event Sourcing 是一个微服务架构的在线购物网站,使用Spring Boot、Spring Cloud、Spring Reactor、OAuth2、CQRS 构建,实现了基于Event Sourcing的最终一致性,提供了构建端到端微服务的最佳实践
Laravel Mongodb
A MongoDB based Eloquent model and Query builder for Laravel (Moloquent)
Python + Scrapy + MongoDB . 5 million data per day !!!💥 The world's largest website.
Node Blog
🚀《Node.js从入门到上线》A blog build with Koa2.
Mongo Rust Driver
The official MongoDB Rust Driver
👉一个基于spring boot 实现的java股票爬虫(仅支持A股),如果你❤️请⭐️ . V2升级版正在开发中!
Clean Ts Api
API em NodeJs usando Typescript, TDD, Clean Architecture, Design Patterns e SOLID principles
Python Spider
Small library for mocking pymongo collection objects for testing purposes
541-600 of 1628 mongodb projects