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Top 437 navigation open source projects

A light-weight, responsive, mobile-like navigation menu plugin
A navigation aid (aka, router) for the browser in 850 bytes~!
A simple vanilla JS scrollspy script.
A library managing navigation, nested Fragment, StatusBar, Toolbar for Android
Animated anchor navigation made easy with jQuery
Navigation Toolbar
Navigation toolbar is a slide-modeled UI navigation controller made by @Ramotion
Wrnavigationbar swift
WRNavigationBar which allows you to change NavigationBar's appearance dynamically
Little Navmap is a free flight planner, navigation tool, moving map, airport search and airport information system for Flight Simulator X, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, Prepar3D and X-Plane.
Navigation tab bar with colorful interactions.
🔍 发现导航 , 一个非常强大的静态导航网站(支持SEO)
ROS2 Navigation Framework and System
React Router Navigation
⛵️ A complete navigation library for React Native, React DOM and React Router
Teb local planner
An optimal trajectory planner considering distinctive topologies for mobile robots based on Timed-Elastic-Bands (ROS Package)
Chip Navigation Bar
An android navigation bar widget
An ARKit App that can help your friends to find you
Ignite Andross
The original React Native boilerplate from Infinite Red - Redux, React Navigation, & more
A new way to implement navigation in your app 🏎
Auto route library
Flutter route generator
Mapbox Navigation Android
Mapbox Navigation SDK for Android
Neural Slam
Pytorch code for ICLR-20 Paper "Learning to Explore using Active Neural SLAM"
🚤 Floating navigation view for displaying a list of items dynamically on Android.
Android fragment stack controller
一款超级简单的导航条管理工具。完全自定义导航条。没有UINavigationBar 和 UINavigationItem 这两个类。完全是对UIView的操作。
Unlike all those arrogant UINavigationBar, this one is shy and humble! Easily create auto-scrolling navigation bars!
基于谷歌最新AAC架构,MVVM设计模式的一套快速开发库,整合ViewModel+Lifecycles+Navigation+DataBinding+LiveData+Okhttp+Retrofit+RxJava+Glide等主流模块,满足日常开发需求。使用该框架可以快速开发高质量、易维护的Android应用。 项目组会持续维护,请放心使用.欢迎Start并Fork交流.
The open source (GPL v2) turn-by-turn navigation software for many OS
Nested Navigation Demo Flutter
Nested navigation with BottomNavigationBar
Route Composer
Protocol oriented, Cocoa UI abstractions based library that helps to handle view controllers composition, navigation and deep linking tasks in the iOS application. Can be used as the universal replacement for the Coordinator pattern.
Multi sensor fusion
Multi-Sensor Fusion (GNSS, IMU, Camera) 多源多传感器融合定位 GPS/INS组合导航 PPP/INS紧组合
Byr Navi
A Light-Weight and Configurable Navigation Website Framework (for BYR)
Code Nav
最专业的编程导航,发现优质编程学习资源!公众号『 编程导航 』
Android Jetpack Demo
🔥 快速入门Android Jetpack以及相关Kotlin、RxJava、MVVM等主流技术,独立构架App的基础技能
Portal Lite
Multi-platform Personalized Portal: Web, Browser Extension. All components are web apps--users can compose their own Portal freely, and developers can contribute to the Privoce Web App library to easily incorporate their web app to our Portal.
Django Sitetree
Reusable application for Django introducing site tree, menu and breadcrumbs navigation elements.
Jetpack From Java To Kotlin
本项目专注于提供 Jetpack 核心组件 Java vs Kotlin 1:1 对照示例 —— This project focuses on providing comparative examples of the core components of Jetpack from Java to Kotlin.
Navigasmic: Semantic navigation for Rails using simple view level or configuration definitions.
Wp Bootstrap Navwalker
A custom WordPress nav walker class to fully implement the Twitter Bootstrap 4.0+ navigation style (v3-branch available for Bootstrap 3) in a custom theme using the WordPress built in menu manager.
Mapbox Java
The Mapbox Java SDK – Java wrappers around Mapbox APIs and other location data
Fancy on boarding
Fancy OnBoarding Screen Library
Flexible way to manage screens with transitions for Unity
NaveGo: an open-source MATLAB/GNU Octave toolbox for processing integrated navigation systems and performing inertial sensors analysis.
🌍 the simple utility for google maps in android
Air Light
WordPress starter theme - designed to be minimal, lightweight and easy for all kinds of WordPress projects. Public Roadmap:
Alligator is a modern Android navigation library that will help to organize your navigation code in clean and testable way.
React Sidenav
React SideNav component
A JavaScript library to make navigation menus highlight the item based on currently in view section.
181-240 of 437 navigation projects