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Top 591 babel open source projects

Babel Standalone
🎮 Now located in the Babel repo! Standalone build of Babel for use in non-Node.js environments, including browsers.
React Things
Коллекция материалов для изучения React
Minimal React Webpack Babel Setup
The minimal React, Webpack, Babel Setup. You want to get beyond create-react-app?
Awesome Babel
😎A list of awesome Babel plugins, presets, etc.
React Article Bucket
Preset Modules
A Babel preset that targets modern browsers by fixing engine bugs (will be merged into preset-env eventually)
Here is my blog
Nylas Mail
💌 An extensible desktop mail app built on the modern web. Forks welcome!
React Ssr Setup
React Starter Project with Webpack 4, Babel 7, TypeScript, CSS Modules, Server Side Rendering, i18n and some more niceties
🐒 Front-end tooling in a single dependency
💻 Wordpress like it's 2020 with Webpack and Docker
React Isomorphic Boilerplate
🌟 An universal React isomorphic boilerplate for building server-side render web app.
Serverless Typescript Starter
🗄🙅‍♀️ Deploy your next serverless JavaScript function in seconds
A light-weight, responsive, mobile-like navigation menu plugin
React Webpack Typescript Starter
Minimal starter with hot module replacement (HMR) for rapid development.
🌐 The Babel documentation website
Cordova Template Framework7 Vue Webpack
Framework7 - Vue - Webpack Cordova Template with Webpack Dev Server and Hot Module Replacement
📦 Node.js to browser - The easy way
Express Babel
Express starter kit with ES2017+ support, testing, linting, and code coverage
📖 documentation for modern JavaScript
A toolkit for React, Preact, Inferno & vanilla JS apps, React libraries and other npm modules for the web, with no configuration (until you need it)
Use full ES2015+ features to develop Node.js applications, Support TypeScript.
🐟小度鱼 - 年轻人的交流社区
追书神器 接口分析包装
Sublime Text enhanced syntax highlighting for JavaScript ES6/ES7/ES2015/ES2016/ES2017+, Babel, FlowType, React JSX, Styled Components, HTML5, SCSS3, PHP 7, phpDoc, PHPUnit, MQL4. Basic: Git config files.
Babel Minify Webpack Plugin
[DEPRECATED] Babel Minify Webpack Plugin
Angular2 Babel Esnext Starter
Angular development and testing examples with Babel in Javascript (ES6/ES7).
Babel Loader
📦 Babel loader for webpack
🎒 Backpack is a minimalistic build system for Node.js projects.
Language Babel
ES2017, flow, React JSX and GraphQL grammar and transpilation for ATOM
Delivering delightful digital solutions. Open Source packages with combined ~85M/month downloads, semantically versioned following @conventional-commits. Fully powered by Jest, @Babel TypeScript, @Airbnb @ESLint + @Prettier, @YarnPKG + @Lerna independent versioning, GH @Actions & automated dep updates with @RenovateBot.
✂️ An ES6+ aware minifier based on the Babel toolchain (beta)
Babel Plugin Sitrep
Log all assignments and the return value of a function with a simple comment
React+webpack+redux+ant design+axios+less全家桶后台管理框架
Entria Fullstack
Monorepo Playground with GraphQL, React, React Native, Relay Modern, TypeScript and Jest
Grunt Babel
Grunt plugin for Babel
faster.js is a Babel plugin that compiles idiomatic Javascript to faster, micro-optimized Javascript.
Awesome Babel Macros
A collection of awesome babel macros and related resources
Webpack Boilerplate
A minimal webpack 5 boilerplate with only Babel, SASS and lodash (optional) on board
✍️ Tracking the status of Babel's implementation of TC39 proposals (may be out of date)
✭ 401
A web tool to explore the ASTs generated by various parsers.
Eslint Plugin Babel
An ESlint rule plugin companion to babel-eslint
Pingy Cli
The Simple Frontend Build Tool. No Configuration, No Plugins.
I18nize React
Internationalize react apps within a lunch break
🦹‍♂️ Twin blends the magic of Tailwind with the flexibility of css-in-js (emotion, styled-components, stitches and goober) at build time.
Generator Babel Boilerplate
A Yeoman generator to author libraries in ES2015 (and beyond!) for Node and the browser.
Java Web工程demo 后端:spring + spring mvc + mybatis + maven,涉及定时任务quartz、ehcache缓存、RESTful API、邮件发送... 前端:react + reflux + webpack,涉及ES6、jquery、react-router、ant design等内容, 提供下思路,仅供参考。
Wxapp Boilerplate
使用 webpack, babel, scss 开发的微信/支付宝小程序项目脚手架
Apollo Upload Examples
A full stack demo of file uploads via GraphQL mutations using Apollo Server and apollo-upload-client.