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Top 174 webpack4 open source projects

Multi Page App With React
🔧 A lightweight, flexible webpack setup with React for multi page application development
Webpack4 Es6 React
A front-end project based on webpack4, react16, es6, antd and other technologies
master分支:webpack4实现一个vue的打包的项目,incremental: 实现增量模块打包
Vue Multiple Pages
A multiple Pages Starter use Vue-cli3
Universal React Demo
ES6 demo of a simple but scalable React app with react-router, code splitting, server side rendering, and tree shaking.
React Flow Chart
A flexible, stateless, declarative flow chart library for react.
Babylonjs Webpack Es6
Babylon.js basic scene with typescript, webpack, es6 modules, editorconfig, eslint, hot loading and more. Will even make coffee if you ask nicely.
Html Inline Css Webpack Plugin
☄️ A webpack plugin for convert external stylesheet to the embedded stylesheet
Tris Webpack Boilerplate
A Webpack boilerplate for static websites that has all the necessary modern tools and optimizations built-in. Score a perfect 10/10 on performance.
Figmagic Example
Using Figmagic (simplifying design token generation and asset extraction) with Webpack 5, React 16, Styled Components.
Webpack4 + Typescript + React 踩坑配置之旅
Kanban React
The Kanban Application with multiple backend languages.
Webpack 4 Orchestration Layer allows for automated async code splitting of anything
Minimal React Webpack Babel Setup
The minimal React, Webpack, Babel Setup. You want to get beyond create-react-app?
React Boilerplate
🔥 A highly scalable, offline-first foundation with the best developer experience and a focus on performance and best practices.
React Design Editor
React Design Editor has started to developed direct manipulation of editable design tools like Powerpoint, We've developed it with reactjs,, fabricjs
Leo Javascript
欢迎关注公众号“前端自习课”,本仓库包含丰富的 JavaScript 学习资料,包括 JavaScript、前端框架、HTTP、GraphQL、TS、Webpack等,还有很多我的原创文章,喜欢的朋友欢迎stat。🚀持续更新中...
Webpack Demos
📦 Demos && Courses for Webpack 4
Cordova Template Framework7 Vue Webpack
Framework7 - Vue - Webpack Cordova Template with Webpack Dev Server and Hot Module Replacement
Webpack Starter Basic
A simple webpack starter project for your basic modern web development needs.
更轻、更强、开箱即用的 前端工作流客户端
Letterpad is an open-source and a high performant publishing engine for blogs built with react & graphql and runs ridiculously fast 🚀
Annotated Webpack Config
This is the companion github repo for the "An Annotated webpack 4 Config for Frontend Web Development" article.
Vue Cms
基于 Vue 和 ElementUI 构建的一个企业级后台管理系统
Webpack Boilerplate
A minimal webpack 5 boilerplate with only Babel, SASS and lodash (optional) on board
Mocker Api
mocker-api that creates mocks for REST APIs. It will be helpful when you try to test your application without the actual REST API server.
Webpack React Boilerplate
Minimal React 16 and Webpack 4 boilerplate with babel 7, using the new webpack-dev-server, react-hot-loader, CSS-Modules
React home
Js Library Boilerplate Basic
Javascript Minimal Starter Boilerplate - Webpack 5 🚀, Babel 7, UMD, Unit Testing
Awesome Cms Core
Awesome CMS Core is an open source CMS built using ASP.Net Core & ReactJS with module seperation concern in mind and provide lastest trend of technology like .Net Core, React, Webpack, SASS, Background Job, Message Queue.
Elm Webpack Starter
Elm 0.19.1 + Webpack 4 with hot-reloading! (Includes Babel for port code; CI script)
A starter kit for using the prototyping tool, Pattern Lab, in tandem with a Drupal theme. Utilizes Webpack for all asset management.
Webpack Cdn Plugin
A webpack plugin that use externals of CDN urls for production and local node_modules for development
Tonzhon Music
Webpack Template
Webpack 4 template. Vue, Babel 7v, Sass / css / postcss (autoprefixer & css-nano & css-mqpacker)
Vue2 Spa Tutorial
Vue2.x(即将升Vue 3)、 Webpack 4.x、Babel 7.x
Vue Electron Template
An Electron & Vue.js template with Hot-reloading enabled and common Vue plugins, dev, debug and build scripts configured.
No description or website provided.
🚀 Webpack 4 with ES6+ and SASS,LESS/STYLUS support + dev-server and livereload
a multi page scaffolding, base on typescript. it is pure, no use even jquery
适用于 webpack 环境下 的 主题切换插件
A template with webpack 4 + vuejs 2 + + babel 7 setup for projects startup
61-120 of 174 webpack4 projects